City of Red Bud City Council met June 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Members Present: Mayor Tim Lowry, Clem Esker, Curt Guebert, Mike Rheinecker, Bill Hanebutt, Jeremy DeMond, Kyle Donjon, Susan Harbaugh Members Absent: David Friess
Others Present: City Attorney Paul Ray, City Superintendent Josh Eckart, Code Administrator Jeff Mueller, Police Chief John Brittingham (7:08 P.M.), Admin. Assist. Pam Poetker, City Clerk Joanne Cowell
I. Call to Order at 6:57 P.M. by Mayor Lowry
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call by City Clerk Joanne Cowell
IV. Approval of Financial Statements
Motion made by Council Member Harbaugh, seconded by Council Member Guebert to approve the Financial Statements as presented and file for audit. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye. Motion carried.
V. Line Item Transfers
VI. Approval of Estimated and Listed Bills
Motion made by Council Member Harbaugh, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to approve the estimated and listed bills. The vote was as follows: Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried.
VII. Consideration of any Additional Bills
There were none.
VIII. Correspondence and Public Guest Comments
A. Mayor Lowery mentioned that the city has received a $1,000 grant from Walmart for the community garden. Farm Credit is in the process of purchasing a picnic table to donate to the garden.
B. VFW representatives Clyde Rowald, John Preston and Clarence Nail were present for the Mayor’s reading of the proclamation naming the City of Red Bud as a POW/MIA City. Commander Nail stated that this proclamation will be presented to Jefferson Barracks on June 22, 2019, along with other information. Merle Butler will pay for the plaque. Commander Nail thanked the City for their assistance.
Consent Agenda—Items Originated at Committee Level
Please note: Items with ** were removed from the consent agenda.
Consent Agenda – Items Originated at Committee Level as Indicated in ( ) A. City Council Meeting and Public Hearing Minutes from May 6, 2019
Approval of minutes from May 6, 2019 council and public hearing meetings
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
B. Lower Kaskaskia Stakeholders Evening on the Kaskaskia (Finance)
Approval of donation of $500 to the Lower Kaskaskia Stakeholders, Inc’s September 6, 2019 “Evening on the Kaskaskia” barge trip
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
C. Caselle/Civic Systems Utility Billing and Financial Software (Finance)
Approval of authorization to execute the Software Purchase Agreement with Civic Systems, LLC, in the amount of $25,700
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
D. Fick, Eggemeyer and Williamson – 2019 and 2020 Fiscal Years (Finance)
Approval of authorization to hire Fick, Eggemeyer & Williamson to prepare an audit for years FY’19 and FY’20 at $9,700 per year
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
E. Newly Elected Officials Seminar – M Rheinecker and J. DeMond (Personnel)
Approval of authorization to send Mike Rheinecker and Jeremy DeMond to the “Newly Elected Officials Conference” on June 27, 2019 in Belleville
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
F. Request from Vices for Fall Fest on September 14, 2019 (Cultural)
Approval of authorization of request from Vices to close Oak Street the length of Vices’ lot and borrow the tables from Ratz Pavilion #4, for a Fall Fest on September 14, 2019
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
G. Request from Randolph County Humane Society (Cultural)
Authorization to approve the request from Randolph County Humane Society to collect at the 4-way on September 27, 2019, 2:00-6:00 P.M. and September 28, 2019, 8:00 A.M.-Noon
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
H. GUA Meeting – Josh Eckart and Kenny Langrehr (Public Works)
Approval of authorization to send Josh Eckart and Kenny Langrehr to training entitled “GUA Annual Meeting” on June 11, 2019 in Effingham; transportation is required
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
I. IMEA Power Plant Operator Workshop (Public Works)
Approval of authorization to send Josh Eckart and Keith Bauer to training entitled “IMEA Power Plant Operator Workshop” on June 4, 2019 in Springfield; transportation is required
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
J. Sewer Push Camera from Key Equipment (Public Works)
Approval of authorization to purchase a VeriSight Pro+330’ Push Camera from Key Equipment & Supply Co., NTE $11,775
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
K. Tilt Trailer (Public Works)
Approval of authorization to purchase a tilt trailer, as quoted, from Camper Exchange Inc., NTE $9,700
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
L. Hiring of Part-Time Employee (Public Works)
Approval of authorization to hire Brendan Kueker as part-time help for the summer, at the normal rate of pay, pending physical and drug testing
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
M. Post Office Property (Zoning)
Approval of authorization to approach the Post Office with an offer of $5,000 to purchase the tenth of an acre on the east end of the post office property, for additional public parking spaces
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
N. Transfer of $40,000 to Parks & Recreation Operating Account (Recreational Fac.)
Approval of authorization to transfer $40,000 to the Parks & Recreation Operating Account from the General Fund Account
