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Mt. Vernon City Council met November 20.

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Mt. Vernon City Council met November 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The Mt. Vernon City Council held a Regular City Council Meeting on Monday, November 20, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rolland W. Lewis Community Building, Veterans Park, 800 South 27th Street, Mt. Vernon, IL.

Mayor John Lewis called the meeting to order.

Reverend Ron Lash from the Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church gave the invocation.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call:

Roll call showed present: Council Member Jeff May, Council Member Donte Moore, Council Member Jim Rippy and Mayor John Lewis. Absent: Council Member Mike Young.

Presentation Of Journals:

The Journal for the November 6, 2017 Regular City Council Meeting was presented to Council for any additions, deletions or corrections.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the Journal as presented. Seconded by Council Member Jim Rippy. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Visitors/Citizens Requests/Addresses From The Audience:

No comments were heard from the public.

Approval Of Consolidated Vouchers For Accounts Payable:

The Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable were presented to Council for approval. Council Member Jim Rippy asked the duration of Item #2 Drury Development Corporation-$194,853.71-85% sales tax reimbursement for Drury Inn and Panera Bread from June 2017 thru September 2017 and the 90% TIF increment reimbursement. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel replied, until the end of the TIF 2032, the City will continue to pay $194,853.71 or until their benefit is repaid. Rippy asked the duration of Item #4 Henry, Meisenheimer & Gende-$37,480.06-Construction inspection for Chesley Industrial Park water and sewer ($34,205.42) and Lift Station 14 force main replacement ($3,274.64). Bechtel stated that regarding the water and sewer inspections, this should be the last bill because the inspections are completed. They are working on the road now. Future payables will be for the inspection of the road construction. Rippy asked if the trees on 42nd Street are guaranteed. Bechtel replied that she did not know. The City has a commitment for two years to keep the trees planted. After next year, if they die then the obligation has ended. The trees are located along the right-of- way and part of the agreement with the property owners for the 42nd Street improvements. The City took down trees and made the commitment to put the trees back.

Council Member Donte Moore motioned to approve the Consolidated Vouchers for Accounts Payable in the amount of $1,760,605.99. Seconded by Council Member Jim Rippy. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Bids & Quotes:

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the bid results for Police Squad Cars. Three bids were received. She explained that the bid estimate was based on the State contract budget and under the State contract the City should have been able to get these vehicles outfitted for $32,500.00. In the meantime, the company contracted by the State is not honoring the State contract and there was no opportunity for the City to take advantage of the State price. The bids received represent vehicles without the outfitting. Outfitting of the vehicle adds $6,340.00 to each vehicle which put the bids overbudget. The bids for the backhoes/loaders came in well under budget. The surplus funds can be allocated towards Police Squad Cars to keep the underbudgeted for total capital allocation. Staff’s recommendation is to accept the bid from Morrow Brothers in Greenfield, IL in the amount of $28,770.00 per vehicle or $$172,620 for six new Police Squad Cars.

Council Member Jeff May made a motion to accept the bid for the Police Squad Cars from Morrow Brothers, Greenfield, IL. in the amount of $172,620.00. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

City Manager Bechtel presented the bid results for Two Backhoes. The City received three bids and the Staff’s recommendation is to accept the bid from Erb Equipment, Mt. Vernon, IL as the lowest bidder in the amount of $189,807.00.

Council Member Jim Rippy made a motion to accept the bid for the Backhoes from Erb Equipment, Mt. Vernon, IL in the amount of $189,807.00. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

City Manager Bechtel presented the bid results for the City Hall Copier. Finance Director, Merle Hollmann, stepped forward to talk about the proposals received on 11 different copiers from four different companies. The Staff’s recommendation is to accept the bid from Sumnerone Group, Highland, Illinois for a Kyocera 6052CI color copier. This is comparable to the current malfunctioning 6-year-old machine. $14,000.00 was budgeted for a new copier. The purchase price is $7,721.00. Operating costs are $9,858.00 with the total cost of $17,579.00 for the first five years of operation. Hollmann stated they have maintenance people in the area with a guarantee a four-hour response time to have the machine up and running in eight hours.

Scott Stine, GFI Digital Inc. representative, commented that they are a local company and support many organizations locally and financially. Plus, they support the City financially through the Visitors Bureau yearly. Since their office is only five minutes away, he cannot see how anyone else could take care of the City any better than they can.

