Duquoin Community Unit School District 300 Board of Education met June 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Zach McPherson.
2. ROLL CALL: Present - Harsy, McPherson, Riley (participating electronically), Rodely, Waller, West, and Woodside; Absent - none.
A motion was made by West, seconded by Harsy to approve the consent agenda. Roll Call: Yea - West, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Rodely, Waller, and Woodside; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
a. Approval of the minutes of the May 8, 2019 special Board of Education meeting and the May 16, 2019 regular Board of Education meeting (including executive session minutes);
b. Approval of the suspensions imposed by each school's administration;
c. Adoption of the annual prevailing wage resolution as required by state law;
d. Approval of the Consolidated District Plan for federal program grants.
A motion was made by Waller, seconded by West to approve the payment of bills for May 2019 and the May 2019 financial report. Roll Call: Yea - Waller, West, Woodside, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, and Rodely, Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
a. DEA Representative - None
b. Public - None
a. The Board discussed a proposal submitted by the District Architect for Theobald Gymnasium lobby and storage area roof replacement. After the discussion, a motion was made by Woodside, seconded by Harsy to authorize the District Architect to prepare documents to bid the roof replacement project for the Theobald Gym areas. Roll Call: yea - Woodside, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Rodely, Waller, and West; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
b. The present Board auditing firm Emling and Hoffman submitted a written proposal to the District to continue the auditing services for the next three year period. After discussing the proposal as submitted, a motion was made by Woodside, seconded by West to approve a 3 year agreement with Emling and Hoffman to provide the annual district financial audit as required by state and federal law. Roll Call: Yea - Woodside, West, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Rodely, and Waller; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Rodely, seconded by Woodside to enter into executive session at 7:23 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, and performance of specific employees in accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1). Roll Call: Yea – Rodely, Woodside, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Waller, and West; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
- A motion was made by Woodside, seconded by Waller to return to regular session 7:50 p.m. Roll Call: Yea - Woodside, Waller, West, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, and Rodely, Nay- none. Motion carried 7-0.
a. A motion was made by West, seconded by Harsy to accept the resignation of Emily McKinney as High School Mathematics Teacher effective at the present time. Roll Call: Yea - West, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Rodely, Waller, and Woodside; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
b. A motion was made by Woodside, seconded by Harsy to accept a letter of intent to retire from Anita Gross as a High School Business Teacher at the end of the 2021-22 school year. Roll Call: Yea - Woodside, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Rodely, Waller, and West; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
a. A motion was made by Woodside, seconded by Harsy to employ Carissa Coleman as a High School Mathematics Teacher for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Yea - Woodside, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Rodely, Waller, and West; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
b. A motion was made by Rodely, seconded by Harsy to transfer Heather Bookstaver to a 4th Grade teaching position for the 2019-2020 school year. Roll Call: Yea - Rodely, Harsy, McPherson, Riley, Waller, West, and Woodside; Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.
10. ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Waller, seconded by Rodely to adjourn at 7:52 p.m. Roll Call: Yea - Waller, Rodely, West, Woodside, Harsy, McPherson, and Riley, Nay - none. Motion carried 7-0.