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Red Bud City Council discusses the approval of appointments and reappointments


The City of Red Bud City Council met Monday, May 2.

The City of Red Bud is governed by an aldermanic form of government. Along with the mayor, city clerk and treasurer, there are eight council members elected to four-year terms.

Here are the minutes as provided by Red Bud:




Monday, May 2, 2016

Red Bud City Hall

City Council Chambers

The City Council of Red Bud, Randolph County, Illinois met on Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. at Red Bud City Hall, City Council Chambers.

Members Present: Mayor Tim Lowry, Clem Esker, Don Thompson, Mike Reed, Bill Hanebutt, Glenn Linnertz, David Friess, Kyle Donjon, Clarence Nail

Members Absent:

Others Present: City Attorney Paul Ray, City Superintendent Josh Eckart, City Code Administrator Jeff Mueller, Police Chief John Brittingham, Administrative Assistant Pam Poetker, City Clerk Joanne Cowell

I. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Lowry

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call by City Clerk Joanne Cowell

IV. Approval of Financial Statements

Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Reed to approve the Financial Statements as presented and file for audit. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye. Motion carried.

V. Line Item Transfers

There were none.

VI. Approval of Estimated and Listed Bills

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Donjon, to approve the estimated and listed bills. The vote was as follows: Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried.

VII. Consideration of any Additional Bills

There were none.

VIII. Correspondence and Public Guest Comments

There were none.

IX. Consent Agenda—Items Originated at Committee Level

Please note: Items with ** were removed from the consent agenda.

Consent Agenda – Items Originated At Committee Level as Indicated in ( )

A. City Council Meeting Minutes from April 4, 2016 and April 20. 2016

Approval of minutes

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

B. FY’17 Budget (Finance)

Approval of FY’17 Budget and Capital Plan

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

C. ILLINOISouth Tourism Opportunity (Finance)

Approval of Silver Membership and ¼ page vertical advertisement for RB150 in the Illinois 2016 Visitors’ Guide.

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

D. Red Bud Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament (Finance)

Approval to authorize payment for one team and for a hole sponsorship

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

E. Appropriation Ordinance No. 1356 (Finance)

Approval of Annual Appropriation Ordinance No. 1356

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

F. Utility Customer Accounts – Cap on Unpaid Penalties (Finance)

Approval of Ordinance No. 1357, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 38 of the Revised Code of Ordinances Pertaining to Utility Penalties

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

G. Unpaid Utility Customer Accounts – Write Offs (Finance)

Authorization to write off undeliverable accounts and accounts over seven years old

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

H. Letter of Resignation – Todd Ehlers (Public Health and Safety)

Approval of acceptance of resignation from Todd Ehlers

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

I. River Road Cruisers Car Show (Cultural)

Approval of the request of River Road Cruisers Car Show to have a helicopter at the Sports Complex/Lion’s Park on July 4, 2016

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

J. Request from the YMCA to Reserve Lincoln Park (Cultural)

Approval of the request from the YMCA to reserve Lincoln Park on Saturday, July 30, 2016, with no fee, for the Abby Liefer/Hannah Porter 5K run.

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

K. Request from Girl Scout Troop 8935 to Reserve Lincoln Park Pavilion #1 (Cultural)

Approval of the request of Girl Scout Troop 8935to reserve Lincoln Park Pavilion #1 on April 30, 2016, for the “Paws for a Cause” event

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

L. Muskets Athletic Club Annual Golf Tournament (Cultural)

Authorization for payment of $75 for a hole sponsorship at the May 14, 2016, Muskets Athletic Club Annual Golf Tournament

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

M. Request from RBI – Park Reservation (Cultural)

Approval of the request from RBI for special features at their company picnic at Ratz Park on August 20, 2016

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

N. Safe Routes to School (Public Works)

Approval of authorization of the proper signatures on the IDOT Construction Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Participation with Rhutasel & Associates Inc. for the Safe Route to School grant

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

O. Retention Tank Project (Public Works)

Approval of authorization to discontinue any further subrogation efforts

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

P. Mediacom Pole Agreement (Public Works)

Approval of Agreement for Joint Use of Poles with Mediacom and authorization for proper signatures

Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through P. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.

