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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Columbia Community Unit School District No. 4 Board of Education met January 17


Columbia Community Unit School District No. 4 Board of Education met Jan. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Karen Anderson

Tammy Hines

John Long

Scott Middelkamp

Greg O’Connor

Ted Schrader

Randy Simmonds

Dr. Gina Segobiano, Superintendent

Dr. Beth Horner, Assistant Superintendent

Dr. Courtney Castelli, Columbia Middle School Principal

Mr. Barney Mundorf, School Attorney

I. Call to Order/Roll Call

President Middelkamp called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.

Visitor(s) Present

Visitor(s) present: Mary Adams, Carleigh Ottwell, Krista

Present Schoellhorn, Erin Allen, Jennie Steckler, Jeanne Goacher, Missie Steve, Donna Myers, Brad Goacher, Robin Siler, Lynn Webb, Sarah Chudd, Angie Barnett, Jeanna Wheeler, Erica Kane, Janet Kniepkamp, Becky Alexander, Heidi Donald, Carla Wantuck, Ron Hunsaker, Amber Hunsaker, Michelle Spivey, Bethany Prange, Heidi Klein, Brian Reeves, James Moss, April Becherer, Bobby Dugan, Cress Morr, Laura Simmons, Ed Weinhoff, and Karen Dent.

President Middelkamp welcomed the public.

II. Welcome Visitors/Public Comments

Dr. Segobiano reported on the following current events:

• The PTA teacher grants were awarded today. Eagleview, Parkview, and Middle School all received grants for various educational items pertaining to literacy, STEM, just to name a few. The PTA will announce the winners soon.

• Retiring Middle School teacher and coach, Jon Wehrenberg, coached his last basketball game recently. He was recognized for his many years of dedication to the Columbia Middle School sports program.

• Columbia High School sponsored their Freshmen Preview Night on January 15th. There were lots of future freshmen who attended and was a huge success. It was quite impressive to see so many current CHS students volunteer their time to assist with this event!

Micki Spivey, a Columbia Middle School teacher, addressed the board. She thanked the board and administration for their hard work. Mrs. Spivey also made the following comments:

• She has been a teacher in the Columbia district for 15 years. It is an outstanding place to work and can’t say enough positive things about the district. • She has two sons who graduated from Columbia, and thanked the all the teachers who went above and beyond to ensure they received a quality education.

• She is very upset at the newspaper article recently published. She felt the article misrepresented the majority of the teachers and lumped them all into one entity.

• Every one of the teachers in the Columbia district works extremely hard, and she hates that the school is being torn down without hearing comments from both sides.

Heidi Klein, a Columbia Middle School teacher, spoke to the board. Her comments are as follows:

• She has been a teacher at CMS for 28 years. She is a parent as well with two children in the district.

• She loves this school district and is beyond grateful for the opportunity to teach here.

• The district has great people here who nurture and truly care about the students.

• She has many former students reach out to her and tell her the same thing.

• Hard decisions are made by the administrators on a daily basis and she’s thankful for their hard work.

• The recent newspaper article was very upsetting. She has never been afraid of approaching the administration and does not want the public thinking this.

• The fact that we have a multitude of retired teachers who come back to substitute is a great testament to working conditions at Columbia School District.

III. Correspondence

Correspondence was passed around to the board members.


IV. Minutes and Finance

Motion to approve the following consent agenda items (Item IV. Minutes and Finance and Item V. Personnel Items), as presented, by Superintendent Segobiano:

A. Approval of Minutes –

1. Open Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting – December 20, 2018

2. Executive Session(s) –

a. Regular Meeting-December 20, 2018 (Release)

B. Approve Bookkeeper’s Financial Position/Treasurer’s Reports

C. Approve Budget Report – December 31, 2018

D. Activity Fund Balance Report – December 31, 2018

E. Approve Expenditures – January, 2019

V. Personnel Items

Accept Resignations

A. Accept Resignation(s) –

1. Carey Burton, Varsity Assistant Volleyball Coach

2. Carrie Clayton, Color Guard Sponsor

Employ Educational Support Personnel

B. Employ Educational Support Personnel -

1. Jeanne Reis, Title I Interventionist (retroactive Jan. 4 to end of school year/Title I 2003a Grant)

2. Debra Bollinger, Cafeteria (3.5 hr/day – retroactive to 11/19/18)

Employ Certificated Personnel

C. Employ Certificated Personnel – None

Approve Temporary Disability Leave(s)

