Jefferson County Highway Committee met April 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
Highway Committee Chalrman Randy Edwards called the Highway Committee of the Jefferson County Board to order at 6:00 P.M., in County Board Room,
Roll Call
Upon the call of roll, the following committee members were present: Randy Edwards, Tim Marlow Jeff Williams and Adam Ortglesen Absent Justin Fulkerson,
Others present: Clifford Lindemann, Brandon Simmons, Sandra Weilmaker and Media.
Public input.
Items to Present for Action
A. Pay Monthly Bills,
- Motion by Tim Marlow and seconded by Jeff Williams to recommend to the full board to approve monthly claims as presented. - Motion carried: Ayes 4 (Edwards, Marlow, Williams, and Ortgiesen.). - O Nay
B. Monthly fuel; diesel and gasoline
-Motion by Jeff Williams and seconded by Tim Marlow to recommend to the ful board to award monthly fuel to Huel Oil at the price of $ 1.7137 per gallon for biodiesel, and $ 1,6837 per gallon for gasohol, combined price $3.3974 - Motion carried: Ayes 4 (Edwards, Marlow, Williams and Ortglesen.), - O Nay
S. terms of information
A, Report of monthly Motor Fuel Tax Allotments B. Any other business necessary and proper.
6, Executive Session
A, Discuss the appointment(S), Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Real Estate, Collective Bargaining, Negotiating Matters and Update of Pending Litigations if Needed 51LCS.120/20 (1) (2011)
7. Motion to adjourn,
- Motion by Jeff Williams and seconded by firm Marlow to adjourn.
- Motion carried: Ayes 4 (Edwards, Mariow, Williams, and Ortgiesen.). - 0. Nay
Meeting adjourned at: 6:11 P.M.,