Carbondale Public Library Board of Trustees met Oct. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Call to order.
Called to order at 4:33 p.m.
Roll call.
Introductions, audience and visitors. Visitors are asked to introduce themselves at this time and present any issues they wish to discuss. Visitors wishing to address specific agenda items will be granted two to five minutes at the discretion of the President, not to exceed a total of twenty minutes. The Library Board may cut short any comments that are irrelevant, repetitious, or disruptive. (Id. at 1425-26).
Barbara Levine, President Joyce Hayes, Secretary
Susan Tulis, Vice President (2) Philip Brown
Don Prosser (1) Harriet Simon (2)
Julian Pei, Treasurer (1) Roland Person (2)
The number following the Trustee’s name indicates the number of absences this fiscal year. One seat is currently vacant.
Staff present.
Diana Brawley Sussman, Library Director; Gwen Hall Grosshenrich, Finance Manager; Wendy Schoof, Adult Program Coordinator
Visitors present.
President’s report.
Secretary’s report.
1. Approval of September 12, 2018 minutes. Don Prosser moved to approve minutes with the correction of two typos. Philip Brown seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
Correspondence and communications.
Financial report.
1. Approval of bills payable up to and including bills due October 16, 2018 to November 15, 2018. Bills are standard. Larger bills include the first half of the Phone MACS cabling project, and the ProQuest database subscription bill. Philip Brown moved to pay the bills. Harriet Simon seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
2. Acceptance of the financial report for September 2018. Temporarily transferred $100,000 from reserves to checking in order to cover expenses prior to receipt of property tax revenue. Property tax bills are due Oct. 26. We’ve received the previous year’s e-rate reimbursement for cabling. Susan Tulis moved to accept the financial report. Joyce Hayes seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
3. FY20 levy and preliminary budget adoption. The Board of Trustees of the Carbondale Public Library requests that the City Council of the City of Carbondale levy $1,061,953.00 for the Library's General Corporate Tax. This amount includes the Library’s General Fund, Audit Fund, IMRF, Social Security/Medicare Fund, Building/Maintenance Fund, Insurance Fund, and Special Reserve Fund. This is a 1.43%. increase. Susan Tulis moved to adopt budget and levy. Philip Brown seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
Noted: Carbondale residents see a fantastic return on their investment in the library. The average reader checks out 41 books (movies & other items) per year worth $934. Our biggest reader checks out 1,176 books/items per year worth $26,789! We also conduct, on average, 500 programs per year, provide Internet access, and so much more!
Librarian’s report.
1. Building and grounds maintenance. Will be doing another e-rate cabling project.
2. Per Capita Grant Requirement: Review Chapter 10 of the Trustee Fact File. Discussed the chapter on budgeting. Discussed the effect of PTEL on tax capped counties, which does not affect municipal libraries in home rule communities.
3. Approve or deny a resolution to abate taxes on improvements in the Jackson County Enterprise Zone. Don Prosser moved to approve the resolution. Joyce Hayes seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
4. 11 Days for Peace. There were three dozen programs, and the City Council voted to unanimously pass a Compassionate and Nonviolent Community Resolution, and presented Nonviolent Carbondale with a signed copy. Carbondale is the model for the Nonviolent Cities Project. There are now 50 Nonviolent Cities projects in North America. The library will continue to work on programs and initiatives that promote nonviolence and compassion in the community.
5. Other. None.
Committee reports.
1. The Personnel Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m. or immediately following this board meeting, whichever is later.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
Next Board Meetings for 2018 (all in Public Library meeting room, 4:30 p.m., second Wednesday of each month): November 14, 2018, December 12, 2018