
South West Illinois News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Freeburg trustees discuss replacing lift station pumps

Webp meeting 02

The village of Freeburg Board of Trustees met Dec. 19 to discuss replacing lift station pumps.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"The Village President, Village Clerk and Board of Trustees, along with the various department supervisors, oversee the many aspects of maintaining a smooth, orderly government operation for the 4354 residents."





CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Seth Speiser called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m., on Monday, December 19, 2016 in the Freeburg Municipal Board Room.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Those present and the Board Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - here; Trustee Denise Albers - here; Trustee Bert Pruett-here; Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-here; Trustee James Blaies - here; Trustee Mathew Trout - here; Mayor Seth Speiser - here; (7 present, 0 absent). Mayor Speiser announced there is a quorum.

AMENDMENT TO THE AGENDA: Mayor Speiser asked for a motion to amend the agenda.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to amend the agenda to go to New Business 17-1 and 17-2 for the Mayor to present the presentation of Plaques and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.

Mayor Speiser did the presentations of plaque to the Family of Diana Kasper. Mayor Speiser turned the floor over to Public Works Director John Tolan to present the Recognition of Village of Freeburg Employees plaque.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to go back to the Regular Board Meeting Agenda and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.

EXHIBIT A: Mayor Speiser stated we have the minutes of the previous meeting of December 5, 2016.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to accept the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting Monday, December 5, 2016 with corrections and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. All voting aye, the motion carried.


EXHIBIT B: ESDA REPORT: ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer updated us on his ESDA Report that was in our board packet.



1. Zoning Administrator's Report: Mayor Speiser said next we have our Zoning Administrator's Report. Are there any questions for Zoning Administrator Henning? Hearing none we will move on.


1. Plan Commission's Recommendation Not to Combine Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission. Mayor Speiser stated this issue will be covered under ordinances.


EXHIBIT E: ORDINANCE: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1612. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Revised Code (Electric System) Regarding the Net Metering Guidelines for Interconnection of Onsite Generating Facilities to the Village of Freeburg's Municipal Electric System.

Trustee James Blaies motioned to adopt Ordinance #1612 by title only and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye: Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Denise Albers - aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

EXHIBIT F: ORDINANCE: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1613. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Revised Code (Electric System) for the Village Freeburg Electric Rates.

Trustee James Blaies motioned to adopt Ordinance #1613 by title only and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. –aye; Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye: (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

EXHIBIT G: ORDINANCE: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1614. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 11 of the Revised Code of the Village Freeburg, St. Clair County, Illinois (Employee Provisions).

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to adopt Ordinance #1614 by title only and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye: Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

EXHIBIT H: ORDINANCE: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1615. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 38 of the Revised Code (Electric System) for the Village Freeburg Sewer Rates.

Trustee Bert Pruett motioned to adopt Ordinance #1615 by title only and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. - aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye, Trustee Mathew Trout-aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

EXHIBIT I: ORDINANCE: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1616. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 11 (Employee Provisions) of the Revised Code of the Village of Freeburg, St. Clair County, Illinois to Adopt Travel, Meals and Lodging Expenses Policy.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to adopt Ordinance #1616 by title only and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion, ROLL CALL: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye: Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.

EXHIBIT J: ORDINANCE: Mayor Speiser stated we have Ordinance #1617. An Ordinance Dissolving the Village of Freeburg Planning Commission and Zoning of Appeals Boards and Establishing the Village of Freeburg combined Planning Commission and Zoning of Appeals Boards.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to adopt Ordinance #1617 by title only and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. ROLL CALL: Trustee Mathew Trout -aye, Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. –aye; Trustee Denise Albers - aye: Trustee James Blaies -aye, Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.



EXHIBIT K: Electric Committee Meeting:

Trustee Mike Blaies called the meeting of Electric Committee to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

The following items were talked about or discussed:

OLD BUSINESS: 1. Net Metering: We talked about the Net Metering new ordinance, which we passed earlier tonight on the agenda under ordinances. We also talked about Electric System for the Village of Freeburg Sewer Rates. We passed this ordinance earlier on the agenda.

