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Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board of Education met June 20

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Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board of Education met June 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 met in the Chester Community Grade School Library on June 20, 2019. President Hammel called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present: Dan Colvis, Trent Vasquez, Debi Caraway, Tom Welge, Lorin Mott, Chuck Fricke, Mitch Hammel.

A motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the agenda as presented. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Correspondence was received from Carolyn Schwent thanking the Board for the Peace Lily in memory of Gary Schwent.

The Board received a thank you from Jonelle Evers for the donation to Chester High School Athletics - Randy Evers Memorial.

Tara Knop and Rachel Marshall presented an overview of the Early Childhood/PI Program to the Board of Education. Mr. Pasero commended them for their involvement in and success of the program.

Grade School Maintenance Report:

• Plumbing issues.

• Construction is underway causing a disruption to the routine of cleaning, but staying on schedule.

• Grass mowing is being kept up on, for the most part, with the rain.

• Pest control has been scheduled for June 15 & 16.

High School Maintenance Report:

• Waiting on Baysinger for quotes on A/C units in room 117 and 217.

• Mr. Pasero has a quote from Red Dot on the front main entrance steps to the 1925 building.

• A/C units on the roof of the 2005 and 1961 buildings have been cleaned.

• Summer help is doing well.

• Lohman Lawn Care is doing a great job with the mowing.

• Football field looks better every time it is mowed.

• Installing a drain on the northwest side of the football field to remove the spring water when it is dry enough to get a backhoe on the field without tearing it up.

• The new evaporator has been installed in the kitchen walk-in freezer.

Grade School Athletic Report:

• Preparing for the upcoming school year. Still in need of a cheerleading coach.

• Ordering athletic supplies and new girls basketball uniforms.

High School Athletic Report:

• Softball ended the season with a final record of 4-12. Carlee Weir and Grace Stec were both selected for the All-Conference Team.

• Baseball ended the season with a record of 10-15. Ethan Bert, Jaden Mott, and Michael Wingerter were all named to the BDC All-Conference Team. Ethan Bert and Michael Wingerter were also named to the AllSouth Baseball Team.

• Boys track finished 2nd in the sectional meet this year. Keith Kiner III, Gage Garniss, Aiden Jany, and Justin Clendenin all qualified for the state meet. Jacob O’Riley (4x100), Caleb Parker (4x100), Trent Bierman

(3200), Jacob Cowell (pole vault), Gage Garniss (4x100, 110 hurdles, 300 hurdles), Aiden Jany (4x100, 100, 200, 400), and Keith Kiner III (triple jump) were named to the BDC All-Conference Team.

• Girls track finished the season by placing 3rd in the sectionals. Josie Kattenbraker and Lauren Soellner qualified for the state meet. Hannah Blechle (pole vault) was named to the BDC All-Conference Team. Josie Kattenbraker was named to the All-South Track Team.

• CHS athletes will be hosting 4 youth camps this summer.

• Free sports physicals will be given at Chester Clinic on July 20 from 8-11 a.m.

• Girls basketball report.

Grade School Principal’s Report:

• HVAC work is moving along.

• Registration dates have been scheduled.

• The playground is now in compliance with insurance needs. Wood chips have also been added. High School Principal’s Report:

• Graduation was held on Sunday, May 19, 2019.

• Summer school is being held at the high school sponsored by the ROE. Students have the opportunity to take in-seat math or English class. Online options were also available

• Schedules are almost complete.

• The custodial staff is doing a great job with summer cleaning. Mr. Welge requested the parking lot also be picked up. Mr. Mott mentioned that “no dumping” signs need to be posted behind the parking lot area. Mrs. Meyer and Mr. McMath will be reevaluating all signage around the building and grounds of the high school.

• Free sports physicals are scheduled for July 20, 2019.

• Registration dates for next year are set.

Superintendent’s Report:

• Mr. Pasero would like to formally welcome aboard Mr. Grafton as he will be assuming the grade school principal position on July 1. He has been very present at meetings and events over the past 6 months and is looking forward to working with him.

