City of Columbia City Council met July 1.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
I. Call To Order
- Roll Call - Pledge of Allegiance - Attendance
II. Delegation / Public Comments
III. Read and Approve the Minutes of:
A. Regular Session – June 17, 2019
IV. Report of Departments and Officers
A. Community Development
1. Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.32 of the City of Columbia Regarding the Plan Commission
2. Resolution Approving Bylaws for the City of Columbia, Illinois Plan Commission
3. Ordinance to Approve a Right-of-Way Plat and Acceptance the Corresponding Rueck Road Right-of-Way
4. Ordinance to Approve a Plat of Survey and Authorize the Land Transfer of of Part of St. Clair County Parcel No. 11-040-400-007 to Clair County Parcel No. 11-040-200-0024, in the City of Columbia, Illinois by Real Estate Exchange
B. City Engineer / Public Public Works
1. Approval of Heneghan and Associates Engineering Agreement Road Water Line Replacement Project
2. Approval of Oates Associates Inc. Construction Engineering Main Street Streetscape Phase 2 & 3 and S. Main Resurfacing
C. Finance
1. Vouchers hers to be Paid Paid
D. City Clerk
E. City Attorney
F. City Administrator G. Mayor
V. Old Business
VI. New Business
VII. Report of Standing Committees
VIII. Call for Committee Meetings – July 8, 2019
IX. Executive Session – 5 ILCS 120/2(c)
X. Adjournment