Ordinance 2016-1 authorizing the annexation of real estate located near the new industrial park was approved by the Mt. Vernon, Illinois City Council at a recent meeting.
The council also approved a resolution to execute documents related to the Illinois Fund Program and the Illinois Funds E-Pay Program. According to Finance Director Merle Hollmann, water customers can use the E-Pay link to pay water bills.
A motion was moved to approve consolidated vouchers worth $1,138,301.68.
Mayor Mary Jane Chesley announced that Panera Bread Restaurant would open a branch beside the Drury Inn.
During the public comment portion of the meeting, a member of the public told the board why he was not supporting the one percent School Facility Occupation Tax referendum. Another resident requested the council encourage Mt. Vernon citizens to vote.
Another resident said that the Rend Lake Conservancy District should give incentives to the city to construct a water line for the people of Jefferson County residing outside corporate limits and on Sparrow Lane.
At the final stage of the meeting, there was an executive session for the discussion of personnel.