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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Monroe County Board of Commissioners met June 4.

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Monroe County Board of Commissioners met June 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

The meeting of the County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois was called to order at 8:00 a.m. Chairman Robert Elmore, Commissioner Delbert Wittenauer, and Commissioner Vicki Koerber were present.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Others present included Deputy County Clerk Audrey Trembly and Sheila Wetzler, along with

Press Corps representatives – Joe Leicht of the Monroe County Independent and Alan Dooley of the Republic Times. Also present were Ron Schultheis and Jason Jones.

There being a quorum present, meeting was called to order by Chairman Elmore.

There were no Public Comments.

The minutes from the May 21, 2018 regular meeting were approved upon motion by

Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

The following Accounts Payable having been approved for payment, Commissioner Wittenauer moved that the same be allowed and that vouchers be issued against their respective funds of the County Treasurer for payment. Motion seconded by Commissioner Koerber, and so declared all voting Aye, none Nay, and none Absent. Motion carried.

General Fund

1st National Bank of Waterloo 3,640.23

ADP, LLC 1,409.00

All Systems Irrigation 80.00

All Type Tree Service Inc. 3,000.00

Americom 5,953.00

Bob Barker Company Inc. 647.92

Byers Printing Co. 422.08

City of Waterloo 10,447.93

CMS Shared Services Ctr 44.29

Coast to Coast 453.69

Conrad Press Ltd 397.00

Courtney Konarcik 223.95

CPR & Safety Training 116.00

Culligan-Schaefer Water Centers 61.92

Electro Door 89.00

Gateway FS 88.36

GreatAmerica Financial Services 178.49

Harrisonville Telephone 3,047.44

Illinois Dept. of Agriculture 25.00

John Deere Financial 172.46

Law Enforcement Targets 86.30

Leon Uniform Company Inc. 694.93

Locks A2Z 459.20

Lura Butler 425.94

Marina Palmieri 65.00

Monroe County Ambulance Service 50.00

Monroe County Independent 205.00

Nabers Shop 77.56

Prairie Farms Dairy Inc. 180.00

Quality Collision 1,816.28

Quill Corporation 814.97

Randy Rudloff 411.89

Ray O’Herron Co Inc. 517.21

Rejis Commission 266.00

Sonneberg Landscaping 139.50

Walmart Community 262.37

Waterloo Animal Hospital 887.87

Waterloo Lumber Company Inc. 220.04

Wayne’s One Stop 82.00

Health Tax Fund

1st National Bank of Waterloo 661.16

City of Waterloo 105.29

Coast to Coast Equipment 162.00

Harrisonville Telephone Company 332.50

Sanofi Pasteur Inc. 702.90

Stericycle Inc. 345.70

Ambulance Service Fund

1st National Bank of Waterloo 642.72

Carla Heise 120.00

Harrisonville Telephone Company 143.49

Medpro Waste Disposal LLC 230.91

Patient Refund 113.46

Walmart Community/RFCSLLC 116.88

Highway Fund

1st National Bank of Waterloo 100.82

Aramark Uniform Services 2,542.40

Brian Kohler 178.36

Carlson Software 825.00

Coast to Coast Equipment & Supplies Inc. 112.50

Asphalt Sales and Products Inc. 891.25

Dave Schmidt Truck Service 4,649.87

Fountain Water District 44.90

Harrisonville Telephone Co. 39.57

Hartmann Farm Supply Inc. 170.08

John Deere Financial 1,159.47

Luby Equipment Services 807.56

Nabers Shop 549.53

Rodney Eckart 128.00

Roger’s Redi-Mix Inc. 525.00

Sunset Ford 255.92

The Home City Ice Company 109.00

County MFT

Columbia Quarry Company 314.13

Road MFT

Columbia Quarry Company 1,311.19

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenuaer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to approve the list of Election Judges to be appointed for the term 2018-2020. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to approve the request by the City of Waterloo to use the Courtyard and Bandstand for their annual Pumpkinfest on Saturday, October 13, 2018. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to approve the request by the Waterloo Optimist Club to use the Courtyard and Bandstand for their annual Car Show on Sunday, June 3, 2018. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Kelton Davis came to the meeting to discuss School safety. He said in this area, the schools are being taught to use the 4E program – Educate, Evade, Engage and Evacuate. He said this is an option that is promoted at the Federal level for response to an emergency situation. Mr. Davis said you can enact every possible safeguard, but nothing is completely foolproof. He said there have been several ideas regarding door safety, but you can’t have a panic button, a delay button, and exit button, or any kind of device that would keep students from getting out of the building quickly in case of emergency. Mr. Davis said the critical part of this scenario is the mental health aspect, and this requires a partnership among all of the agencies that are a part of education. He said it is not a problem singling out the individuals who could be a problem, but the proper response for these types of students needs to be refined.