NEW BUSINESS: Trustee Blaies stated Head Lineman Shane Krauss said, Altorfer conducted their preventative maintenance during our monthly exercise. We had a blown varister on unit #8. We also had a problem with a tie breaker at the south sub that went bad. BHM &G is coming out tomorrow to trouble shoot it.

EXHIBIT L: Public Works Committee Meeting: (Trash/Water/Sewer)

Trustee Dean Pruett called the meeting of Public Works Committee to order at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016.

The following item or items were talked about or discussed:

OLD BUSINESS: 1. Sewer issues/Sewer Fuel Odors: Trustee Pruett said we have another incident on West Apple Street with fuel odor. The fire department was out and the levels were extremely low. John has called Walden to come out and clean and televise the area.

2. Freeburg Care Center: Trustee Pruett stated Public Works Director John Tolan advised we are working on installing the water line at the Freeburg Care Center.

3. Shampoodles Lift Station: We discussed replacing the pump at the lift station at Shampoodles. This has been a problem for some time. Trustee Pruett said at this time he would like to make a motion.

Trustee Bert Pruett motioned to purchase the pump from Vandevanter Engineering Company not to exceed $4,448 and Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. seconded the motion, ROLL CALL: Trustee Bert Pruett -aye, Trustee Ramon Matchett, Jr. -aye, Trustee Denise Albers - aye; Trustee Elizabeth Meehling-aye, Trustee James Blaies - aye, Trustee Mathew Trout-aye, (6 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent). All voting aye, motion carried.


1. New Sewer Rate: We discussed the new sewer rate. We passed this ordinance earlier on the agenda.

EXHIBIT N: Public Property Committee Meeting: (Streets/Municipal Center/Pool/Parks & Recreation) Trustee Denise Albers called the Public Property Committee Meeting to order at 6:12 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The following items were talked about or discussed under:



1. Office Manager Julie Polson will send out letters to the lifeguards to see who would like to come back and work this summer.


1. East Apple Street Issues: Public Works Director John Tolan found a different drain from NuWay Concrete that he thinks will work. He will get more information on this when he is in Springfield. John Tolan talked to Dale from the Township Department about redirecting the large trucks on East Apple Street. Dale will talk to the County and see what they have to say.

2. Hill Mine Road Repair: Public Works Director John Tolan met with TWM on Tuesday and they came up with 3 different scenarios for TWM to look at. Tony Irwin will put together a drainage area diagram which shows the amount of water actually getting to that area.

3. Request to Move Trick-or-Treat to last Saturday in October: Office Manager Julie Polson advised the survey will go out tomorrow night. The survey will ask the residents if they would like to move Trick-or-Treat to the last Saturday in October or keep Trick-or-Treat on October 31.

5. Pavement Management Program: Jeff Reis and Tony Irwin from TWM presented their Pavement Management Program to the committee. Mr. Reis advised the program would provide a complete inventory of the Village streets, which ones the Village of Freeburg owns, what type they are, the total area. It would show when they were built, rehabbed, existing conditions; and are assigned a number based on the PCI-pavement condition index. It will also give approximate costs of how much to fix the streets. This will a 5-year program evaluating the streets, everything is updated each year, recommendations are provided each year with cost estimates of suggested actions for roads.

Village Administrator Tony Funderburg informed us that Police Chief Stan Donald would like the radar sign be placed in front of Dollar General Store. Public Works Director John Tolan would like to extend the leaf program one more cycle, we will revise the website and get something in the paper.


EXHIBIT O: Committee. As A Whole Meeting:

Mayor Seth Speiser called the Committee. As A Whole Meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. on Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The following items were talked about or discussed under:

1. Combination of Zoning Board of Appeals and Plan Commission: Mayor Speiser indicated the Committee As A Whole meeting was held to discuss of combining the Zoning Board of

Appeals and Plan Commission Board.

