
South West Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Columbia Community Unit School District No. 4 Board of Education met June 21.

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Columbia Community Unit School District No. 4 Board of Education met June 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I.Call to Order/ Roll Call

President Roessler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.

Visitor(s) Present-

Visitor(s) present: Becky Alexander, Jennie Steckler, Amber Haven, James Moll, K. Schl____, Kelton Davis, Portia Oberkfell.

II.Welcome Visitors/ Public Comments

President Roessler welcomed the public.

There were no public comments.

Dr. Segobiano reported on the following current events:

• Next week we will be hosting the Illinois State Police at CMS and CHS for training.

• Parkview teacher, Angie Barnett, was recognized as an Emerson Exemplary Teacher. She was presented this award at a reception in Bloomington. Congratulations Angie!

• Sports camps will be starting soon.

• New employee interviews are well underway.

• This is a busy time for the building/grounds, custodians, secretaries, and administrators!


Correspondence was passed around to the board members.

Approve Consent Agenda (Items IV. and V.)

IV.Minutes and Finance

Motion to approve the following consent agenda items (Item IV. Minutes and Finance and Item V. Personnel Items), as presented and as amended, by Superintendent Segobiano:

A. Approval of Minutes –

1. Open Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting – May 17, 2018

2. Executive Session(s) –

a. Regular Meeting – May 17, 2018 (Release)

3. Destruction of Verbatim Tapes – 18 months or prior to December, 2016

B. Approve Bookkeeper’s Financial Position/Treasurer’s Reports

C. Approve Budget Report – May 31, 2018

D. Approve Expenditures – June, 2018

E. Approve Activity Fund Report – May 31, 2018

V. Personnel Items

Accept Resignations-

A. Accept Resignation(s) –

1. David Touchette (Retirement Notice – EOY 2022)

2. Becky Touchette (Retirement Notice – EOY 2022)

3. Ericka Echelbarger, CHS Guidance Counselor

4. Kathryn Sternau, CMS Special Education Teacher

Employ Educational Support Personnel-

B. Employ Educational Support Personnel –

1. Kelly Search, Literacy Paraprofessional

2. Karen Jones, EV 10-month secretary

3. Brian Dill, Special Education Paraprofessional

Employ Certificated Personnel-

C. Employ Certificated Personnel –

1. Brooks Demijan, P.E./Health Teacher

2. Michelle Kleinschmidt, CHS Biology/Chemistry Teacher

3. CHS Guidance Counselor – TBA

4. CMS Special Education Teacher – TBA

Approve Temporary Disability Leave(s)-

D. Approve Temporary Disability Leave(s) – None

Approve Extra-Curricular Appointments-

E. Approve Extra Curricular Assignments –

1. Brooks Demijan, CMS 7th Grade Baseball Coach

2. Keith Jany, CMS 8th Grade Head Softball Coach

3. Brianna Weilbacher, CHS Head Softball Coach

4. Susan Beth Merker, CHS Freshman Volleyball Coach

Approve Non- Certified Class Advancements-

F. Approve Non-Certified Class Advancements – None

Declare Vacancy(s)-

G. Declare Vacancy(s) –

1. Varsity Assistant Football Coach

2. High School After Prom Sponsor

3. Middle School Special Education Resource Teacher

4. High School Guidance Counselor

Motion To Approve Consent Agenda-

Motion to approve consent agenda (Item IV. Minutes and Finance and Item V. Personnel Items), as presented and as, amended, made by Karen Anderson, seconded by Scott Middelkamp.

On a roll call vote:

Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

VI.Communications - Reports and Presentations

A.Board Committee Reports – None

B. Administrative Reports – The Board reviewed the following administrative reports:

1. Enrollment Report

2. Principals Reports – Included in Board Packet

CHS Principal, Brian Reeves, was in attendance. He reported to the Board that the driver’s education summer school class has nine students and will be finishing up next Friday.

3. Directors’ – CMT, Food Service, and Special Education

4. Assistant Superintendent’s Report –

a. Online Student Registration for Returning Students. Online student registration for the 2018-2019 school year will open on July 11th and will conclude on July 26th. On-site registration will also be offered on July 17 and July 24.

b. ADM Grant – “Pinkhouse” Project. An ADM grant has been awarded to Columbia CUSD4 to fund an indoor “greenhouse” or “pinkhouse.” Students in Grades 6-8 will engage in various hands on experiences growing various crops throughout the year using red and blue LED lights which when mixed, give a pink hue.

5. Superintendent’s Report –

a. FOIA Requests. The district responded to two FOIA requests: SmartProcure for PO/Vendor Information from February 27, 2018 to present, and Tammy Hines for attorney bills July 1, 2016 to present and two administrative records.

b. 2017-2018 Facility Sales Tax and Projects. Facility Sales Tax revenue reached a total of $839,659 for Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 20, 2018). The completed projects paid by the 1 cent facility sales tax during FY18 were the following: a portion of the Concession Stand/Restroom project, CHS parking lot expansion, CHS sealing/striping of lot, and the CMS HVAC controls. An amount of $500,000 of facility sales tax revenue was dedicated toward property tax reduction in the area of debt and interest. As presented in March of 2018, the facility sale tax projects slated for Fiscal Year 2019 are: Culinary class upgrades, track resurfacing, and a portion of the ADA bleachers. An updated “Use of School Facility Sales Tax” is included in the board packet.

c. Executive Session Verbatim Tapes. In March, it was discovered that our digital audio recorded used to record executive session was not working properly. The following verbatim recordings exist from the past 18 months or after December of 2016: January 19, 2017, April 20, 2017, July 20, 2017, April 9, 2018, April 19, 2018, and May 17, 2018.

