Jacob Churchill earned $74,000 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional officer, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Fabian Churchill earned $64,800 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional officer, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Cary Morin was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Iva Churilla earned $48,300 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a support service worker, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Ryan Chrum earned $49,400 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional officer, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
William Christopher earned $108,400 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional lieutenant, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
As of June 27 there were nine Monroe County residents in their forties who were tested for the Coronavirus, none of those tests have come back positive for the virus.
Kimberly Kavanagh was ranked in the 86th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
As of June 27 there were 17 Randolph County residents under 20 years of age who were tested for the Coronavirus, none of those tests have come back positive for the virus.
Laura Casper was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Crystal Rice was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Joshua Christine earned $125,700 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a public service administrator, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Lori Churchill earned $86,300 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Agriculture as an administrative assistant, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Brian Wilson was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Tracy Chrans earned $110,700 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Public Health as a human resources specialist, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Brett Leininger was ranked in the 96th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Vinodchandra Patel was ranked in the 86th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Joseph Jones was ranked in the 86th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Elizabeth Chukwudebe earned $91,000 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Human Services as a registered nurse, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.