Field Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met October 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Members Present: Chester Connaway Members Absent: Mike Coleman
Rob Emery
Chris Hayes
Rodney Mullinax
Jonathan Schnautz Visitors Present: Erin Bevis
Jeff Staley Jennifer Arnold
The President called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
The Board considered the consent agenda which includes the minutes, bills, financial report, treasurer’s monthly report and investments. Connaway made the motion to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes of the previous meeting and bills totaling $210,318.68.
Schnautz seconded the motion.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: none
The Superintendent / Principal discussed the following reports:
1. Building – Fire Safety Program/ Drill Report – Bleacher Inspection – Asbestos Six Month Surveillance Report
2. Transportations – Bus Evacuations
3. Installation of Access Points for Internet
Schnautz made the motion to accept the proposal for installation of internet access points from Prominent for $3,350.00
Emery seconded the motion.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: none
Emery made the motion to transfer $35,00.00 in funds from Working Cash to Bond and Interest.
Mullinax seconded the motion.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Emery, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: none
The Superintendent discussed the following items:
1. See You At the Poles (Quinton Mullinax and Reach Out did an excellent job.)
2. Mrs. Ilbery thanked the Board and Staff for a great success at her benefit.
3. Principal’s Week honoring Mr. Stone ( October 16-20, 2017.
No Board action was taken.
No Public Input was heard.
Connaway made the motion to adjourn the meeting.
Emery seconded the motion.
Voting for the motion: Connaway, Hayes, Mullinax, Schnautz, and Staley
Voting against the motion: none
The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.