City of Waterloo - Downtown Restoration Committee met December 4.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Present: Aldermen, Jim Hopkins, Stan Darter, Steve N otheisen, Jim Trantham, Russ
Thomas, Kyle Buettner, Public Relations, Sarah Duetch, Public Works Director, Tim
Birk, Financial Director, Shawn Kennedy, Building Inspector, Nathan Krebel and Mayor
Tom Smith.
Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items
Façade Grants
• Nick Hopkins requested a Façade Grant for 120 North Main St. The
application was reviewed by the committee. The committee decided that
the residential portion of the building did not fit the requirements of the
grant. The motion was made by Russ Thomas and seconded by Steve
Notheisen to approve the application as presented excluding the residential
deck. Trantham, Thomas, Notheisen, Darter yes, Hopkin abstained.
Motion passed.
• There was a discussion on the possibility of the businesses Bean Tree, It’s
Alive, and Savannahs applying for a grants. Nathan Krebel will keep in
contact with the businesses and keep the committee updated.
Banner Program
Sarah Deutch explained that the Banners were two years old but, were in good
Motion was made by Russ Thomas and seconded by Stan Darter to send letters to
the existing banner sponsors extending the current banner use for one year.
Motion passed unanimously.
Motion made by Steve Notheisen and seconded by Jim Trantham to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm