
South West Illinois News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Monroe County Board of County Commissioners met May 6

Webp meeting909

Monroe County Board of County Commissioners met May 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois was called to order at 8:15 a.m. Chairman Robert Elmore, Commissioner Vicki Koerber and Commissioner Ron Schultheis were present.

Others present included County Clerk Jonathan McLean, State’s Attorney Chris Hitzemann, Sheila Wetzler, along with Press Corps representatives Alan Dooley of the Waterloo Republic Times and Joe Leicht of the Monroe County Independent. Also, present was Pat Kelly, Tony Grasso II, and Jim Crowe.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken by County Clerk Jonathan McLean. There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Elmore.

Chairman Elmore asked for public comment. Pay Kelly referenced a letter that’s says the P.A. system works fine. Mr. Kelly asked the Board members to speak into the microphones. Mr. Kelly also asked the Board to explain why they are allowing the Sheriff to prevent him from bringing a sign to the meeting. Mr. Kelly said that speaking quietly violates the Sunshine Law and he has spoken to the Attorney General’s office and they are interested in taking up a complaint against the County.

Tony Grasso III stood up and wanted to address rumors about him and to clarify the current status of his law license.

The Board was presented with a list of Accounts Payable for approval.

The following Accounts Payable having been approved for payment, Commissioner Schultheis moved that the same be allowed and that vouchers be issued against their respective funds of the County Treasurer for payment. Second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.




