City of Red Bud Personnel Committee met June 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members Present: Mike Rheinecker, Susan Harbaugh, Kyle Donjon, Curt Guebert, Jeremy DeMond
Committee Members Absent:
Council Members Present: Clem Esker, Bill Hanebutt, David Friess
Others Present: City Attorney Paul Ray, City Superintendent Josh Eckart, Code Administrator Jeff Mueller, Police Chief John Brittingham, Admin. Assist. Pam Poetker, City Clerk Joanne Cowell
Others Present: Mayor Tim Lowry
Committee Chairman Rheinecker called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.
Old Business
New Business
I. Approval of Prior Month’s Meeting Minutes – May 20, 2019
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Rheinecker, seconded by Committee Member Harbaugh, to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2019 meeting. Carried
II. Annual IML Conference – Authorization to Send Attendees
Any city official interested in attending, please contact Pam Poetker by early July.
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Rheinecker, seconded by Committee Member Donjon, to authorize payment of expenses for any city official who wants to attend the IML Conference in Chicago in September. Carried
III. Training Request – Liz Cowell
Recommendation made by Committee Chairman Rheinecker, seconded by Committee Member Harbaugh, to authorize approval to send Liz Cowell to training entitled “IMRF AA Certification Workshop” on October 22, 2019 in Collinsville, IL; transportation and meals required. Carried
IV. Public Comments/Anything for the Good of the City
Meeting was adjourned at 7:04 P.M.