Jefferson County Highway Committee met Jan. 19.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
Highway Committee Chairman, Randy Edwards, called the Highway Committee of the Jefferson County Board to order at 6:00 P.M., in the County Board Room,
Roll Call
upon the call of ro, the following committee members were present: Randy Edwards, Tim Marlow, Adam Ortglese and Jeff Williams,
Absent: Justin Fulkerson, Others present: Steve Draege, Bob Watt, Cliff Lindemann, Joyce Damron, James Malone, Wayne Hicks, Brandon Siminaons, Sandra Welfmaker, various media.
Publicing it.
terms to be Presented for Action,
Pay Monthly bills.
- Motion by Jeff Williams and seconded by Tim Marlow to recommend to the ful board to approve monthly
claims as presented.
- Motion carried: Ayes-Edwards, Marlow, Ortgiesen, and Williams).
- O Nay
Monthly fuel; diesel and gasoline
-Motion by Tim Marlow and seconded by Jeff Williams to recommend to the full board to award diesel to Huel Oil at
the price of $ 1.6739 per gallon for diesel, and $ 1,5739 per gallon for gasohol, combined price $3.2478
- Motion carried: 4 Ayes - Edwards, Mariow, Ortglesen, and Williams.)
Approval of Resolution Requesting Consent of the illinois Department of Transportation to the Reappointment of the incumbent as County Engineer
- Motion by Jeff Williams and seconded by Tim Marlow to recommend to the full board to approve the
reappointment of the incumbent as County Engineer - Motion carried: Ayes: 4- (Edwards, Marlow, Ortgiesen, and Williams).
- O Nay
D. Approval of Preliminary Engineering Agreement-Old Centralia Road.
- Motion by Jeff Williams and seconded by Tim Marlow to recommend to the ful board to approve the Preliminary
Engineering Agreement for Old Centralia Road,
-Motion carried: Ayes: 4- (Edwards, Marlow, Ortglesen, and Williams)
- O Nay
5. Items of Information
A. Report of monthly Motor Fuel Tax Allotments,
3. Any other business necessary and proper.
7. Motion to adjourn.
- Motion by Jeff Williams and seconded by Tim Marlow to adjourn. - Motion carried:4Aye- (Edwards, Marlow, Ortglesen, Draege, and Williams) - Nay;
Meeting adjourned at: 6:10 P.M.