Cobden School Unit District 17 Board met May 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
The Board of Education meeting of the Cobden Unit School was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by President Tracie Moore. Upon roll call the following members were present:
Gerald Britt, Jeannie Brumleve, Kim Howell, President Tracie Moore, Debbie Penrod, Vice President Lisa Tomazzoli And Carroll Walker
Also present: Superintendent Edwin Shoemate and Board Recording Secretary Dee Conroy.
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Appoint President Pro Tem
On motion by Tomazzoli and seconded by Moore the Board voted to nominate Tracie Moore as President Pro Tem. Motion carried.
5. Review Votes
Mr. Shoemate, Superintendent reviewed the canvass of the votes as compiled by the Union County Clerk.
6. Seating of New Board Members/Oath
Board Recording Secretary Dee Conroy administered the Oath of Office to the following incumbents: Jeanne Brumleve, Kim Howell, Debra Penrod and Carroll Walker.
7. Board Re-Organization/Election Of Officers
The floor was opened for nomination of officers.
Nomination and Election of President
Tracie Moore was nominated as President. Tracie Moore being the only candidate nominated for the office of president, she is hereby declared elected by acclamation and so recorded in the minutes.
President Tracie Moore assumed the floor.
Nomination and Election of Vice President
Lisa Tomazzoli was nominated as Vice President. Lisa Tomazzoli being the only candidate nominated for the office of vice president, she is hereby declared elected by acclamation and so recorded in the minutes.
Nomination and Election of Secretary
Kim Howell was nominated as Secretary. Kim Howell being the only candidate nominated for the office of secretary, she is hereby declared elected by acclamation and so recorded in the minutes.
8. Approve Consensus Items
On motion by Moore and seconded by Brumleve the Board voted to approve the following consensus items:
Appoint Karen Winzenburger as Treasurer for the 2017-2018 school year
Approve Dee Conroy as Board Recording Secretary
9. Report/Action Items
Superintendent Report
It was the consensus of the Board to set meetings for the fourth Monday of each month at 6:00 in the Jr. Sr. High Library.
10. Executive (Closed Session) – (Personnel Employment, Personnel, Staffing, Student Discipline/Information And Legal Services)
11. Action Related To Closed Session
12. Adjournment
On motion by Moore and seconded by Britt the Board voted to adjourn at 5:53 p.m. Motion carried.