Q.** ITEP Project (Code Enforcement)

Removed from the consent agenda by Mayor Lowry and placed on the code enforcement portion of the meeting

X. Reports of Standing Committee, Departments and Other Committees, Boards & Commissions

A. Finance Committee—Meeting April 20, 2016

1. Maturing CDs

No action.

B. Personnel Committee— Meeting April 20, 2016

No action.

C. Public Health & Safety Committee— Meeting April 20, 2016

1. Resignation Letter – Travis Aaron

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to accept the resignation letter from Travis Aaron, as police officer, effective May 17, 2016. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

2 Authorization to Hire Officer

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Linnertz, to hire Luke Horrell as a full time officer, subject to physical, drug and psychological testing and completed certification. The vote was as follows: Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.

3. FOP Negotiations

a. Discussion of Collective Bargaining – Potential Executive Session

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Linnertz, to recess into executive session at 7:04 P.M. for discussion of collective bargaining. The vote was as follows: Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye. Motion carried.

Council went into executive session at 7:04 P.M. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(2))

Council returned from executive session at 7:14 P.M. No action taken

b. Authorization to Hire Barney Mundorf

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Nail, hire Guin Mundorf LLC, Attorneys At Law, to help with the FOP negotiations. The vote was as follows: Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye. Motion carried.

D. Public Works Committee— Meeting April 20, 2016

1. W. Field Drive Extension Project

Mayor Lowry updated the council on discussions with Rodney Nevois. This will remain on the committee agenda.

E. Code Enforcement Committee— Meeting April 20, 2016

1. ITEP Project

Discussion was held on proceeding with the Oates & Assoc. grant application for additional sidewalks. This will be discussed further at the May committee meetings.

F. Cultural Committee— Meeting April 20, 2016

1. Red Bud Fire Department Picnic

a. Special Request

Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Donjon, to approve the Red Bud Fire Department request for assistance in closing the streets around the picnic grounds with barricades; to have sand put on the oil seeps on the street; to have the Red Bud Police Department help with traffic control and detours during and after the parade and to reserve park pavilions 1, 2 & 3 at Ratz Park and Lincoln Park pavilions 1 & 2 from June 24th – 26th, with no fee. The vote was as follows: Donjon, aye, Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye. Motion carried.

b. Resolution 16-001

Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Reed, to approve Resolution No. 16-001, “A Resolution Authorizing Approval of the Street Closing for the Red Bud Firemen’s Parade.” The vote was as follows: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye. Motion carried.

2. Request From Red Bud Waverunners to close Ratz Park for the Conference Meet

Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Linnertz, to approve closing the road through Ratz Park to traffic on Saturday, July 30, 2016, from approximately 9:00 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. and use of Pavilion #4, with no fee, on July 29-30, 2016, for the conference meet. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye. Motion carried.

3. Request From Willie’s Corner to close portion of Oak St. on Friday, June 3, 2016

Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Linnertz, to approve closing of Oak Street between W. Market and First Streets, on Friday, June 3, 2016, from 6:00 P.M. – 1:00 A.M. The vote was as follows: Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried.

G. Executive Session Minutes Review Committee—No Meeting

Nothing to report

H. Planning and Public Policy Committee—Meeting held with Planning Commission

Nothing to report

I. Planning Commission—Meeting April 19, 2016

Nothing to report

J. Economic Development Commission—No Meeting

Nothing to report

K. Parks & Recreation Committee—No Meeting

Nothing to report

XI. Old Business

XII. New Business

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items XII A through J. The vote was as follows: Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, nay; (Attorney Ray informed that all votes must be ayes for an omnibus vote.)

Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Linnertz, to recess into executive session at 7:37 P.M. for discussion of personnel of Item XII A. 1. Appointment of Police Chief. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.

Council went into executive session at 7:37 P.M. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1))

Council returned from executive session at 7:57 P.M. No action taken

A. Appointments and Reappointments

Mayor Lowry made the following appointments:

1. Police Chief: John Brittingham

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Esker to approve the appointment of John Brittingham as Chief of Police. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, nay; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, nay; Esker, aye; Thompson, pass; Reed, nay. Motion carried with a 5-3 vote.

