Carbondale Sustainability Commission met Thursday, March 17.
The Carbondale Sustainability Commission advises the city council on matters related to energy conservation, the use of renewable energy, the facilitation of inter-agency exchange of information and recycling. The board consists of nine members appointed for four-year staggered terms, along with one Carbondale Community High School member and one Southern Illinois University student member appointed for one year-terms.
Here are the minutes as provided by Carbondale:
City of Carbondale Sustainability Commission
Thursday, March 17, 2016
City Hall / Civic Center – 6:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call: Mr. Kunath called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
Members Present: Ms. Gary, Mr. Kunath, Mr. Beck, Ms. Shimada, Ms. Wagner
Members Absent: Mr. Thorne, Ms. Sockow
Staff Present: Loren Polley
Others Present: Sarah Heyer KCB, Guest Jim Brooks
Minutes: Motion by Mr. Beck, 2nd by Ms. Wagner, all in favor, of approval of January 21, 2016, minutes
2. Communications:
Review of the current Status Report of the Former Koppers Wood-Treating Site. Updates should be posted on website.
Old Business:
Porous concrete for driveways and on sidewalks, Graduated trash fee, Polystyrene Foam, Plastic bag ban
New Business:
New Chair vote.
Ms. Wagner nominated Ms. Gary, 2nd by Ms. Shimada, all in favor, to move Ms. Gary to the position of Chair. Mr. Beck retained the Vice Chair position.
Mr. Wallace, Cedar Lake Manager, was in attendance in order to explain the new chicken farm near Cedar Lake. Mr. Wallace presented numerous diagrams and maps along with detailed explanations of how the facility will operate.
Citizen Comments:
Commission Comments:
Adjournment: With no further business to be conducted the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.
3. Respectively submitted by Loren K. Polley, City of Carbondale Staff Liaison