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard stated that if you are seeking bids in the best interest of the City, and if the specifications are met, the bid should be awarded to the low bidder. If the City starts saying that this bid is low, but this bid is local then the City will not have any bidders. Council Member May stated that he handles contracts on large projects and they default to a local contractor. Many times, they will re-negotiate their price to match the low bid. Howard stated that if you are going to bid as a public entity, and if the low bid that meets all the specifications, by law, the City should award to the low bidder. Council Member Rippy explained that the lowest bid is not always the lowest cost.

Council Member Jeff May made a motion to accept the bid for the Kyocera 6052CI Copier from Sumnerone Group, Highland, IL in the amount of $17,579.00. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore and Lewis. Nay: Rippy. Absent: Young

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the bid results for the cleaning and inspection of the 24- inch and 30-inch gravity sewer mains feeding the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Bechtel explained that there are four large gravity sewer mains. One main is completely blocked, another is 50% blocked, and two are 25% blocked. This project would clear the lines, video, and grade the lines for future maintenance or repair. Three bids were received. Corporation Counsel Bill Howard stated that the City’s recommendation is the second low bidder; Visu-Sewer, St. Louis, MO for $86,333.80. There is a difference of $41.00. In reviewing the deliverables from these companies, Visu-Sewer will give the City a complete report outlining where the problems are and what should be done to correct any problems and deficits. They will provide an estimated cost for repair. It is in the best interest of the City to have this information as the City moves forward in planning improvements of the sewer collection system.

Council Member Jim Rippy made a motion to accept the bid for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Sewer Investigation Project from Visu-Sewer, St. Louis, MO for $86,333.80. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

City Manager:

City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel presented the request for permission to seek proposals for the Design Build Remodel of the City Hall Billing Services Office. The office is dated and inefficient. The City wants to redesign the office to open it up. The service window would be eliminated, and doors and a counter would be installed to make it more customer friendly and confidential. The cost is expected to be around $40,000.00.

Council Member Donte Moore made a motion for Permission to Seek Proposals for Design Build Remodel of City Hall Billing Services Office. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

City Attorney:

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented an Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for Two-Family Dwelling at Property Located at 10622 N. Spring Garden Lane. The petitioning party is Johnathan Dalton. City Manager Bechtel explained that when this came before Council previously, it was believed that the Zoning Change and the Conditional Use was done at the same time. Only the Zoning Change was approved. This fixes the oversight and allows for approval of the Conditional Use for duplexes. The Planning and Zoning recommended to grant the Conditional Use.

Council Member Jim Rippy made a motion to approve Ordinance #2017-46 Granting Conditional Use for Two-Family Dwelling at Property Located at 10622 N Spring Garden Lane. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented an Ordinance Rezoning Property at 9422 E Bellview Road from B-2; Secondary Business to I-1; Light Industrial. The petitioning party is James Montgomery. City Manager Bechtel stated this is part of a corrective action addressing a zoning violation. Complaints have been received about outdoor storage on this property. The business is more conducive to Industrial Zoning because of the work which that requires some outdoor storage. There is adjacent industrial property in the area and it seems appropriate to change the Zoning to I-1 to eliminate any problems with the operation of his business.

Council Member Jeff May made a motion to approve Ordinance #2017-47 Rezoning Property at 9422 E Bellview Rd. from B-2; Secondary Business to l-1; Light Industrial. Seconded by Council Member Donte Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented an Ordinance Rezoning Property at 2504 Logan Street from R-2; Medium Density Residential to R-M2; Medium Density Residential and Mobile Home. The petitioning party is David Bruce. No objectors were present at the Planning and Zoning meeting. David Bruce stated that he bought a lot four years ago. He spent about $3,000.00 removing trees and installing a shed. He was required to move the shed because no house on the lot. He desires to place a 1300 sq. foot 28x52 manufactured home on the property. He has placed 75 tons of dirt on the lot and plans to place another 15 tons to make it level. The home will sit sideways on the property instead of facing the road. He appreciates the opportunity to do this and would love to have the approval.