2. Ordinance #1614: Mayor Speiser stated Ordinance #1614 was presented for the committee's to review. This ordinance would allow an employees to opt out of the health insurance coverage through the Village of Freeburg

Upcoming Meetings:

CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS - Friday, December 23, 2016 and Monday, December 26, 2016. Legal/Ordinance Committee Meeting - Wednesday, December 28, 2016 - 5:30 p.m. Finance Committee Meeting - Wednesday, December 28, 2016-5:45 p.m. Personnel/Police Committee Meeting - Wednesday, December 28, 2016 - 6:00 p.m. CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF NEW YEARS - Monday, January 2, 2017. Board Meeting-Tuesday, January 3, 2017-7:30 p.m.VILLAGE MAYOR & TRUSTEES COMMENTS:

Trustee Dean Pruett - He would like to congratulate all the guys for a good job in saving Randy's life. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Trustee Raymond Matchett - Congratulations to all of the guys who helped in the Randy's situation and Merry Christmas.

Trustee Mike Blaies - Congratulations to all of the guys they did awesome job under all of the pressure. Also he would like to thank John. He did a great job in managing everything that needed to be done.

Village Clerk Jerry Menard-John you should feel good about yourself knowing all of that training did help pay offin saving Randy's life. They all seemed to know what they were supposed to do in this kind of situation. That comes from good training from a good Supervisor. Congratulations to all of the gentleman that save Randy's life, and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.

Trustee Matt Trout-You never know how someone is going to react in a situation like that. He thinks it says a lot about the guys. It was awesomehow everyone came through knowing what to do. John thanks to your guys in going above and beyond on salting the streets or whatever you put down and trying to keep them safe for everyone to get home that Friday night.

Trustee Lisa Meehling - She would like to thank John, Shane and the Public Works Department for taking care of the village streets. It definitely was miserable. She was trapped on the roads for three hours and the best roads were coming into Freeburg. Congratulations to the guys for saving Randy’s life. John this shows we have a really great crew. She also would like to thank the fire department and police department for such a quick response in getting there. She would like to thank the family of Diana Kasper for sharing her with us those eighteen years. She never got to see her in action, but she heard a lot about her and she will be missed. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Trustee Denise Albers - She would like to view on what everyone has said. Good employees follow good leadership. It takes a lot to recognize that and people follow that and John you have sat a good example for them. She would also like to thank Diana Kasper's family for all she has done for the village. Merry Christmas to everyone.

STAFF COMMENTS: Village Administrator Tony Funderburg-Tony would like everyone to know that day Julie was off that day and came in to take care of the insurance right away so there was no hang up at the hospital. Everybody from the Village employees to the Public Works Department did something to help out that day. It was neat to see how everyone worked together that day.

Public Works Director John Tolan - He would like to give a big thanks Shane and Greg they were doing the salting that night. They even took care of some of the county roads that were really bad, he appreciates their dedication. John said we decided last time around to change things on how we employ someone new. We looked for good characteristic and this situation it showed with this group of guys that the training was there. A little update on the electric that last energy bill the state just pasted. They throw a little wrench in our net metering. Now we will offer one-time up front credit of 250 kws.

Village Zoning Administrator Gary Henning - He would like to express his appreciation to the guys for all they did for Randy. And to Diana Kasper family, she did a great job on the Zoning Board. He would like to thank the people who served on Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. He would like to thank John and his crew for a great job on the salting the roads. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

ESDA Coordinator Gene Kramer-There is not much more to say, everyone seemed to say what should have been said. He thinks the teamwork was handled very well with Randy situation. The crew that took care of streets Friday night did a wonderful job. Merry Christmas everyone

ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Speiser called for motion to adjourn the meeting.

Trustee Mathew Trout motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 p.m. and Trustee Elizabeth Meehling seconded the motion. All voting aye, motion carried.



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