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City of Chester City Council met May 6

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City of Chester City Council met May 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:


The City Council of Chester, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, May 6, 2019, in the Municipal Building, 1330 Swanwick Street. Mayor Tom Page called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


Present:Alderman Ray AllisonAlderman Daniel Geisen

Alderman D. Michael BlechleAlderman Russ Rader

Alderman Nancy J. CrosslandAlderman Dan Ohlau

Alderman Robert Platt

Absent:Alderman Donald R. Clark



Alderman Crossland moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve them as prepared by the city clerk. Alderman Geisen seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Crossland, Ohlau, Geisen, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.


The following correspondence was acknowledged:

•Tax Revenue report for April 2019 provided by City Clerk Berner

•Chester Christian Food Pantry Inc. newsletter dated April 10, 2019

•Memo from Mayor Page regarding City Clean Up days

•Grand Opening Celebration on May 18th -19th for Missouri’s National Veterans Memorial

•Invitation to CenterPoint Energy Golf Tournament on June 5th

•Beautification/Tourism Commission minutes dated March 21, 2019


City Clerk:

The city clerk presented two applications for raffle licenses for the Chester Community Golf Club. Alderman Crossland moved to issue the raffle licenses and waive the fidelity bond required of the raffle managers. Alderman Rader seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Geisen, Crossland, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

The city clerk presented two applications for raffle licenses for the Chester Eagles Club. Alderman Crossland moved to issue the raffle licenses and waive the fidelity bond required of the raffle managers. Alderman Rader seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Geisen, Crossland, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.


Cemetery & Finance Committee (Chairman Platt):

The Cemetery and Finance Committee met this evening at 5:30 p.m. to review city bills, and found them to be in order for payment. Alderman Platt moved to approve payment of bills, subject to audit. Alderman Rader seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Geisen, Crossland, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

Chairman Platt moved to approve the April report of the Evergreen Cemetery Clerk as presented. Alderman Allison seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Geisen, Crossland, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.


Chief of Police (Bobby Helmers):

Chief Helmers advised that the Board of Police Commissioners conducted testing for the open sergeant position. The Board of Police Commissioners recommend the appointment of Joseph Crain as a new sergeant for the Chester Police Department. Chief Helmers noted that one point separated the two officers. Sergeant Crain was sworn into office by the city clerk.

Fire Chief (Marty Bert):

Chief Bert advised that the Chester Fire Department responded to 12 calls in April totaling 38 calls year to date.


Sidewalk Replacements:

Mayor Page presented a quote from Red Dot Construction & Equipment Rentals Inc. for sidewalk replacements at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, the Rio Grand, and a portion of sidewalk on the 600 block of State Street. Alderman Allison presented a document outlining potential savings if the sidewalks are completed by the street department. Street Department Superintendent Steve Renner advised that the street department is currently short several employees and don’t have a concrete finisher. Mayor Page explained that there is a liability on the city to complete large concrete projects. Alderman Crossland moved to waive formal competitive bidding and approve the proposal from Red Dot Construction and Equipment Rentals, Inc for three sidewalk replacements for a total of $39,120.00. Alderman Ohlau seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Crossland, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

Sewer Department – Pumps:

Superintendent Marty Reynolds presented a quote from Municipal Equipment Company for a replacement pump and parts. Municipal Equipment Company is offering a 30% discount for replacement pumps. Alderman Blechle moved to waive formal competitive bidding and approve the purchase of two replacement pumps and parts for $45,158.30. Alderman Crossland seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Crossland, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

Resolution – Authorizing Representative:

Alderman Platt moved to pass a resolution authorizing the mayor to sign the loan application forms for the Chester Wastewater Treatment & Collection System Improvements. Alderman Geisen seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Crossland, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

Engineering Agreement with J.T. Blankinship Inc.:

Alderman Blechle moved to approve the engineering agreement with J.T. Blankinship Inc. for Chester Wastewater Treatment & Collection System Improvements. Alderman Crossland seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Crossland, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

Resolution – Authorizing Representative:

Alderman Platt moved to pass a resolution authorizing the mayor to sign the loan application forms for the Chester Water Treatment Plant Improvements Phase II. Alderman Rader seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Crossland, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.