Mr. Davis said the students are always told if they have any concerns they should pass this along to an adult, but the students aren’t always willing to open up to an adult. He said they are looking at forming and training teen leadership groups that could serve as a “point of listening” to the concerns of other students. He said most teens will go to a peer to talk before they will open up to an adult. He said these teen leaders will not be responsible for acting as a counselor, but will be trained to send the person to the proper adult contact. Mr. Davis said ignoring this problem is definitely not the proper option. He said social media is also a major problem, as it has taken bullying to a 24/7 problem.

Mr. Davis said every School in the bi-county region has been trained in the 4E program. He said the biggest part that is currently missing is involving the parents and community in this training model, and realizing that every student needs to realize that they’re important. He said another one of the problems is that you can’t bill insurance companies for therapy from an outside source.

Commissioner Wittenauer said to clarify – you don’t feel that locking down the Schools, adding security guards and bulletproof glass is the solution to the problem, but the answer is recognizing the students who have issues, and dealing with those issues before they become a major problem. Mr. Davis said that is exactly right – one is a short-term fix, and the other is a long-term solution to these problems. Trying to identify the students with problems and helping them solve those problems is definitely the best solution. Mr. Davis said he also thinks that if the media wasn’t covering these events to the detail that they are, this would also help to curtail some of the problems. Commissioner Koerber said it’s not the guns – we’ve got to get to the root of the problem. Mr. Davis said another problem is that we have put our children in bubbles. The previous generation sent their kids outside and told them not to come in until it was time to eat. Now we are scared to let our kids to go out by themselves, and this only complicates this issue. We’ve taken away the experience to fail and overcome failure. Mr. Davis left the meeting.

Kim Keckritz and Rachel Giffhorn came to the meeting to discuss Oak Hill business. Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to enter closed session to discuss personnel. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Resolution 18-45

Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois that the Board is going into closed session for the purpose of Personnel.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 4th day of June, 2018.

Motion: Wittenauer Second: Koerber

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to end closed session and return to open session. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Resolution 18-46

Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois that the Board is ending its closed session and returning to open session.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 4th day of June, 2018.

Motion: Koerber Second: Wittenauer

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None

Mike Fausz and Tony Groves came to the meeting to discuss a rezoning. Mr. Fausz said that Tony Groves/Groves Investments purchased 10 acres that he wanted to rezone to Highway Business for the construction of storage units. This property is located on Route 3 south of Waterloo, and was being used for the sale and repair of vehicles previously. He said at the Zoning Board of Appeals there was a 4-1 vote to approve. Mr. Fausz said that Aaron Metzger spoke at the hearing, and he said that the existing Road District road would not be sufficient for the traffic created by this business, and a new entrance would be required. Mr. Fausz said Mr. Groves would be required to dedicate an additional 10 feet to the Road District to allow them to make future improvements on the road as necessary. Commissioner Koerber asked about the view from neighboring land owners, and Mr. Groves said the property will include 6-foot tall fencing around the entire parcel. Mr. Groves said the first set of buildings will include 80 storage units, and he will only build more if there is public need for the units. He said the space on the

site could accommodate 700 units. Mr. Fausz said he would be required to abide by the County sign regulations as well.

