Columbia Community Unit District No. 4 Board of Education met Thursday, June 16.
Here are the minutes as provided by Columbia Community Unit District No. 4:
Columbia Community Unit District No. 4 Board of Education
Official Minutes of Regular Meeting on Thursday, June 16, 2016
Present: Karen Anderson, Tammy Hines, Greg O’Connor, Brad Roessler, Randy Simmonds
Absent: Scott Middelkamp
Dr. Gina Segobiano, Superintendent
Dr. Beth Horner, Asst. Supt.
I. Call to Order/ Vice-President Roessler called the Budget Hearing to order Roll Call at 7:02 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.
Visitor(s) Visitor(s) present: Sean McGowan Present
II. Presentation Dr. Segobiano presented the FY16 Amended Budget. She Of FY 16 Amended identified key areas that were amended from the original Budget FY 16 budget. It is required to amend the budget for any line item that is above 10% of the original budget. Dr. Segobiano gave a detailed description of each revised line item and explained what the changes were and why they were being changed.
III. Public Comments Vice-President Roessler requested any comments or questions from the public. There were no questions or comments.
IV. Adjourn - With no further business to come before the Board, 7:10 p.m. it was moved by Tammy Hines, seconded by Karen Anderson, to adjourn the budget hearing. Vice-President Roessler adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
Upon a voice vote, Motion Carried 5-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
Present: Absent:
Karen Anderson Scott Middelkamp Tammy Hines Greg O’Connor Brad Roessler Randy Simmonds
Dr. Gina Segobiano, Superintendent
Dr. Beth Horner, Asst. Supt.
I. Call to Order/ Vice-President Roessler called the regular meeting to Roll Call order at 7:11 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.
Visitor(s) Visitor(s) present: Sean McGowan Present
II. Welcome/ Vice-President Roessler welcomed the public. Recognition of Visitors
III. Public Comments Correspondence was passed around to the board members. And Correspondence
IV. Appointment Motion was made by Greg O’Connor and seconded by Randy Of Board Member Simmonds to appoint John Long as school board member for Columbia Unit School District #4.
On a roll call vote: Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Middelkamp-Absent, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Aye. The motion carried, 5-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
V. Administer Administration of Oath of Office – Vice-President Roessler
Oath of Office administered the Oath of Office to newly-appointed Board To Appointed member, John Long. Dr. Long read the following oath: Board Member
“I, do solemnly swear/affirm, that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education of Columbia Community Unit School District #4, in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability. I further swear/affirm that: I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the school district’s assets; I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow board members and others who seek a hearing before the board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees; I shall recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public board meeting; and I shall abide by majority decisions of the board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels.
John Long then took his seat at the board table.
VI. Minutes and Motion to approve the following consent agenda items, Finance (Item VI. Minutes and Finance and Item VII. Personnel Items), as presented by Superintendent Segobiano:
A. Approval of Minutes –
1. Open Session(s)
a. Regular Meeting – May 19, 2016 2. Executive Session(s)
a. Regular Meeting – May 19, 2016 (Release)
B. Approve Bookkeeper’s Financial Position/Treasurer’s Reports
C. Approve Budget Report – May 31, 2016
D. Approve Expenditures – June, 2016 E. Approve Activity Fund Balance Report – May 31, 2016
VII. Personnel Items
Accept A. Accept Resignation(s) – Resignations
1. Amy James, Cook
2. Tammy Roessler, Secretary
B. Employ Educational Support Personnel - Educational
1. Tracey Hayes, PreK Tuition Aide (5.5 hrs./day) Support
2. Hollie Habermehl, PreK Tuition Aide (5.5 hrs/day) Personnel
3. Grace Crosson, Eagle Zone Student Worker
4. Katie Lantsberger, Eagle Zone Student Worker
5. Mary Hanewinkel, Eagle Zone Student Worker
6. Chloe Kish, Eagle Zone Student Worker
7. Quinten Westfall, Eagle Zone Student Worker Employ
C. Employ Certificated Personnel - None Certificated Personnel
D. Approve Temporary Disability Leave(s) - None Temporary Disability Leave(s)
E. Approve Extra Curricular Assignments – Extra-Curricular
1. Elysia Sepich, Freshman Volleyball Coach Appointments
2. Dave Touchette, JV Girls’ Basketball Coach
3. Teresa Fehrenz, CMS Student Council Advisor
Approve Non- F. Approve Non-Certified Class Advancements - None
Certified Class Advancements Declare G. Declare Vacancy(s) – Vacancy(s)
1. Building Secretary (10 month)
Motion Motion to approve consent agenda (Item VI. Minutes and To Approve Finance and Item VII. Personnel Items), as presented, was Consent Agenda made by Karen Anderson, seconded by Randy Simmonds.