Council Member Donte Moore made a motion to approve Ordinance #2017-48 Rezoning Property at 2504 Logan Street from R-2 Medium Density Residential to R-M2; Medium Density Residential and Mobile Home. Seconded by Council Member Jim Rippy. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented the First Reading of an Ordinance Declaring Property Surplus. City Manager Bechtel stated that the fourteen lots are listed as surplus: 815 S 17th Street, 307 S 13th Street, 906 S 24th Street, 615 S 20th Street, 210 N 4th Street, 1007 S 21st Street, 1005 S 13th Street, 724 S 20th Street, 503 N 7th Street, 1017 Welkins, 2100 Logan Street, 309 Castleton, 2105 Cherry Street and 1103 Welkins. The City is asking Council to approve the lots for surplus property, so they can be sold. Ten of lots are vacant and four have dilapidated structures on them. Other property included as surplus is the old street sweeper and one backhoe. Mayor John Lewis agreed with Council Member Jim Rippy’s suggestion of giving these properties away to people to place a home on. He thinks that this is a great idea. If there is any possible way for this idea, he would rather see those lots owner occupied than remain vacant. First Reading.

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented the Resolution Adopting a Personnel Policy. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated it has been many years, since the City updated the Personnel Policy and Manual. Department heads, attorneys, the commercial insurer have reviewed it and it is finally ready to adopt this policy.

Council Member Jeff May made a motion to adopt the Resolution Adopting a Personnel Policy. Seconded by Council Member Jim Rippy. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented the Resolution Granting a Conditional Sign Permit for Property at 310 Old Fairfield Road. The petitioning party is Robert Hood. Council Member Jim Rippy asked if this was a little premature bringing this before Council as the City is in the process of writing a new Sign Ordinance. Bechtel stated that they are hoping to have the new Sign Ordinance complete before the end of December. Robert Hood stated that his logic, regarding the billboard, is to try and increase the income on the storage units. Lewis stated that Mr. Hood would not have to go back through the zoning process, but recommended that Council would reconsider his request after the new Sign Ordinance is complete. Nathan McKenna will contact Mr. Hood when his request would be placed back on the agenda. Mr. Hood complied.

Council Member Jim Rippy made a motion to postpone indefinitely the Resolution Granting a Conditional Sign Permit for Property at 310 Old Fairfield Road until the new Sign Ordinance is established. Seconded by Council Member Moore. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented the Inducement Resolution with MTK Investments, LLC. for Tax Increment Financing at property located at 912 South 10th Street. City Manager Bechtel stated that plan is to redevelop the property, formerly United Rentals, into a laundry mat. They are requesting to apply for the Downtown TIF benefits. If they are award TIF Benefits, any expenses that are eligible for reimbursement after the date of this Inducement Resolution can be considered for reimbursement in the TIF benefit. The proposed Resolution is not a guarantee or award of any TIF benefit. Kimberly Thacker stated they are hoping to start renovations by the end of the year to renovate the building into a coin-operated laundry-mat. She hopes to have it up and running by May 2018. They are leasing the property.

Council Member Donte Moore made a motion to approve the Inducement Resolution with MTK Investments, LLC. for Tax Increment Financing at property located at 912 S 10th Street. Seconded by Council Member Jim Rippy. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

Corporation Counsel Bill Howard presented the Resolution Approving Planned Development within B-PL Zoning District. The petitioning party is ALDI Inc. City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel stated that under the B-PL Zoning any development needs Council for approval. John Sawyer, ALDI engineer, stated that ALDI is proposing to replace the current store with a new prototype store next to Kohls. It will be about 10,000 square feet larger than the current store. He anticipates they will hire an additional 2 or 3 employees with more during seasonal times. Construction of the project is set for Summer or Fall 2018. It is the newest prototype in Southern Illinois.

Council Member Jim Rippy made a motion to approve the Resolution Approving Planned Development within B-PL Zoning District. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young


No business to discuss.

City Council:

Council Member Jim Rippy stated that he thought that a tentative agreement to open 7th Street was complete. Tonight, as he walked in the door, he was informed that the vision about a tentative agreement for 7th Street was not solidified. He stated that this was very disappointing as the people want 7th Street to reopen.

Council Member Donte Moore stated that Mt. Vernon has many homeless people, who are in dire situations. Central Christian Church is hosting a huge Thanksgiving Day dinner. If anyone needs a good hot meal, it will be held on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd.

Visitors/Citizens Requests/Addresses From The Audience:

No comments were heard from the public.

Executive Session:

No Executive Session.


Council Member Donte Moore motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Council Member Jeff May. Yeas: May, Moore, Rippy and Lewis. Absent: Young

The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.




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