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
O. Lawn Mower for Parks (Recreational Fac.)
Approval of authorization to purchase a John Deere Z970R Ztrak mower from Wm. Nobbe & Co., as quoted, NTE $9,000
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
P. Tyson Rieke – Last Day (Recreational Fac.)
Approval of authorization to accept the resignation of Tyson Rieke, effective May 10, 2019
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
Q. Splash Pad Project (Recreational Fac.)
Approval of authorization to accept Capri Pools to be the RFQ for concept drawings of the splash pad project at Ratz Park
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
R. Signage – Ratz Park (Recreational Fac.)
Approval of authorization to purchase the DE Signs, NTE $2,700 for Ratz Park
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through R. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
X. Reports of Standing Committee, Departments and Other Committees, Boards & Commissions
A. Finance Committee - Meeting May 20, 2019 1. Maturing CDs
B. Personnel Committee - Meeting May 20, 2019
Nothing to report
C. Public Health & Safety Committee - Meeting May 20, 2019
Nothing to report
D. Public Works Committee - Meeting May 20, 2019
1. Approval of Utility Easements with JR Rentals (for the split of the property on South Main St, Weir/O’Reilly Auto Parts)
Motion made by Council Member Guebert, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to authorize approval of the utility easements with JR Rentals. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye. Motion carried.
2. Mosquito Larvicide Application Training – J. Koester, A. Walsh, H. Bauer
Motion made by Council Member Guebert, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to authorize approval to send Jeff Koester, Adrian Walsh and Hunter Bauer to training entitled “Certified Applicator Training for Larvicide/Pesticide” on June 21, 2019 in Chester. The vote was as follows: DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.
E. Zoning (Formerly Code Enforcement Committee) - Meeting May 20, 2019
Nothing to report
F. Cultural Committee - Meeting May 20, 2019
1. Request from Burmester Auction Service to Close Portion of Stone Street on July 7, 2019
Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Rheinecker, to authorize approval for Burmester Auction Service, LLC to close Stone Street, in front of Jean Lewis and Roger Hartmann homes, on July 7, 2019 from 7:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. for the Jean Lewis auction. The vote was as follows: Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye. Motion carried.
2. Request from Santa’s Village to Collect at 4-Way-July 25, 2019, 3- 7 PM
Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Guebert, to authorize approval of the request from Santa’s Village to collect at the 4-way on July 25, 2019, 3:00-7:00 P.M. The vote was as follows: Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye. Motion carried.
3. Request from St. John the Baptist Church to Reserve Ratz Park Pavilions #1 & 3, Less Fee on August 24, 2019
Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to authorize approval of the request from St. John the Baptist Catholic Church to reserve Ratz Park #1 & #3 on August 24, 2019, less fee. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye. Motion carried.
4. Request from Beautification Committee to Collect at 4-Way; November 15, 2019, 2:00-5:00 P.M. and November 16, 2019, 8:00 A.M.- Noon
Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Donjon, to authorize approval of the request from the Beautification Committee to collect at the 4-way on November 15, 2019 from 2:00 – 5:00 P.M. and November 16, 2019 from 8:00 A.M. - Noon. The vote was as follows: Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried.
G. Executive Session Minutes Review Committee – No Meeting
Nothing to report
H. Planning and Public Policy Committee – Meeting Held With PC
Nothing to report
I. Planning Commission - Meeting May 21, 2019
Nothing to report
J. Economic Development Commission – Meeting May 22, 2019
1. Ordinance No. 1424: Fair Housing Ordinance is required as part of the CDGB electric project
Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Rheinecker, to authorize approval of Ordinance No. 1424, “An Ordinance Prohibiting And Making Unlawful Discrimination In Housing And/Or Real Property Because Of Race, Color, Religion, Creed, National Origin, Ancestry, Sex, or Disability In The City Of Red Bud. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
K. Recreational Facilities Committee (Formerly Parks & Recreation Committee) – Meeting May 15, 2019
1. Acceptance of Resignation of Jerry Moll
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to authorize approval of the resignation of Jerry Moll from the Parks & Recreation Committee. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye. Motion carried.
2. Appointment of Matt Mollet to Committee
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Harbaugh, to authorize approval of the appointment of Matt Mollet to the Parks & Recreation Committee. The vote was as follows: DeMond, aye; Donjon, aye; Harbaugh, aye; Esker, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.
XI. Old Business None
XII. New Business
A. Review of June Calendar
No changes
B. Other Comments
Alderman Hanebutt noted that one of the trash providers has been in town quite a bit with an illegal truck. Eckart said that Reliable has contacted him that he has a new truck on order. Hanebutt asked Eckart to get with Reliable and get a time frame for the new truck and if they continue to use illegal trucks, to follow the ordinance and issue a ticket.
C. Adjournment
Motion made at 7:14 P.M. by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to adjourn the meeting. The vote was as follows: all ayes. Motion carried.