Lick Creek Community Consolidated School District 16 Board met June 19.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
The meeting was called to order by George at 7:33pm.
Members present: George, Holshouser, Plott, Turner, Stover, Corbit, and Houseman
Motion by Holshouser second by Corbit to accept the consent agenda as presented. Roll call vote:
George: Yea, Holshouser: Yea, Plott: Yea, Turner: Yea, Stover: Yea, Corbit: Yea, Houseman: Yea. Motion
Motion by George second by Stover to enter into closed session at 7:47 pm. Motion passed
Motion by George second by Holshouser to return to open session at 7:54 pm. Motion passed.
Motion by Plott second by George to appoint Aaron Stover as the 2017-18 volunteer Girls softball coach
Roll call vote: George: Yea, Holshouser: Yea, Plott: Yea, Turner: No, Stover: Abstain, Corbit: Yea,
Houseman: Yea. Motion passed.
Motion by Holshouser second by George to accept the following commodities bids as presented:
Propane : Knapp @ 1.14 per gallon, Diesel: F.S. @ 2.207 gallon for Dieselex gold, Bread: Bimbo bakeries
24 oz whole grain white 1.75- 100% whole wheat 24 oz 1.75- Whole gran Hamburger buns 1.97
Whole grain hot dog bun 2.62- Whole grain hoagie 4.55, Trash: Spulocks June + July @ $65.00 remaining
at $121.00, Dairy: Chester dairy.255 for white, chocolate, strawberry and orange juice each. Roll call
vote. George: Yea, Holshouser: Yea, Plott: Yea, Turner: Yea, Stover: Yea, Corbit: Yea, Houseman: Yea.
Motion passed.
Motion by Stover second by Turner to approve the 2017-18 non-certified salary schedule with a.10 raise
and a.10 step. Roll call vote: George: Yea, Holshouser: Yea, Plott: Yea, Turner: Yea, Stover: Yea, Corbit:
Yea, Houseman: Yea. Motion passed.
Motion by Holshouser second by George to approve the registration, lunch, breakfast, and after school
day care fees as presented: Roll call vote: George: Yea, Holshouser: Yea, Plott: Yea, Turner: Yea, Stover:
Yea, Corbit: Yea, Houseman: Yea. Motion passed.
Motion by Stover second Plott to approve the resolution that the hazardous conditions for pupils
transported less than 1.5 miles has not changed from previous years per public act 94-0439:
(each school board may provide free transportation for any pupil residing within 1 ½ miles from
school attended where conditions are such that walking, either to or from a pick up point or
bus stop, constitutes a serious hazard to the safety of the pupil due to vehicular traffic or rail
crossings.) Voice vote: Motion passed.
Motion by Housman second by Stover to approve the Title I district plan as presented. Voice
vote: Motion passed
Motion by Plott second by Turner to approve the press policy update as presented. Voice vote:
Motion passed
Motion by Corbit second by Turner to accept the resignation of school board member Greg
George effective June 30th, 2017. Voice Vote: Motion passed.
Motion by George second by Holshouser to adjourn at 8:13 pm. Voice vote: Motion passed