Engineering Agreement with J.T. Blankinship Inc.:

Alderman Allison moved to approve the engineering agreement with J.T. Blankinship Inc. for Chester Water Treatment Plant Improvements Phase II. Alderman Blechle seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Crossland, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Clark. Motion carried.


Mayor Page presented a plaque to Nancy Crossland and thanked her for the twelve years of service to the city.


The following officials were sworn into office: Randy Dudenbostel – Alderman Ward 1, Scott Stumpe – Alderman Ward 2, Russ Rader – Alderman Ward 3, and Ray Allison – Alderman Ward 4.


Present:Alderman OhlauAlderman Platt

Alderman RaderAlderman Blechle

Alderman GeisenAlderman Allison

Alderman DudenbostelAlderman Stumpe



Mayoral Appointments:

Mayor Page recommended that the following committee appointments be approved for Fiscal Year 2020:

Cemetery & Finance Committee

Alderman Robert Platt, Chairman

Alderman Randy Dudenbostel

Alderman Russ Rader

Water & Sewer Committee

Alderman Russ Rader, Chairman

Alderman Dan Geisen

Alderman Scott Stumpe

Ordinance Committee:

Alderman Randy Dudenbostel, Chairman

Alderman Dan Ohlau

Alderman Ray Allison

Park & Recreation Committee:

Alderman Scott Stumpe, Chairman

Alderman Dan Geisen

Alderman Mike Blechle

Streets & Alleys Committee:

Alderman Mike Blechle, Chairman

Alderman Scott Stumpe

Alderman Ray Allison

Fire Department, Police Department & Public Safety Committee:

Alderman Dan Geisen, Chairman

Alderman Russ Rader

Alderman Robert Platt

Gas Department & Public Property Committee:

Alderman Dan Ohlau, Chairman

Alderman Mike Blechle

Alderman Robert Platt

Economic Development, Chamber & Beautification/Tourism Committee:

Alderman Ray Allison, Chairman

Alderman Dan Ohlau

Alderman Randy Dudenbostel

Alderman Geisen moved to approve committee appointments as recommended by the mayor. Alderman Ohlau seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Page proposed the following appointments of department heads: Tim Crow, Water Plant Superintendent; Marty Reynolds, Sewer Superintendent; Danny Valleroy, Water Distribution Superintendent; Jeremy Homan, Gas Superintendent; Steve Renner, Maintenance Superintendent; Mark Gibbs, Cemetery Sexton; Randy Wofford, Cemetery Clerk; Robert Helmers, Chief of Police; Marty Bert, Fire Chief; Ron Shemonic, Assistant Fire Chief; Charles Bargman II, EMA Coordinator; Scott Stirnaman, Assistant EMA Coordinator; Patti Carter, Recreational Director; Elanna Bradley, Animal Control Officer; Lorin Mott, Code Enforcement Officer; Dean Andrews, Zoning Administrator; Billy Belton, Park Superintendent. Alderman Ohlau’s motion to approve appointment of department heads was seconded by Alderman Platt. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Upon a motion by Alderman Allison and a second by Alderman Geisen, Jeff Kerkhover was appointed as city attorney at a rate of $175.00 per hour. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