Two of the neighboring property owners, Chris and Tracy Rutz, were on hand to express several concerns. He said much of the trash that was on the site was just moved to another nearby location. Mr. Rutz said there have been multiple accidents along this stretch of highway. Mr. Rutz said IDOT needs to make this a no passing zone. He said he has talked to Aaron Metzger and Patrick Doyle, the Road District Commissioner, and both said they have no control over what IDOT does with this stretch of road. Mrs. Rutz said another concern is that this property will also include boat and RV storage, and they will have problems getting in and out of this intersection. Commissioner Koerber said she can understand the concerns with traffic and road widths.

Aaron Metzger came to the meeting. Commissioner Koerber asked about possible road improvements to help with this situation. Mr. Metzger said the Road District Commissioner has agreed to improve the intersection with longer culverts, etc. Mr. Metzger said the developer will need an entrance permit and will be responsible for that entrance and providing a wider easement to the Road District. Commissioner Koerber asked Mr. Metzger is he would be willing to talk to IDOT about improvements that could help this situation. Commissioner Wittenauer asked if the entrance was discussed at the Planning Commission. Mr. Metzger said he talked about an entrance permit when discussing this with the Planning Commission, as well as the width of the road, etc. There was additional discussion regarding various traffic concerns. Mr. Metzger said the only improvements at this time would be to the intersection. If there is a need to widen the access road, that would be up to the discretion of the Road District Commissioner. Mr. Groves said he would be willing to give up more than the required 10-foot easement if that would help properly align the intersection off Route 3.

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to approve the zoning change on this property from A1 to B2, contingent upon acquiring IDOT accident reports for this stretch of Illinois Route 3, and Mr. Groves providing the necessary easement at the Illinois Route 3 intersection to make the intersection wider and more perpendicular with Illinois Route 3. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Ordinance 18-8

Whereas, Groves Investment have filed for Part of Tax Lot 2 and Part Tax Lot 23B in Section 17, Township 3 South Range 9 West, more particularly described as: Beginning at a stone found which marks the Northeast corner of Tax Lot 2; thence at an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West along the East Line of Tax Lot 2 and the East Line of Tax Lot 23B, a distance of 884.10 feet to an iron pin; thence North 55 degrees 08 minutes 48 seconds West along the Northeasterly right of way of Illinois Route 3, a distance of 807.14 feet to an iron pin, thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 34 seconds East, a distance of 426.22 feet to an iron pin, thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 664.96 feet to the point of beginning. To be rezoned from A-1 to B-2; and

Whereas, the Monroe County Regional Planning Commission recommended to approve the Rezoning of Part of Tax Lot 2 and Part Tax Lot 23B in Section 17, Township 3 South Range 9 West, more particularly described as: Beginning at a stone found which marks the Northeast corner of Tax Lot 2; thence at an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West along the East Line of Tax Lot 2 and the East Line of Tax Lot 23B, a distance of 884.10 feet to an iron pin; thence North 55 degrees 08 minutes 48 seconds West along the Northeasterly right of way of Illinois Route 3, a distance of 807.14 feet to an iron pin, thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 34 seconds East, a distance of 426.22 feet to an iron pin, thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 664.96 feet to the point of beginning. To be rezoned from A-1 to B-2; and

Whereas, the Monroe County Zoning Board of Appeals recommended to approve the Rezoning of Part of Tax Lot 2 and Part Tax Lot 23B in Section 17, Township 3 South Range 9 West, more particularly described as: Beginning at a stone found which marks the Northeast corner of Tax Lot 2; thence at an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West along the East Line of Tax Lot 2 and the East Line of Tax Lot 23B, a distance of 884.10 feet to an iron pin; thence North 55 degrees 08 minutes 48 seconds West along the Northeasterly right of way of Illinois Route 3, a distance of 807.14 feet to an iron pin, thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 34 seconds East, a distance of 426.22 feet to an iron pin, thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 664.96 feet to the point of beginning. To be rezoned from A-1 to B-2; and

