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Mt. Vernon City Council met July 17


Mt. Vernon City Council met July 17.

Here is the minutes as provided by the council:

The Mt. Vernon City Council held a Regular City Council Meeting on Monday, July 17, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the

Rolland W. Lewis Community Building, Veterans Park, 800 South 27th Street, Mt. Vernon, IL.

Mayor John Lewis called the meeting to order.

Terry Edwards of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church gave the Invocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call

Roll call showed present: Council Member Jeff May, Council Member Donte Moore, Council Member Mike

Young, and Mayor John Lewis. Absent: Council Member Jim Rippy.

Presentation of Journals

The Journals for the July 3, 2017 Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting were presented to Council for

any additions, deletions or corrections. Council Member Donte Moore made a motion to approve the journals

as presented. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent:


Visitors/Citizens Requests/Addresses from the Audience

Robert White of Bob White Insurance Agency, LLC.spoke in favor of allowing his client, Greg Patel of Funblasters,

a liquor license. Patel has invested in this community by taking possession of a vacant building and providing

fun activities for families. To grow his business, he is seeking a liquor license for beer and wine only.

Rose Straeter spoke on behalf of the “A Hand Up Summit” sponsored by the Drug Court Coalition of Jefferson

County. It will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 8 am to 2 pm at the Central Christian Church in Mt.

Vernon. At this summit, free legal services, family services, and back-to-school services will be provided. She is

requesting permission to Close North Street from 10th to 11th for the summit. This request will be voted on later

in the meeting.

Approval of Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the Consolidated Vouchers for approval. Council Member Jeff May

made a motion to approve the Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable in the amount of $1,635,884.02.

Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

Bids & Quotes

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported on the bid results for the HVAC and Electrical Improvements at City

Hall. McCoy & Howard Consulting Engineers recommends that the City award the construction contract to Rend

Lake Plumbing & Heating of Bonnie, IL for $553,700. Nathan McKenna explained that the project includes

upgrading City Hall’s HVAC, electrical, and some plumbing. The City’s estimate was $625,000. J & R Mechanical

was the apparent low bidder, but their bid was rejected because it did not meet the bid specifications. J & R

chose to withdraw their bid.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to accept the bid from Rend Lake Plumbing & Heating of Bonnie, IL

for $553,700. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported on the bid results for the City Hall Roof Replacement project. Nathan

McKenna stated that one bid from I. C. Enterprises Inc. was received in the amount of $188,577. The roofing

material is a Duro-Last Roofing System with a 15-year warranty. This is the same roofing material placed on the

armory. The City’s estimate was $195,000.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to accept the bid from I. C. Enterprises Inc. in the amount of

$188,577 for the City Hall Roof Replacement project. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May,

Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel reported on the bid results for the Richview Road Resurfacing Project. Two

bids were received. Rooters American Maintenance of Beckemeyer, IL was the low bidder at $413,409.18. The

City’s estimate was $650,000. Council Member Donte Moore asked for the project’s timeframe. City Engineer

Brad Ruble reported that the project should be completed by November 15, 2017.

Council Member Jeff May motioned to accept the low bid from Rooters American Maintenance of

Beckemeyer, IL for $413,409.18. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and

Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel introduced City Engineer Brad Ruble to give an update on the City’s Capital

Projects. Ruble updated the Council on the various City projects. Council Member Mike Young and Council

Member Donte Moore questioned why Perkins Avenue is now planned for opening in August instead of July.

Ruble stated that the crew is working on the widening of Route 37 South. This project is taking a long-time due

to many unexpected issues. Ruble said that what remains is asphalting, signs, and clean up. The crew has

worked every day that they could but the work is going slow.

One project not listed on the report is the 20th Street sewer collapse. The documents are ready to submit to the

railroad and the EPA for repair permits. At this point, Ruble said that he has not conducted a cost analysis but it

may be ready next Tuesday. The estimated replacement sewer line will run around 200 feet and the boring will

be 150 feet.

Mayor John Lewis asked about assisting the high school. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel replied that they are

waiting on Round Table Design to identify the location of the line and work will begin when there is enough

labor available.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel requested permission to seek bids for the Chesley Industrial Park Road Project.