The firm of J. T. Blankinship Inc. was appointed as city engineers, motion made by Alderman Ohlau and seconded by Alderman Blechle. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Alderman Geisen moved to re-appointment Steve Jany and Sarah Roth for a three-year term to the park & recreation board. Alderman Dudenbostel seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Alderman Platt moved to approve the re-appointment of Don Berry, Mary Ann Stumpe, and Carolyn Schwent for a three-year term to the library board. Alderman Ohlau seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Ron Rathert was re-appointed as a member of the Chester Police & Fire Commission for a three-year term, motion made by Alderman Geisen and seconded by Alderman Ohlau. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Page recommended the re-appointment of Richard Allison, Tom Search, Mike Coffey, Tom Bowles, Chris Naeger, Terry Moore and Shane Wagner to the Planning Commission. Alderman Ohlau so moved, and Alderman Geisen seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Larry Blechle was re-appointed as a member of the Zoning Appeals Board for a five-year term, motion made by Alderman Geisen and seconded by Alderman Ohlau. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Alderman Blechle moved to approve the mayor’s appointments for part-time police officers, and Alderman Geisen seconded the motion. Officers include: Brad Coleman, Aaron Runge, Ken Stout, Jeff Hammel, and James Winters. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Mayor Page acknowledged the members of the fire department and full-time police officers:

Officer’s include: Robert Helmers, Chief of Police; Robert Young; Joe Crain, Sergeant; Joe Jany, Sergeant; Marc Stout; Steve Laramore; Zane Wallace; Seth Buch; Caleb Golding; Deb Canady, Telecommunicator; Michelle Nelan, Telecommunicator; Brandy Zahringer, Telecommunicator.

Firemen include: Marty Bert, Chief; Ron Shemonic, Asst. Chief; Jerre Atchison, Captain; Dan Hecht, Captain; Glen Andrews, Captain; Lorin Mott, Captain; Tim Crow, Lieutenant; Charles Bargman II, Lieutenant; Paul Gaertner; Roy Heldebrant Jr.; Robert Smith; Scott Stirnaman; Jerrod Hasemeyer; Jeff Hammel; Nick Schweizer; Steve Bicket; Jonavon Richelman; Zach Heldebrandt; Joshua Louveau; Mike Maciura; Greg Rowold; John Powell; Christian Gray; Josh Ruch, Hunter Cushman; Aaron Gibbs, Auxiliary; Bruce Hoffman, Auxiliary; Jarod Meyers, Auxiliary; Lake Fogerson, Auxiliary; Jayce Wilderman, Auxiliary.

Summer Student Workers:

Alderman Blechle moved to approve Justin Clendenin, Michael Wingerter, Matthew Korando, and Ian Reith limited to 40 hours or less per week. Alderman Allison seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Resolution Accepting Oil Bid—2019 Motor Fuel Tax:

Alderman Blechle moved to accept the proposal submitted by Illini Asphalt Corporation to furnish bituminous materials in the amount of $36,279.30 and to pass the resolution that the Illinois Department of Transportation be requested to approve such acceptance. Alderman Platt seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Stumpe, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Dudenbostel, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Gas Department – Dump Truck:

Gas Superintendent Jeremy Homan presented a quote from Morrow Brothers Ford for a 2019 Ford F550 dump truck at an Illinois Government price of $67,890.00. Alderman Blechle moved to approve the purchase of a dump truck for $67,890.00 and waive formal competitive bidding. Alderman Ohlau seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Gas Department – GPS Unit:

Alderman Platt moved to approve the purchase of a Trimble GPS Mapping Unit from Seiler Geospatial Division for $7,230.00. Alderman Ohlau seconded the motion.

UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Dudenbostel, Geisen, Stumpe, Ohlau, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Executive Session:

At 6:36 p.m., Alderman Ohlau moved to enter into Executive Session under the Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) under exception (1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. Alderman Geisen seconded the motion.

UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Platt, Geisen, Stumpe, Rader, Blechle, Ohlau, Dudenbostel, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

The council returned from Executive Session at 7:03 p.m. No action was taken in Executive Session.


At 7:05 p.m., Alderman Ohlau moved to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Geisen seconded the motion. VOTE: Ayes: Aldermen Ohlau, Dudenbostel, Stumpe, Geisen, Platt, Rader, Blechle, Allison. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.




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