Now, Therefore Be It Ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois to approve the Rezoning of Part of Tax Lot 2 and Part Tax Lot 23B in Section 17, Township 3 South Range 9 West, more particularly described as: Beginning at a stone found which marks the Northeast corner of Tax Lot 2; thence at an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 18 minutes 34 seconds West along the East Line of Tax Lot 2 and the East Line of Tax Lot 23B, a distance of 884.10 feet to an iron pin; thence North 55 degrees 08 minutes 48 seconds West along the Northeasterly right of way of Illinois Route 3, a distance of 807.14 feet to an iron pin, thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes 34 seconds East, a distance of 426.22 feet to an iron pin, thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 664.96 feet to the point of beginning. To be rezoned from A-1 to B-2; and

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo, this 4th day of June, 2018

Motion: Koerber Second: Wittenauer

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None

Carla Heise came to the meeting to discuss Ambulance Service business. She said she would like to use the Courthouse Bandstand for an Ice Cream Social to be held on August 22 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to approve this request. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Ms. Heise also presented a sheet showing the daily call volume from January 1, 2017 to May 17, 2018. She also reported that all the cell phones have been converted to the new plan except for the five most recent contracts, and there are a few problems with getting those converted. Ms. Heise said the County will recover about $500 on the old phones.

Kevin Koenigstein came to the meeting to present a preview of the Treasurer’s semi-annual report. He said right now the Ambulance Service has collected about $468,000 in fees, and the Service is on pace to collect just over $1 million in fees this fiscal year. Ms. Heise said there are no plans for a remount this year, but the backup Ambulance – the 2009 – is now setting in the garage with all the check engine lights on, so they are looking at another remount for next year for this unit. Brian Hooten said that unit also has a bad oil leak, and it always leaves a mess on the garage floor.

Brian Hooten and Mike Schneider came to the meeting to discuss the bid opening for the replacement of the Jail roof. Mr. Schneider said seven bids were received. He said all of these bids are based on adding R-30 insulation across the whole roof. It also includes some modifications to the downspouts and things like that. Mr. Schneider said some of the options include a 20-year warranted roof for $137,929, or a 30-year roof for $131,755, or a 30-year roof plus the replacement of 8 leaking skylights for $148,929. Mr. Hooten said that is about the same amount of money that is included in the budget project fund. Commissioner Koerber asked if the extra insulation would improve the utility costs. Mr. Hooten said he discussed this with CTS, the county’s energy consultant, and they said this may only result in a savings of $50 per year, even though the insulation is being increased, and the roof color is going from black to white. Mr. Scheider said the low bidder has a good track record of work completed. Commissioner Koerber asked about the time frame for completion of the work. Mr. Schneider said this contract allows for a 10/15/2018 completion date, and that gives the contractor time to finish School-related work during the summer months, which saves on the contract price. Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to approve the bid of Joiner Sheet Metal & Roofing of Highland, Illinois, for a new Jail roof and skylights at a contract price of $148,929. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Mr. Hooten said he also wanted to report on the Bandstand improvements. He said to do all of the work requested it would cost $21,500. For $10,000 the following could be completed – a new roof, new gutters and downspouts around the whole structure, caulk and seal all the brick and add three new doors in the basement area. Mr. Hooten said replacing the bathroom partitions with new plastic ones will cost about $6,835, and new exhaust fans and lights will cost about $3,800. He said it is hoped that several of the local organizations will be able to donate to help with the cost of the partitions, fans and lights. Mr. Hooten said the County Maintenance Dept. would take care of new ceiling fans on the upper ceiling (where the Municipal Band performs) and painting, and the cost for materials to the County would be about $1,750. Mr. Hooten said he would like to do the first round of work (the $10,000 expense) and then make sure this work helps to solve the current moisture issues in the basement before continuing with the balance of the work. Mr. Hooten said if there is still a moisture problem after all the outside work is completed, then his suggestion would be to close off the bathroom area of the basement.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to accept the bid of Doerr Construction Co. in the amount of $9,042 detailed as follows ($4,830 to replace the Bandstand roof, $2,535 for caulking and sealing the brick and $1,678 for replacing three doors in the basement). All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried. Mr. Hooten said this work should be done within the next several months. Commissioner Koerber said she suggested keeping the bathrooms closed for now, and if this works to keep the basement dry, she would contact the various organizations to see if they would be willing to donate to help renovate the basement. Commissioner Wittenauer said we may need to watch the building for a while to make sure the moisture problem is solved.