Bechtel explained that this is a $7 million project which includes improving 1,000 feet of Sparrow Lane from

State Route 15, roadway through the Industrial Park, and improving the main entrance on Route 15. The City

has received permission from the State of Illinois and Illinois Economic Development Grant (IEDG) to bid the

project. After the bid is awarded, it will need approval from the State of Illinois and IEDG. The project is funded

by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), IEDG, IDOT Truck Route Grant (TRAP), and an EDA Grant.

The City’s share is $3.2 million for the water, sewer, and roadways. The funds will come from the 2012 Bonds.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to seek bids for the Chesley Industrial Park Road Projects. Seconded

by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented for consideration of the Preliminary and Final Plat for Jacinto’s

Resubdivision of Lot 3 in the First Interstate Commercial Subdivision, Part of Sam Casey’s Subdivision of Park of

the East ½ of Section 35, R2E, 3rd P.M. located at 4303 Broadway. The Planning and Zoning Commission

approved this unanimously. Kyle from Round Table Design explained that this is the El Rancherito property and

the restaurant owners recently purchased the building and surrounding area.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to grant Preliminary and Final Plat approval to Jacinto’s

Resubdivision at 4303 Broadway. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and

Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented for consideration of the Preliminary and Final Plat for Wheeler’s

Resubdivision of Part of Lots 1-3 in C.F. Holt’s Subdivision of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 36,

T.2S, R.2E of the 3rd P.M. located at 17192 E. Liberty Road. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved 

this unanimously. Kyle from Round Table Design explained that this location was owned by the parents of four

children, and they wish to resubdivide the lot into four sections. Presently, the property is zoned A-G; General

Agriculture and later in the meeting there will be a request to rezone the property to R-1; Low Density


Council Member Mike Young motioned to grant Preliminary and Final Plat approval for the Wheeler’s

Resubdivision at 17192 E. Liberty Road. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore,

Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented for Council’s consideration a request to close 9th Street from Casey

Avenue to Broadway and from Harrison Street to Main Street on August 18th and 19th for the “Ash Bash Art and

Music Festival”. Lori and Joe Ilbery explained that this is the 6th year for Ash Bash and the Tourism Department

invited them to hold this festival in conjunction with the Totality Festival. Ash Bash is a fund-raising event to

support Washington University’s Lymphoma-Leukemia cancer research and patient care fund to support

families with medical expenses. The festival will be held from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday, August 19th. Setup

will be on Friday, August 18th. Adjacent property and business owners signed the Street Closing Permit

supporting the closing of the streets.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the request to close 9th Street from Casey Avenue to

Broadway and from Harrison Street to Main Street on August 18th and 19th for the “Ash Bash Art and Music

Festival”. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented for Council’s consideration a request to close North Street from 10th

Street to 11th Street from 7 am to 3 pm on Saturday, August 5th for the “A Hand Up Summit”. Rose Streator and

Brenda Torrez spoke on behalf of the “A Hand Up Summit” sponsored by the Drug Court Coalition of Jefferson

County. It will be held on Saturday, August 5, 2017 from 8 am to 2 pm at the Central Christian Church in Mt.

Vernon. At this summit, free legal services, family services, and back-to-school services will be provided.

Council Member Jeff May motioned to approve the request to close North Street from 10th Street to 11th

Street from 7 am to 3 pm on Saturday, August 5th for the “A Hand Up Summit”. Seconded by Council Member

Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented for Council’s consideration a request to enter into an Agreement

with Azavar Government Solutions for an audit of Local Government Revenues. Bechtel explained that Azavar

would audit Local Government Revenues to see if the City is receiving the correct revenue for utilities and other

taxes. There is no cost to the City unless Azavar finds new revenue that has not been remitted properly. Then

the City and Azavar will split the revenue 60% to the City and 40% to Azavar for two years. Travis Akin, sales

consultant with Azavar, explained that the company performs a review of the City’s tax receipts with proprietary

software to identify all the City’s tax sources and tracks lost revenue. Akin said that there are no upfront costs

and they assume all the risks. Council Member Jeff May said that some issues with this type of agreement is

validation work by the City staff for the first three years and if the providers will give access to the records.