10-8 Video 558.00

1st National Bank of Waterloo 7,090.90

Acoustical Solutions, Inc 2,270.88

Adams & Huetsch 10.00

ADP, LLC 2,848.00

Advantage Software 699.00

Americom 13,447.48

Americom Imaging Systems, Inc 516.86

Ann Rudloff 24.36

Axis Forensic Toxicology, Inc 781.00

Belleville Supply Company 928.36

Bob Barker Company Inc 45.56

Butler Supply Inc 8.04

CCP Industries Inc 3,006.68

City of Waterloo 12,980.04

Coast to Coast Eq & Supplies, Inc 856.38

Columbia Quarry Company 2,067.80

Da-Com Digital Office Solutions 980.84

Davey Tree Expert Company 1,189.00

Dawn Goff 328.98

Denise Buettner 40.00

Electro Door 484.00

Elizabeth M. Smith 320.69

Eric Allscheid 219.24

Gateway FS 114.82

Gateway Industrial Power 900.00

Gillan Graphics 153.00

GreatAmerica Financial Services 152.49

Harrisonville Telephone Company 7,743.18

IL Dept of Innovation & Technology 44.27

Illinois Assoc of County Officials 90.00

Jarrell Mechanical Contractors 515.50

Jennifer Becker-Roscow 30.00

Jennifer Brown 98.88

John Deere Financial 239.81

Jonathan McLean 186.81

Judy L. Tiemann 77.39

K&D Printing 651.50

Kenny Sondag 7.34

Kristina Kennedy 213.38

Kyle Waddington 64.81

Leon Uniform Company Inc 1,212.97

Lisa Fallon 133.40

Marina Palmieri 97.50

Mississippi Lime Company 1,078.29

Monroe County General Fund 7,200.00

Monroe County Highway Fund 663.23

Motorola Solutions, Inc 108.00

MPS Industries 1,579.75

National Business Furniture 3,642.76

Neff Floor Covering Inc 10,107.00

Paylocity 1,064.50

Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc 240.00

Quality Rental 60.12

Quill Corporation 1,706.62

R.P. Lumber Co Inc 6.47

Red Bud Regional Hospital 2,917.78

Rejis Commission 266.00

Republic-Times LLC 272.28

Road District 1 3,551.84

Robert Elmore 275.62

Schlemmer Automotive Inc 137.47

Scott Schumer 146.52

Secure Document Destruction 40.00

Sherwin Williams 225.93

Southwestern Illinois College 1,190.00

Sure Shine Auto Wash 9.00

Thomson Reuters-West Publishing Corp 973.71

Toshiba Financial Services 289.00

U.S. Bank Equipment Finance 109.00

Walmart Community 239.16

Waterloo Lumber Company Inc 241.33

Watson’s Office City 436.08


1st National Bank of Waterloo 69.99

Al’s Automotive Supply, Inc 18.58

Aramark Uniform Services 3,046.93

Asphalt Sales and Products Inc 1,433.90

Bret Langsdorf 200.00

Cargill Incorporated 21,468.59

City of Waterloo 570.28

Columbia Quarry Company 266.85

Construction Supply 1,752.08

Datatronics Inc 101.95

Energy Petroleum Co 4,449.77

Fountain Water District 72.29

Harrisonville Telephone Company 40.60

Huels Oil Company 4,441.71

John Deere Financial 759.62

Luby Equipment Services 80.64

Nabers Shop 180.00

Poly Systems Inc 1,667.80

R.M. Wester & Associates Inc 52.80

Rich Kinzinger Truck Service 663.23

Schwarze Trailer Repair, Inc 31.50

V “Red” Smith Pest Control, Inc 25.00

Warning Lites of Southern Illinois 394.00

Waterloo Lumber Company Inc 24.48

Williams Office Products Inc 37.99


Holcomb Foundation Engineering Co. 2,278.00

Monroe County Highway Fund 4,358.16


Columbia Quarry Company 2,981.48


Laura Henry 256.61


1st National Bank of Waterloo 688.77

Americom 264.00

Toshiba Financial Services 548.75


1st National Bank of Waterloo 107.50

Beck Seminars 55.00

Brenda Hempen 74.20


Secure Document Destruction 160.00


1st National Bank of Waterloo 1,308.28

Airgas USA, LLC 157.70

Andres Medical Billing, Ltd 3,979.61

Athletico Physical Therapy 350.00

Blue Cross Blue Shield Illinois 1,641.50

Bound Tree Medical LLC 1,162.64

Harrisonville Telephone Company 146.47

Leon Uniform Company Inc 114.98

Mertz Motor Co, Inc 670.25

Tricare for Life 334.75

Wells Fargo Vendor Fin Serv 115.99

Wex 2,717.60

Zoll Medical Corporation 1,230.53


1st National Bank of Waterloo 719.03

A&H Mechanical Contracting, Inc 175.00

City of Waterloo 383.15

Coast to Coast Equipment 162.00

Motorola Solutions, Inc 34.00

Chairman Elmore asked for approval of a care and maintenance agreement between Eagle Cliff- Miles Cemetery Endowment, Inc and the Monroe County Board of Commissioners. A motion to approve by Commissioner Koerber. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Circuit Clerk Lisa Fallon came before the Board to discuss fee changes for her office. State’s Attorney Chris Hitzemann spoke about how the bill will help streamline the fee process. Commissioner Koerber expressed concerns about courthouse security fees going away. Mrs. Fallon said that the cost for courthouse security will now be absorbed by the civil cases.

Mrs. Fallon asked that the Board table any final decisions on fee changes for another month. State’s Attorney Chris Hitzemann said they are close to finalizing the fees, but they need a little extra time.

Mrs. Fallon also addressed the Board regarding CTS Technology Services. They are a technology company from Sparta, and they are willing to do an assessment of all the courthouse technology. The assessment is free unless the county decides not to use their services. County Clerk Jonathan McLean explained that the technology is becoming more complex than it was just a few years ago. Mr. McLean pointed out that Americom is doing a good job, but all of the office holders are concerned about costs. Commissioner Koerber asked Mrs. Fallon to go back to CTS and get a clearer understanding of the cost to do an assessment.

Carla Heise come before the Board at 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Heise explained that the cell phone bill for the County is going to only be $86 this month due to credits applied to our account. She said that the County has been able to reduce mobile phone charges drastically.

Mrs. Heise informed the Board that the week of May 19th kicks off EMS week. The EMS does show and tell at schools, day cares and pre-schools.

Mrs. Heise presented an application for use of the Courthouse grounds and bandstand by the Monroe County EMS for an ice cream social event on May 21, 2019 from 3:00 p.m. until 5 p.m. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the application. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Mrs. Heise told the Board she applied for a grant to purchase new equipment for the ambulances.

Mrs. Heise asked the Board to approve the purchase of three new radios. Motorola is still offering 55% discount on the radios. Mrs. Heise explained that Memorial Hospital has switched to encrypted radios and Monroe County will need to switch over to newer radios at some point in the near future. A motion was made by Commissioner Koerber to approve the purchase of the radios at a price of $9,441.90. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Resolution was recorded as #19-62.

Pam Jacobs came before the Board at 9:15 a.m.

There was discussion between the Board and Mrs. Jacobs regarding the U of I Extension budget. There was discussion about Madison County and St. Clair County contributions to the extension office.

Commissioner Koerber discussed increasing the rent for the extension. Rent at the Annex is $32,100. Mrs. Jacobs said that they received 72% matching funds last year. She budgets for a 65% average matching funds.

Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the U of I Extension budget with an increase in rent to $35,000. Mrs. Jacobs then asked the Board about building a storage shed outside the Annex. Chairman Elmore said the County is not close to building any storage buildings at this time. Commissioner Schultheis made a second to Commissioner Koerber’s motion. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Ryan Weber, EMA Director, came before the Board at 9:30 a.m. to provide an update on river flooding. A proclamation of a disaster in the county of Monroe was presented by Chairman Elmore. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the proclamation. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Missy Whittington came before the Board to discuss the Delta Dental insurance renewal. Mrs. Whittington said that the increase is 5% and there has not been an increase over the past 18 months. The amount is paid 100% by the employee. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to renew the insurance contract with Delta Dental for another term. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

County Clerk gave an update on the group health insurance renewal effective July 1, 2019. The proposed rate increase came back at 8.9% from IPBC. Mr. McLean said that he has been working with the insurance company to come up with plan changes to reduce the premium increase. If the County increases the deductible from $3,000 to $5,000, the increase will only be 3.9%. Mr. McLean suggested that the County should also increase the HRA by $1,000 to make up for the increase in the deductible. Mr. McLean also advised that several experts have suggested the County consider dropping reimbursement of the co-insurance. Mr. McLean advised the Board that he wanted to go out and allow for other insurance companies and brokers to bid on the insurance, but the County is locked into an agreement with IPBC that requires notice be given by March 1. Mr. McLean expressed frustration with IPBC and feels that the County needs to have an agent or consultant who will work harder for the County. Mr. McLean said IPBC should have had a representative at the meeting today.

Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve increasing the group health insurance deductible from $3,000 to $3,500, increasing the HRA reimbursement from $2,500 to $3,500, and dropping co-insurance reimbursement. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Commissioner Koerber suggested that the Board set up an insurance committee comprised of a Commissioner, County Clerk, County Treasurer, HR, an employee who takes coverage from the courthouse, an employee who takes coverage from the nursing home, and an administrator from the nursing home. The Board discussed the duties of the committee – which included working on ways to reduce the cost and implementing a wellness program. A motion was made by Commissioner Koerber to establish the insurance committee. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

County Clerk Jonathan McLean asked the Board to consider giving new mothers post maternity time off for doctor visits and for when the child is sick. Mr. McLean explained that IMRF has a 30 day wait period before disability payments begin. New mothers must use 30 days of vacation and sick time during the first 30 days and Mr. McLean is concerned that new mother’s will not have any days off when they return to work after maternity leave. Mr. McLean would like the Board to give new mother’s 80 hours of time off that can only be used for doctor visits and when the baby is sick. He also recommended that the 80 hours should expire one year from the date of birth. Commissioner Koerber said that 80 hours may be too much and suggested the Board consider 40 hours of time off for new mothers. Chairman Elmore said he may be open to 60 hours. The Chairman decided to table discussion and put this item on the agenda for the next meeting.

Pam Jacobs returned to the Board for a signature on a revised copy of the annual budget. Chairman Elmore signed the budget.

Mike Schneider came before the Board to go over the three bids received for the new roof at the Annex.

The Board discussed the difference between the 30-year versus the 50-year shingles. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to go with the 30-year shingles from Geissler Roofing at a cost of $60,900.00. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Commissioner Koerber asked for an update on the ROE renovation at the Annex. Mr. Schneider said he has a rough drawing of what Kelton Davis would like to do with the space but nothing concrete. Commissioner Schultheis said that he would arrange a walk through with Mr. Davis, Mr. Hooten and Mr. Schneider. All the Commissioners were in agreement that would be good.

Commissioner Koerber expressed some concerns that the County parking lot behind the current ROE is being used for parking in the evening and weekends by visitors to downtown Waterloo.

Chairman Elmore presented an application for use of the Courthouse grounds and bandstand by the VFW/Lions Club for Waterloo Homecoming. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the application. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Chairman Elmore presented an application for use of the Courthouse grounds and bandstand by the American Legion Post #747 for a Memorial Day Celebration on May 27, 2019 from 10 a.m. to noon. Commissioner Schultheis made a motion to approve the application. Second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Chairman Elmore presented an application for use of the Courthouse grounds and bandstand for the PumpkinFest on October 12, 2019 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the application. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.

Chairman Elmore introduced a resolution to reappoint Aaron Metzger to the Southern Illinois Planning Commission Executive Committee to commence on June 1, 2019 and expire on May 31, 2020 or until a successor is appointed and has qualified. A motion to approve the resolution was made by Commissioner Koerber. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Resolution was recorded as #19-63.

Commissioner Koerber invited the other Commissioners to attend a drug free program called “In Plain Sight” to teach parents how to find drugs hidden by their children.

Commissioner Koerber suggested the other Board members read the UCCI salary and benefits report.

A letter from the Southwestern Illinois Flood Protection District was read by Chairman Elmore.

Chairman Elmore announced that there is an open appointment to the Workforce Development Board. Chairman Elmore asked Pat Kelly and Jim Crowe if they have any interest serving on the Board.

Chairman Elmore provided an update on the CIRMA meeting. Commissioner Koerber asked about the dividend payment for Monroe County. Chairman Elmore said there is another meeting in July, and we should get good news on a dividend payment.

There being no further business to come before the Board, motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Koerber. Second by Commissioner Schultheis. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Meeting ended at 11:26 a.m.




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