2. City Superintendent Josh Eckart

3. Administrative Assistant Pamela Poetker

4. Animal Control Warden Shane Hewitt

5. ESDA Coordinator John Brittingham

6. School Crossing Guards April Cadwell

Terry Hartmann

7. Code Administrator/City Engineer Jeff Mueller

8. Deputy Registrar & Clerk Pamela Poetker

9. FOIA & Open Meetings Act Officer Pamela Poetker

10. Part-time Patrolmen Steve Meister

Dan Smith

Jason Neff

Scott Mohrmann

11. Liaison Members

Fire Department Don Thompson

ESDA Bill Hanebutt

Parks & Recreation Glenn Linnertz

Library Board Clem Esker

Planning Commission Dave Friess

Cable TV Kyle Donjon

Cemetery Clarence Nail

Economic Development Clem Esker

C. Appointments to the Library Board (9 Member) 3 Yr. Term

1. Loren Harms

2. Vacancy

3. Brenda Salger

D. Appointment to the Planning Commission (9 Member) 3 Yr. Term

1. Jared Heller (Temporary until replacement can be found)

2. Barton Miller

3. Albert Gregson

E. Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Committee (9 Member) 3 Yr. Term

1. Carolyn Cooper

2. Helen Mohr

3. Winnie Rehmer

F. Appointments to Economic Dev. Commission (12 Members & 1 Council Member) 4 Yr. Term

1. Dan Koenigstein

2. Gale “Butch” Stellhorn

3. Mike Reed

G. Designated Depository

1. Primary: First National Bank of Dieterich-Red Bud Branch

2. Secondary: North County Savings Bank, First Bank, Illinois Funds, Buena Vista Bank

H. Committee Appointments

1. Public Health & Safety Bill Hanebutt, Chairman

Glenn Linnertz

Clarence Nail

David Friess

Donald Thompson

2. Finance Mike Reed, Chairman

Bill Hanebutt

Clarence Nail

Clem Esker

David Friess

3. Public Works Clarence Nail, Chairman

Glenn Linnertz

Kyle Donjon

Bill Hanebutt

Clem Esker

4. Code Enforcement Clem Esker, Chairman

Bill Hanebutt

Mike Reed

Kyle Donjon

Don Thompson

5. Cultural Don Thompson, Chairman

Kyle Donjon

Clem Esker

Glenn Linnertz

Mike Reed

6. Personnel Glenn Linnertz, Chairman

Clarence Nail

Kyle Donjon

David Friess

Mike Reed

7. Planning & Public Policy David Friess, Chairman

Don Thompson

Glenn Linnertz

Mike Reed

Clarence Nail

8. Executive Session Minutes Review Kyle Donjon, Chairman

Clem Esker

David Friess

Don Thompson

Bill Hanebutt

(Other Participants: City Clerk, City Attorney)

I. Approval of Annual Notice of Public Meetings with the following committee meeting changes

1. July Meeting – July 26, 2016

2. April Meeting – April 25, 2017

J. Approval of Annual License pending receipt of payments, bonds and applications as required.

1. Trailer Parks

a. Gaslight Mobile Court – Ken & Barb Niermann

b. Knotty Pines Court – Frederick Boshardt

c. Pacific Mobile Homes – Dayo Shepard/Mike Henry

2. Trash

a. Waste Management of Illinois

b. Reliable Sanitation Service Inc.

c. Quivey Sanitation

d. Republic Services

3. Raffle

a. Red Bud Elementary

b. Red Bud Fire Co. #1

c. St. John the Baptist Catholic Congregation

d. Musket Athletic Club

e. Red Bud Lion’s Club

f. St. Peter’s UCC

g. Red Bud Chamber of Commerce

h. Red Bud Regional Hospital

i. Waverunners Swim Team

j. Red Bud Athletic Association

k. Red Bud Rotary Club

l. Red Bud High School Library Advisory Council

Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Linnertz, to approve under the omnibus designation, the Appointments and Reappoints made by Mayor Lowry, agenda items XII A. 2. through J. The vote was as follows: Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.

K. Review of May Calendar

L. Other Comments

M. Adjournment

Motion made at 8:02 P.M. by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Reed to adjourn the meeting. The vote was as follows: all ayes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne G. Cowell, City Clerk

Red Bud, Illinois



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