City of Waterloo Board of Police Commissioners met October 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Meeting was called to order with the following in attendance: Mayor Smith, Alderman Hopkins, Alderman Thomas, Alderman Buettner, Alderman Darter, Alderman Trantham, Alderman Row, Alderman Heller, Chief Mike Douglas, Deputy Chief Jeff Prosise, Tim Birk, Shawn Kennedy, and City Attorney Dan Hayes.
1. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. None.
2. Ordinance on establishing administrative procedure for4 assessing and determining claims under PSEBA. Mike Douglas reported that at IMLRMA, he was informed that cities have started to create their own ordinance to state what a catastrophic injury is. Dan Hayes stated that under federal law, you receive benefits only if you are unemployable. The city will need to set up administrative procedure to determine if an injury is catastrophic and if employee can no longer be gainfully employed. We will need to appoint 1 hearing officer and the city will have an attorney present representing the city and the person injured will have an attorney present representing them. Either side has the right to go to court following the outcome of the hearing officer. Illinois Municipal League created a sample ordinance. After discussion, Alderman Thomas made a motion, seconded by Alderman Darter to put ordinance on City Council agenda for November 3, 2017. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Executive Session as provided by 5 ILCS 120/20C)(1) and (2) for the Discussion of Personnel and Collective Bargaining. A motion to go into executive session was made by Alderman Darter, seconded by Alderman Hopkins. Motion passed unanimously. Committee entered executive session at 6:23 pm.
Committee returned from Executive Session at 6:33pm.
A motion was made by Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Darter to put in an acting Sergeant until police department can test for Sergeant. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Comments. None.
Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Thomas, seconded by Alderman Buettner. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.