Mr. Hooten said the Jail generator has been installed. He said it cost $16,000 to hook the generator to the underground fuel tank, and this cost was so high because of all of the environmental approvals required. Mr. Hooten said this is a 275-gallon tank that sets right under the generator, and guarantees at least a 4-hour run time in case of emergency. He said they will contract with FS to supply fuel as quickly as necessary to the Jail in case of emergency. Mr. Hooten said something will have to be done with the fuel in the existing tank, and eventually the existing tank will have to be filled with concrete, under the supervision of the State Fire Marshal.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to allow Chairman Elmore to sign any contracts related to the replacement of the Jail roof. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Kevin Koenigstein and Annmarie Marcuson came to the meeting to discuss various issues. Mr. Koenigstein presented his semi-annual Collector’s report, and explained the details of the report. Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to approve this report. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried. Commissioner Koerber asked how much sales tax comes back to the County. Mr. Koenigstein said for any sales tax collected by a local municipality, the total amount collected is paid to the State of Illinois, 1% is paid back to the municipality, 1% goes to the local School district,.25% goes to the Flood Prevention District and then.25% of that amount is paid back to the County by the State of Illinois.

Mr. Koenigstein reviewed the fiscal YTD revenue and expense report. He said the state funds are at about 51% of the projected annual revenues, so he is expecting that number to be right at budget. Mr. Koeningstein said there is still some concern about when the property tax cycle will be completed. He said when you look at the fees collected by each individual office, the fee increases are starting to catch up, and they should all be close to budget by the end of the fiscal year. Mr. Koenigstein said growth in Monroe County is reflected in Zoning Department fees being at nearly 60% of their anticipated revenue budget. He said some of these fees will be revised as the incoming bank statements are reconciled.

Commissioner Koerber said she would like to see the county’s gaming revenue put into a Courthouse beautification Fund to help with replacing trees, etc.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to approve the Treasurer’s semi-annual report. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Annmarie Marcuson said she wanted to report on the County’s Health Insurance plan. She said the open enrollment period is now open. The new rates reflect a 3.3% increase. Mr. Koenigstein said the deductions from employee’s paychecks would increase to cover the corresponding increase in the health insurance costs – none of the premium increase will be absorbed by the County. Ms. Marcuson said she would distribute that information at the Department Head meeting later today. There was also discussion of a high deductible plan. Ms. Marcuson said the County is already considered as having a high deductible plan, so some kind of a survey would have to be done to see if any employees are really interested in a higher deductible plan before proceeding that direction.

Commissioner Koerber said she would like to see two different plans, and allow the employees to choose the plan to best fit their family needs. She said offering a second plan would allow more options for the employees. Ms. Marcuson said the County also needs to consider whether or not they will provide the HRA for the employees. Commissioner Koerber said we offer an HRA with the original plan, so why not offer it with the second option. Commissioner Wittenauer said if you don’t offer the HRA, no one will be interested in the second plan option. Ms. Marcuson asked if the HRA would mirror the original plan. The Commissioners all felt that it needed to be the same for both plan options. Ms. Marcuson said in July of 2019, we can offer either Blue Cross or United Healthcare. She said if a higher deductible plan is added, this would actually give the employees three plan options. Ms. Marcuson said she would see if we can start this for January 1, 2019.