The following executive session dates were held, but a verbatim recording is not available: December 15, 2016, February 16, 2017, May 18, 2017, June 15, 2017, September 25, 2017, October 19, 2017, November 15, 2017, December 18, 2017, January 18, 2018, February 15, 2018, and March 15, 2017.

There was not an executive session held for the following meetings: March 16, 2017, August 1, 2017, and August 17, 2017.

A new recorder has been purchased and will be available for the board meeting.

d. Travel Abroad – London 2019 Proposal. Teachers Krista Schoellhorn and Kelly Briesacher have submitted a proposal to offer a travel abroad experience for our students. The destination would be London during the summer of 2019. The educational travel program is through the ACIS program. MissVic does cover travel abroad trips. The teachers will solicit interest to see if the trip attracts the required number of students (5 per chaperone) to participate. The estimated cost for the trip (paid in full by the participants) is $4,421 for the 8-day trip.

VII. Items for Action

Motion to Approve Government Obligation Lease Agreement With Columbia National Bank and CUSD4-

A.Motion was made by Scott Middelkamp and seconded by John Long to approve the lease-purchase agreement with Columbia National Bank and CUSD 4 for technology and textbooks at a total cost of $233,264.79.

On a roll call vote:

Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Approve Prevailing Wage Act-

B.Motion was made by Karen Anderson and seconded by John Long to approve the Prevailing Wage Act for the 2018- 2019 school year as presented.

On a roll call vote:

Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Approve Byrne & Jones Contract For Track Resurfacing-

C.This item was tabled to the June 25, 2018 Special Meeting.

Motion to Approve the Contract for Cabinet and Countertop Replacement at CHS-

D.Motion was made by Karen Anderson and seconded by Scott Middelkamp to approve the Above & Beyond Design by Marla and Miller Construction Company contract to replace the cabinets and countertops in the culinary classroom at a cost of $32,967.20.

On a roll call vote:

Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds- Absent, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Accept the Proposals from Beloman at $29,900 and Gilbert Electric At $9,600 for The Installation And Labor for the Vocational Welding And Ventiliation Project Per HLS Survey-

E.Motion was made by Karen Anderson and seconded by Scott Middelkamp to accept the proposals from Beloman at $29,900 and Gilbert Electric at $9,600 for the installation and labor for the vocational welding and ventilation project per Health Life Safety survey.

On a roll call vote:

O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Approve the Contract Addendum: Contract Reopener Provision for 2018- 2020 between CEA And CUSD4-

F.Motion was made by Greg O’Connor and seconded by Scott Middelkamp to approve the Contract Addendum: Reopener Provision for 2018-2020 between the Columbia Education Association and Columbia CUSD 4 as presented.

On a roll call vote:

Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Approve the Contract Addendum: Contract Reopener Provision for 2018- 2020 between CESPA And CUSD4-

G.Motion was made by Karen Anderson and seconded by John Long to approve the Contract Addendum: Reopener Provision for 2018-2020 between the Columbia Educational Support Professionals Association (CESPA) and Columbia CUSD 4 as presented.

On a roll call vote:

Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Approve Student Handbooks for Eagleview, Parkview, CMS And CHS-

H.Motion was made by Tammy Hines and seconded by John Long to approve the 2018-2019 Student Handbooks for Eagleview Elementary, Parkview School, Columbia Middle School, and Columbia High School, pending legal review.

On a roll call vote:

Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

VIII.Discussion Items

A.Special Education Review

Tammy Hines addressed the board with her request to have a special education audit performed. She commented that it was the legal responsibility of the district to ensure parents understand. President Roessler indicated that the board is unaware of any pending special education concerns or complaints. The consensus of the board was the majority of issues can be resolved following the appropriate line of communication. The Special Education Parent Survey results showed 90% of the parents were very satisfied.

B.Procedures for Expenditures

Tammy Hines addressed the board with her request to discuss the procedures for expenditures. Mr. Mundorf suggested this item be discussed in closed session.

C.Approval of Contracts

Tammy Hines addressed the board with her request to discuss the board’s approval of contracts. Mrs. Hines then requested this item be discussed in closed session.

D.Format of Agenda

Tammy Hines requested Mr. Mundorf examine the format of the Board Agenda and see what needs to be changed. She suggested Personnel Items be moved to closed session and then approve when the board reconvenes to open session. Although Mr. Mundorf said the way the district conducts open session is perfectly fine, Dr. Segobiano addressed the board and said if they would like to change the format to review other schools’ agendas and compare it to ours before making any decisions. The current agenda format has been utilized for over 20 years. Dr. Segobiano indicated the board may want to consider moving toward a paperless agenda with all information online.

IX.Board President’s Prerogative

President Roessler addressed the board and reminded them to please communicate any problems/issues a person may have and try to resolve conflicts expeditiously rather than wait for a board meeting.

X.Closed Session 8:37 p.m.

It was moved by Tammy Hines, seconded by Karen Anderson to enter Closed Session for:

1.Purposes of employment or dismissal of employees, appointment, compensation, discipline, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

On a roll call vote:

Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Roessler-Aye, Simmonds-Absent, Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye.

The motion carried, 6-Aye, 1-Absent, 0-Nay

Open Meeting Reconvened - 10:25 p.m.-

President Roessler reconvened the meeting to Open Session in the District Board Room at 10:25 p.m.

XI.Adjourn - 10:25 p.m.

With no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Scott Middelkamp, seconded by John Long, to adjourn the meeting. President Roessler adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p.m.



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