Akin stated that the only thing that Azavar cannot collect for the City is sales tax revenue. The program is

designed to make it as easy as possible for the City staff. May asked if there is reason to believe that the City

needs these services. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel said that the City can choose what areas to be audited

however, there is no additional cost to audit all areas. Bechtel explained that Retail Sales Tax is proprietary and

any work in this area needs to be done in-house. Akin stated Azavar would provide a list of businesses that

should be paying sales tax to the in-house person to compare with the receipts. Mayor John Lewis stated that

Finance Director Merle Hollmann saw no negatives with this agreement.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to enter into an Agreement with Azavar Government Solutions for

an audit of Local Government Revenues. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore,

Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Attorney

City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s reconsideration of a Second Reading of an Ordinance

Amending Article 6, Section 6.9, Number of Liquor Licenses creating a Restaurant License for Funblasters.

Council Member Donte Moore stated that the City is not here to legislate morality, but here to see that

businesses have a chance to compete. Mayor John Lewis asked if there was any public comment. No comments

were heard. Lewis restated the it is not up to him to tell a business how to run their business.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to reconsider the Ordinance Amending Article 6, Section 6.9,

Number of Liquor Licenses creating a Restaurant License for Funblasters. Seconded by Council Member Mike

Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the Ordinance #2017-30, Amending Article 6, Section

6.9, Number of Liquor Licenses creating a Restaurant License for Funblasters. Seconded by Council Member

Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration a second reading of an Ordinance Prohibiting

Parking of Motor Vehicles on Harlan Road. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel explained that “No Parking Signs”

have been installed for a long time and they have been disregarded by significant numbers of the motoring

public. This Ordinance establishes that parking on Harlan Road and adjacent to Harlan Road creates a traffic

hazard, obstructs the normal movement of traffic and the movement of emergency vehicles, and creates

conditions injurious to health, safety, and welfare of the public. A violation of the prohibition against Harlan

Road or adjacent to Harlan Road shall be subject to issuance of a citation and imposition of a fine for prohibited

parking, and shall subject the motor vehicle to towing without notice. The area includes the entire Harlan Road,

not just the area by Lincoln Park. Bechtel stated that other measures to provide safety have been implemented

such as pedestrian crosswalks on 34th Street and additional fencing. Council Member Donte Moore stated that

after the resurfacing of the parking lots, parking spaces will increase. Plus, cars can be parked on the lots next

to the soccer fields.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve Ordinance #2017-31, an Ordinance Prohibiting Parking

of Motor Vehicles on Harlan Road. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young,

and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

City Attorney David Leggans presented for Council’s consideration an Ordinance Rezoning Property at 17192 E.

Liberty Road having PIN 07-36-151-018 from A-G; General Agriculture to R-1; Low Density Residential. The

petitioning party is Carla Donoho. The property was subdivided into four lots for residential purposes. The

Planning and Zoning Commission approved this unanimously.

Council Member Jeff May motioned to approve Ordinance #2017-32, an Ordinance Rezoning Property at

17192 E. Liberty Road having PIN 07-36-151-018 from A-G; General Agriculture to R-1; Low Density

Residential. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.


Mayor John Lewis presented to the Council the appointment of Marty Cox to the Mt. Vernon Airport Authority

Board. Cox would replace Joe Bob Pierce who served on the Board since 2009.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the appointment of Marty Cox to the Mt. Vernon Airport

Authority Board. Seconded by Council Member Mike Young. Yeas: May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent:


Mayor John Lewis reported on the emergency sewer main collapse on 20th Street. He stated that the sewer

bypass was successful and complete. Clean up continues in the area. The documents are ready to submit to

the railroad and the EPA for repair permits. Lewis was impressed by the work of the City employees.

City Council

Council Member Donte Moore reminded everyone of the Community Watch Meeting scheduled for Monday,

July 24th at 6 p.m. in the Rolland W. Lewis Community Building. The entire community is welcome to attend.

Visitors/Citizens Requests/Addresses from the Audience

Luther Torrez spoke on a “Superheroes Night to Fly” event where special needs people and their caregivers will

be served. He invited the Council to attend this event on Saturday, July 29 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. This event will

provide fun activities for the special needs people and a break for their caregivers.

Luther Torrez invited the Council to attend the monthly men’s prayer breakfast. Any man, old or young, can

come to pray for our community leaders, law enforcement, first responders, military, etc.

Executive Session

No Executive Session was held.


Council Member Mike Young made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas:

May, Moore, Young, and Lewis. Absent: Rippy.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.




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