Courtesy of Endless Pools
Courtesy of Endless Pools
The HUB Recreation Center in Marion will host Winter Retreats and Holiday Camps, according to the facility's website.
The Winter Retreat is set for 7:30 a.m to 5:30 p.m Dec. 19-23 and Dec. 26-30 at the HUB, 917 W. Main St. The event is for children in grade pre-K through age 12. Children attending must be potty-trained. The HUB also will host Holiday Camps Jan. 2, Jan. 16 and Feb. 20.
Participants need to bring a lunch, two snacks, swim gear, drinks, a towel and tennis shoes. No toys or electronics from home are allowed.
Cost is $20 per day for HUB members and $30 per day for nonmembers. The registration deadline is Dec. 14. Payment is due on the Friday before the start of the program.
For more information, call 618-997-2HUB, go to, or find “HUB Recreation Center” on Facebook or @TheMarionHub on Twitter.