Summersville School District 79 Board met Jan. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1. Call to order
Mr. Tate, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.
2. Roll Call
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Tate, President; Derek Sledge, Vice-President; Clint Turner, Secretary; Jeff Steffy; Chad Curd; Anthony Fisher
ALSO PRESENT: Mark Zahm, Superintendent
Carolyn Clark, Secretary
3. Opening Prayer
Derek Sledge opened the meeting with prayer.
4. Consent Agenda-The following item(s) will be considered for action (consent approval):
A. Minutes of the December 19, 2017, Regular Minutes and closed session minutes, and the closed session minutes of the November 17, 2017 meeting.
B. January, 2018 Bills
C. Quarterly Financial Report
Motion was made by Mr. Sledge and seconded by Mr. Steffy to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:
A. Minutes of the December 19, 2017, Regular Minutes and closed session minutes, and the closed session minutes of the November 17, 2017 meeting.
B. January, 2018 bills
C. Quarterly Financial Report
Steffy-yes; Tate-yes; Turner-yes; Sledge-yes; Fisher-yes; Curd-yes.
5. Recognition of Visitors
No visitors were present
6. Old Business
There was no old business for discussion or action.
7. Closed Session
A. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.
Motion was made by Mr. Curd and seconded by Mr. Turner to go into closed session at 7:05 PM for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body.
Tate-yes; Steffy-yes; Sledge-yes; Turner-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes.
Motion was made by Mr. Fisher and seconded by Mr. Sledge to come out of closed session at 8:16 PM. Tate-yes; Fisher-yes; Curd-yes; Steffy-yes; Turner-yes; Sledge-yes.
8. New Business
A. Concession Report
The Superintendent and Board discussed the concession report that was handed out.
9. Superintendent’s Report
A. Enrollment
B. Discipline Information
C. Team Quest 3rd & 4th
January 24th; 5th & 6th
January 25th; and 7th & 8th
January 29th
At Lifelong Learning Center, Kaskaskia College
D. Spelling Bee date has not been set until March from ROE
E. Statement of Economic Interest from Connie Simmons
10. Adjournment
Motion was made by Mr. Steffy and seconded by Mr. Sledge at 8:22 PM to adjourn.
Steffy-yes; Tate-yes; Curd-yes; Fisher-yes; Turner-yes; Sledge-yes.