Carbondale Preservation Commission met Monday, May 16.
The commission investigates, holds hearings and recommends to the city council the adoption of ordinances to classify certain properties and sites as having special historic, architectural or community value.
Here are the minutes as provided by Carbondale:
Preservation Commission
Monday, May 16, 2016
City Hall/Civic Center – 7:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call: Mr. Sigler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Benedict, Clark, Comparato, Ittner, Sigler, and Van Awken
Members Absent: Doherty
Staff Present: Sergeev
Guests: Nefeteria Brewster, Izaiah McKissic
2. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Ittner moved to, seconded by Mr. Clark, to approve the minutes of April 18, 2016.
The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.
3. Communication and Reports:
a) Educational and Technical Assistance Committee
Ms. Ittner reported that she is working with Carbondale Main Street to host an event in which a Boy Scout Webelos Troop is coming from Mattoon, Illinois. The troop will take the Amtrak from Mattoon. While in Carbondale they will tour the Bucky Dome Home and the Agriculture Building’s green roof on the SIU Campus.
Ms. Ittner provided handouts on the Solar Eclipse to happen August 2017.
There was discussion among Commissioners as to how to prepare and document the event. The Commissioners decided to create a file in the archives located in the Planning Services office for any memorabilia or information collected.
b) Nomination and Hardship Committee
Nothing to review.
c) Work Plan Committee
Nothing to report.
d) Certificate of Appropriateness Committee
Nothing to report.
e) Downtown Advisory Committee Report
Mr. Sigler reported that the Downtown Advisory Committee had finished its work and he would have no further information to report.
4. Old Business:
a) No Old Business
5. New Business:
a) Approve FY 2016’s CLG Annual Report
Mr. Comparato moved to accept the FY 2016 CGL Annual Report. The motion was seconded by Mr. Van Awken.
The motion to approve the FY 2016 CLG Annual Report passed with a unanimous voice vote.
b) Create Historical Park Subcommittee
Ms. Ittner moved to create a special committee for the Historical Park. The motion was seconded by Ms. Benedict.
The motion to create a special committee for the Historical Park passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Mr. Van Awken, Mr. Comparato, and Mr. Clark volunteered to serve on the committee.
The committee will meet with the City Manager and report their findings to the Commission at the June meeting.
c) Create Founders’ Day Subcommittee
Mr. Van Awken moved to create a special committee for Founders’ Day. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sigler.
The motion to create a special committee for Founders’ Day passed with a unanimous voice vote.
Mr. Sigler volunteered to serve on the committee and contact Carbondale Main Street and the Chamber of Commerce to collaborate on the event. Mr. Sigler will report back to the Commission at the June meeting.
6. Comments by the Public, Commission Members or Staff:
Mr. Van Awken recognized Councilman Fronabarger’s for his work on the Founders’ Day Reception and requested staff to send a letter of appreciation on behalf of the Commission. The Commission agreed.
Ms. Sergeev reported that she will be attending the National Main Street Conference in Milwaukee May 23-25.
The Commission discussed the possible cancelation of the optional June meeting. The Commission agreed to have the June meeting.
Ms. Sergeev reminded the Commission the Memorial Day Celebration at Woodlawn Cemetery Monday, May 30th.
7. Adjournment:
Mr. Sigler adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m