D. Approve Temporary Disability Leave(s) - None

Approve Extra-Curricular Appointments

E. Approve Extra Curricular Assignments –

1. Savannah Wittenbrink, Volunteer CMS Volleyball

Approve Non-Certified Class Advancements

F. Approve Non-Certified Class Advancements - None

Declare Vacancy(s)

G. Declare Vacancy(s) –

1. Special Education Teacher (2)

2. Middle School Social Studies Teacher

3. High School Science Teacher

4. Agriculture Teacher/FFA

5. High School English Teacher

6. School Psychologist

7. Athletic Director

8. CHS Student Council Advisor

9. CHS Color Guard

10.Varsity Assistant Volleyball Coach

Motion To Approve Consent Agenda

Motion to approve consent agenda (Item IV. Minutes and Finance and Item V. Personnel Items), as presented, by Randy Simmonds, seconded by Karen Anderson.

On a roll call vote:

Anderson-Aye, Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Schrader-Aye, Simmonds-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

VI. Communications - Reports and Presentations

A. Board Committee Reports – None

B. Administrative Reports – The Board reviewed the following administrative reports:

1. Enrollment Report

2. Principals Reports – Included in Board Packet

Dr. Courtney Castelli, Columbia Middle School Principal, was in attendance and reported on the following:

• Work has begun on the “Pink House” project, which funding was received from an ADM grant. The students are thoroughly enjoying this biotech project, which is generating a lot of interest in science.

• The PTA grants have been awarded. Dr. Castelli reported the teachers are very excited and she thanked the PTA for their ongoing generosity.

• There will be a student assembly in March regarding the opioid crisis.

3. Directors’ Report - None

4. Assistant Superintendent’s Report –

a. Freshman Orientation – January 15, 2019. The incoming freshman and their parents had their first CHS experience on January 15th at Freshman Orientation. The evening was very interactive with high school teachers and extra-curricular sponsors on site to promote their programs and answer questions. A PowerPoint presentation of the evening is on the District website.

b. Title I School Improvement 1003a Plan for CMS. ISBE is funding a Title I School Improvement Grant dedicated to support the special education subgroup at CMS. Two interventionists will provide direct support to the teachers and students as well as the opportunity for students to receive extended support during the summer months. In addition, the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment will be administered to CMS students that will identify student growth targets for each student. This new data will directly enable our teachers to identify growth gains in specific skill sets for each student throughout the year. The Title I School Improvement 1003a Plan for CMS is included for approval under Items for Action.

5. Superintendent’s Report –

a. Annual Report to the Board/Mid-Year Progress Report. Dr. Segobiano provided a progress report that included reporting on the Board/Administration District Goals, mid-year budget update, student performance and academic achievement, and curriculum/instruction. First semester discipline for CHS: 12 suspensions; 1 expulsion; CMS: 8 suspensions; 0 expulsions.

b. Facility Infrastructure Plan. CTS provided an update to the district’s facility plan that identifies projects aligned to the various funding sources and the projected year for completion. The timeline for completing these projects is contingent on identifying priority items and the district’s debt schedule. For the larger capital projects (i.e. CHS HVAC/roofing/etc.), it is important to strategically plan debt that will not dramatically affect the district’s tax rate. Dr. Segobiano has invited Mark Graves and John Lorraine from CTS to attend the February board meeting to present this information and answer any questions board members may have.

c. Superintendent Evaluation. A discussion last year ensured with the desire to devise a new evaluation for the superintendent. After exploring other school district’s evaluation tools, a new tool was not identified to pursue. At this time, the current tool will be used with Dr. Segobiano providing data that aligns with the performance indicators.

d. District Response to Newspaper Article. In order to provide the community information relative to school board matters communicated in local newspaper articles, a document has been devised that provides factual information responding to various topics. The information includes the identification of a claim that has been made with factual information to respond. The draft document was provided at the board meeting. After obtaining input and finalizing the document, the document will be emailed to the staff and placed on the District website. Dr. Segobiano commented that her goal is to always give factual information. Just like she compiled a Q&A document after the public forum last year, she will now do the same regarding this matter.

VII. New Business

Board member Hines requested a change be made to Policy 7:270 “Administering Medicines to Students,” subparagraph 3 entitled “School District Supply of Undesignated Epinephrine Injectors.” The first sentence reads “The Superintendent or designee shall implement Section 22- 30(f) of the School Code and maintain a supply of undesignated epinephrine injectors in the name of the District and provide or administer them as necessary according to State law.” She requested the word “shall” be substituted with the word “may.” Mr. Mundorf, district attorney, said he would send his recommendation on the policy.