On a roll call vote: Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Absent, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Aye, Anderson-Aye. The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
VIII. Communications - A. Board Committee Reports – None Reports and Presentations B. Administrative Reports – The Board reviewed the following administrative reports:
1. Enrollment Report
2. Principals Reports – Included in Board Packet
3. Directors’ – Athletic, CMT, Technology, Food Service.
4. Assistant Superintendent’s Report – In Dr. Horner’s absence, Dr. Segobiano reported on the following:
a. Skyward Student Management System. Dr. Horner has taken the lead for the student management conversion program from Schoolmaster to Skyward. She has expedited the data conversion process to prepare for a July 21st completion date. After the data has been converted, staff members will train in specific areas. The new system will roll out just in time for the beginning of school.
b. Professional Development. The majority of teachers in the district have attended one if not more trainings offered in June. The math consultant from Clayton worked three days with K-12 math teachers, while several technology and reading workshops were offered district wide.
5. Superintendent’s Report
a. Facility Project Updates.
• CMS Window Replacement – St. Jacob Glass is currently replacing the faulty windows at CMS. The work should take two weeks to complete.
• Concession Stand/Restroom Project – All bids for the concession stand/rest room project that were opened on May 17th were rejected. The architect will be making adjustments to conform with a low energy building that should reduce costs. The competitive bidding process will take place after final adjustments have been made. The architect has been given a budget of $350,000 to complete this project. b. Secretary Assignments for 2016-2017.
With Tammy Roessler resigning, several secretary assignments have been changed. Nancy McCloud is moving from the high school office to Parkview. At the high school, Jill Dickerson will be joining Ronda Bert and Teanna Simon. The three secretaries will have a division of roles established to share responsibilities. At the middle school, Clare Rodenberg will increase her hours which opens up the 10 month secretarial position at CMS.
IX. New Business
Motion for A. Motion was made by Greg O’Connor and seconded by Tammy Approval to Hines to rescind the Resolution Abating Working Cash Rescind the approved May 19, 2016. Resolution Abating Working On a roll call vote: Cash Fund of Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Absent, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, $100,000 Simmonds-Aye, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye.
The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
Motion to B. Motion was made by Tammy Hines and seconded by Randy Approve the Simmonds to approve the FY 2016 Amended Budget as FY 2016 presented. Amended Budget On a roll call vote:
Middlekamp-Absent, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds- Aye, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye. The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
Motion to C. Motion was made by Karen Anderson and seconded by Approve Randy Simmonds to approve the Prevailing Wage Act as Prevailing presented. Wage Act
On a roll call vote: Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Aye, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long- Aye, Middelkamp-Absent, O’Connor-Aye. The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
Motion to D. Motion was made by Greg O’Connor and seconded by Randy Approve Simmonds to approve the R&M Oil contract to provide Fuel Bid fuel for the 2016-2017 school year.
On a roll call vote: Simmonds-Aye, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Absent, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye. The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay
X. Discussion None Items
XI. Board President’s None Prerogative
XII. Adjourn - With no further business to come before the Board, 7:39 p.m. it was moved by Tammy Hines, seconded by Randy Simmonds, to adjourn the meeting. Vice-President Roessler adjourned the meeting at 7:39 p.m.