Motion was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer to approve the 2018-2019 insurance rates to begin on July 1, 2018 and to stay in effect until June 30, 2019, as presented to the County Board by Ms. Marcuson, and she will bring information back to the Board about the alternate plan that could be put in place in January, 2019. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Ms. Marcuson presented information regarding the Harrisonville Telephone Company plan revision from Pots to SIPS. The license cost as proposed by HTC to make this change would be $596.20. She said the phones would have to be shut off in the Courthouse for one hour at some point to make this change. Ms. Marcuson said she would also have to check to see what part of this needs to be done at the Sheriff’s Office where the main County phone lines are located. Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to change the County’s phone lines from POTS to SIPS as proposed by HTC. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Ms. Marcuson said the computer currently being used by her – originally purchased in 2013 in the Treasurer’s office – is no longer functioning, and she was told by Americom she will need to purchase a new computer. She said while she is replacing the equipment, she would also like to purchase a new printer that goes through less ink. Mr. Koenigstein said there is money allocated in the budget for equipment. Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to allow $2,000 for the purchase of a computer and printer for Ms. Marcuson’s office. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Chairman Elmore said Americom said it was the County’s fault that the email was opened causing the virus in the County’s computer network. He said the bill is $7,425. Commissioner Wittenauer said I’m not agreeing to pay that – that’s what we’re paying them for with our monthly payment. Chairman Elmore said he was told by Americom that they spent 750 hours trying to solve this problem. Commissioner Wittenauer said he thought this was all included as part of the monthly fee that we pay to Americom. Chairman Elmore said he would call Americom to discuss this situation. Commissioner Wittenauer said we have a contract with this company, and this should be covered.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to reappoint Aaron Metzger to the Southwestern Illinois Planning Commission Executive Committee. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Resolution 18-47

Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois that Aaron Metzger, 8005 Andy Road, Waterloo, Illinois be reappointed to the Southwestern Illinois Planning Commission Executive Committee for a term of one year with term to commence on June 1, 2018 and term to expire on May 31, 2019 or until a successor is appointed and has qualified.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo this 4th day of June, 2018.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to reappoint Pat Wetzel to the Farmland Assessment Review Committee. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Resolution 18-48

Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois that Pat Wetzel, 254 Wetzel Drive, Waterloo, Illinois be reappointed to the Farmland Assessment Review Committee, for a term of three years with term to commence on March 2, 2018 and term to expire March 1, 2021 or until a successor is appointed and has qualified.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo this 4th day of June, 2018.

Motion: Wittenauer Second: Koerber

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None

Motion was made by Commissioner Wittenauer, with a second by Commissioner Koerber to

reappoint Roger Wild to the Farmland Assessment Review Committee. All voting Aye, none

Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.

Resolution 18-49

Be It Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois that Roger Wild, 4834 Maeystown Road, Waterloo, Illinois be reappointed to the Farmland Assessment Review Committee, for a term of three years with term to commence on May 1, 2018 and term to expire April 30, 2021 or until a successor is appointed and has qualified.

Passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois at Waterloo this 4th day of June, 2018.

Motion: Wittenauer Second: Koerber

Aye: Three Nay: None

Absent: None

There was discussion about the meeting that will include those involved in the discussion about the future of the Annex Building.

There was also discussion regarding a meeting with the County Board, Pam Jacobs and a representative of the University of Illinois in relation to Monroe County funding of the Extension Service. Commissioner Koerber said Ms. Jacobs is checking available dates and will get back with the County Board to set a meeting date.

There was discussion about the County’s Electrical Board, and whether the Board needs to be continued. Commissioner Koerber said she would talk to Mike Fausz about this situation.

There was discussion regarding a Fountain Water District customer who had a leak on their property, received a large bill for water used, and is now filing suit against FWD because they received a $1,500 bill. Fountain Water District agreed to pay half the bill, but the customer was not happy with this.

There being no further business to come before the Board, motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Koerber, with a second by Commissioner Wittenauer. All voting Aye, none Nay and none Absent. Motion carried.




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