Motion to Approve 1st Reading of Board Policies

2:80 Board Member Oath and Conduct

2:120 Board Member Development

4:40 Incurring Debt

4:130 Free and Reduced-Price Food Services

4:170 Safety

5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

5:60 Expenses

5:100 Staff Development Program

5:220 Substitute Teachers

6:20 School Year Calendar and Day

6:60 Curriculum Content

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program

6:310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students

7:70 Attendance and Truancy

7:100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students

7:190 Student Behavior

7:250 Student Support Services

7:260 Exemption from Physical Education

7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries

Upon a voice vote, Motion Carried 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Approve CMS Work Plan For School Improvement- Grant 1003a

On a roll call vote:

Hines-Aye, Long-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, O’Connor-Aye, Schrader-Aye, Simmonds-Aye, Anderson-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Request Legal Opinion from ISBE to Provide The School Board

C. Motion was made by Ted Schrader and seconded by Tammy Hines to request a legal opinion from the Illinois State Board of Education to provide the school board and Kelton Davis clarification on the ROE Superintendent’s supervision and control toward Columbia CUSD4’s

And ROE Supt. Kelton Davis Clarification On ROE Duties

Board of Education, administration, and district controlled programs.

Upon a voice vote, Motion Carried 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

VIII. Discussion Items

The following discussion items were requested by board member Hines:

A. Attorney Fees. Mrs. Hines questioned the attorney’s fees of Mr. Mundorf. Dr. Segobiano presented the board with a detailed breakdown of all attorney’s fees from 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, as well as a list of attorney’s fees paid for FY08 through FY18. The breakdown shows total attorney fees for 2017-2018 totaled $16,881.25 of which $1,167.25 was for routine items. The total attorney fees for June, 2018 through November, 2018 was $29,637.50, of which $1,994.50 was for routine items. Mrs. Hines also questioned Mr. Mundorf on items that were redacted on Mr. Mundorf’s bill.

B. ROE FOIA/Meeting Response. Mrs. Hines requested discussion regarding the Regional Office of Education’s FOIA/Meeting response. Dr. Segobiano provided a FOIA Findings document that identified her observations after reviewing the documents. A discussion ensued on a meeting called by Mr. Davis between President Middelkamp and Mr. Mundorf. President Middelkamp requested Dr. Segobiano attend as well, with Mr. Davis declining said request. As a result of the meeting, Mr. Mundorf prepared a response to recommendations made by ROE Supt. Davis at the meeting. The response letter was discussed that included: declining special education audit, Response to Intervention training, attorney attendance at board meetings, and legal opinions based on Mr. Davis’ allegation of misuse of funds for the lease and health life safety levy.

C. District Architect. Mrs. Hines asked for clarification on how the district procures architects for various projects. Dr. Segobiano referred her to Board Policy 2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services. The District would submit an RFP from architects for capital projects (i.e. construction of a school facility), but would use an architect of preference for projects that require less than $25,000 of architectural fees.

D. Building Permit Process. Mrs. Hines requested clarification on the use of building permits for projects. Dr. Segobiano presented the board with a detailed overview of the building permit process. She also provided the board with a timeline for the track respray building permit that was required by the ROE and approved by the Board at the June 25, 2018 meeting. To date, Dr. Segobiano has not received a hard copy of a signed permit from ROE Supt. Davis, though email correspondence identified ROE approval. Dr. Segobiano contacted the ISBE who indicated the ROE Supt. would sign the permit and to move forward with the project.

E. Health Life Safety Levy. Mrs. Hines wanted clarification on Health Life Safety Levy funds. Dr. Segobiano provided the board with a 10-year timeline of HLS projects, as well as anticipated projects for FY19, FY20, and FY21. This led to a discussion of the HLS building inspections conducted by the State Fire Marshal and the ROE. The ROE identified violations that were not on the 10 Year HLS Survey, therefore, the 10 Year HLS Survey was returned to the district pending outstanding violations be corrected. To date the district has not received the ROE Field Violations for all of the four buildings. Mr. Simmonds expressed concern stating that four months is too long to wait for the list from the ROE, especially since it concerns the safety of students and teachers.

IX. Board President’s Prerogative None

X. Closed Session None

XI. Adjourn - 8:43 p.m.

With no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Randy Simmonds, seconded by John Long, to adjourn the meeting. President Middelkamp adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m.

Upon a voice vote, Motion Carried 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay



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