City of Waterloo Electric Committee met Feb. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Members Present: Darter, Heller, Row, Trantham, Buettner, Smith
Others Present: Russ Thomas, Shawn Kennedy, Tim Birk, Dan Hayes, Jim Nagel
1) Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda items – None
2) Net Metering Allocation
Tim Birk reviewed Net Metering. The City (by ordinance) allows 2% of Max Load that can be allocated to Net Metering. Currently that amount is 475KW but can vary based on the 2% Allocation.
The City currently has 2 residences (10KW) each and Gibault High School with 2KW with Solar Panels.
The Waterloo School District is exploring 2 Solar Systems that would take 125KW each. Lengthy discussion by the Committee to determine how the remaining 450KW could be allocated to Residences and/or Commercial applications.
Motion made by Russ Row, 2nd by Clyde Heller to allocate 2/3 to Commercial and 1/3 to Residential on a “First Come First Served” basis.
Unanimous voice vote.
3) Energy Efficiency Nest Program
Tim Birk reviewed this energy efficiency rebate program. Nest is a programmable thermostat that can be accessed remotely with wifi and a phone app.
There is $14,000 total grant dollars available for all Energy Efficiency upgrades. Discussion about how much to set aside for this program.
Motion made by Kyle Buettner, 2nd by Clyde Heller to allocate up to $2,500 with a March 1, 2019 kickoff. A $50 rebate is available when residents submit the UPC Seal and Sales Receipt for a Nest Thermostat.
4) Comments – None
Motion to adjourn made by Russ Row, 2nd by Jim Trantham, adjourned at 6:44pm.