Herrin City Council met February 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the Council:
Mayor Steve Frattini called the meeting to order. Shelly Huggins, City Clerk called the roll and the following were present:
Steve Frattini___ Mayor
Shelly Huggins___ City Clerk
Carl Goodwin___ absent___ Treasurer
John Brewster___ absent___ City Attorney
Sheila Ahlgren___ absent___ Alderman Ward I
David Shoemake___ Alderman Ward I
Randy Crompton___ Alderman Ward II
Paul York___ absent___ Alderman Ward II
Steve Miller___ absent___ Alderman Ward II
Scott Kinley___ Alderman Ward II
Bill Sizemore___ Alderman Ward IV
Marilyn Ruppel___ absent___ Alderman Ward IV
Mayor Frattini included in voting members for quorum.
Award Bid: Motion made by Alderman Sh.omake, seconded by Alderman Crompton to authorize Police Chief to Purchase 2 police vehicles with Admin Tow Fund monies. We are replacing a totaled vehicle and adding another. Vehicles are in stock and we will go pick up as soon as possible. We will be receiving approximately $21,000 from insurance for totaled vehicle. Alderman Shoemake, Crompton, Kinley, Sizemore and Mayor Frattini voted “Yea”. None voted “Nay”.
Adjourn: Motion made by Alderman Crompton, seconded by Alderman Kinley to adjourn. Alderman Crompton, Kinley, Sizemore, Shoemake and Mayor Frattini voted “Yea”. None voted “Nay”.