• Mr. Pasero is recommending to adopt the amended FY2019 budget as presented. He anticipates revenues to come in at about $8,656,000 and expenditures at about $8,558,000. Expenditures include roughly $327,223 involving the construction at the grade school from the working cash fund.

• Public Act 101-0012 reinstates the 5 clock hour instructional day and also allows districts to use two of the 176 instructional calendar days for parent/teacher conference. However, the SAT date has been set for the day we return from the Easter break so we are re-considering that Monday after Easter as an attendance day or moving the SAT to an allowed alternate date in March.

• HVAC project appears to be on schedule. Most of the interior work is complete downstairs with the exception of the electrical. Electrical work on the roof is complete and the unit is already here. Barring any unforeseen issues, it should be complete by the end of July. The approval for the initial payment to A&W Plumbing and Heating is on the agenda for the amount of $158,724.90.

• A faucet in a classroom had been kicked on at some point causing water to run onto the floor and onto some of the tiles in the library ceiling below. The tiles were the extent of this damage and can be replaced with some of the tiles taken out of the hallway being worked on this summer.

• Servers have been switched out. I would like to get the old working servers approved as surplus for disposal or sale if we have anyone interested in purchasing.

• Construction grants appear to still be a possibility. We would apply for this using the current HVAC project.

• The front steps of our main entrance to the high school have significant damage/chipping on the top step.

We have tried patching in the past. However, the patch is coming loose. Red Dot recommends replacing the entire step and has quoted an amount of $6,557 to replace. I am recommending the proposal to replace.

• We will have a hearing of the possibility of bond issuance July 18, prior to the next regular meeting. The grade school project qualified under HLS as it is in the 10-year review. We just received notice of approval from ISBE last week. With this approval, we have the option of issuing additional bonds to help cover the remaining cost of the project without having to spend down the entire capital fund, up to about $1.8 million.

• Included in the State budget passed by both the house and senate this past week is an appropriation to the EBF of $375 million. This should be good for the district as we are still categorized as a Tier 1 district.

• Graduation ceremonies went well.

• Summer school for special education is being taught by Mrs. Justinen.

• Mr. Norman is doing summer driving with 10 students.

• Mr. Pasero is recommending Scheffel-Boyle, CPA to complete our annual audit for FY19 and going forward.

Their proposal was not to exceed $9,000.

• This year’s health insurance quote increase was between 6 and 7%. We are still at a lower premium than two years ago.

• Workers compensation premium increased 11% (up $6,047).

• Property/casualty premium decreased 1% (down $566).

• Discussion regarding the plan should flooding effect transportation for students/employees next school year.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to enter into executive session at 7:32 p.m. for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to return to open session at 7:52 p.m. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the consent agenda and items as listed. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

• Minutes of the May 14, 2019, regular meeting and executive session;

• Bills in the amount of $756,895.12 and payroll in the amount of $403,544.53;

• Financial reports.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve old drafting tables as surplus inventory. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Welge to accept the $555.00 bid as submitted by Marc Wilson for the 1986 Dodge Truck. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve payment to A&W Plumbing and Heating for the HVAC project work completed in the amount of $158,724.90 as submitted by Baysinger. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Mott to approve the proposal of $6,557.00 submitted by Red Dot Construction to replace the main entrance stairs at the high school, pending handrail discussion. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the proposal of $6,142.28 submitted by A&W Plumbing and Heating for plumbing repairs and items, per the recommendation of Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Colvis to adopt the 2018-2019 Amended School District Budget of Chester Community Unit School District 139 as presented by Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call

Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea,

Mr. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried; motion carried.

After review and brief discussion, motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the first reading of the 2019-2020 Grade School Student/Parent Handbook. Upon roll call all members voted yea.

7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Mrs. Meyer presented changes recommended to the 2019-2020 high school handbook to the Board of Education. Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the first reading of the 2019-2020 High School Student/Parent Handbook. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Fricke to set registration dates for the 2019-2020 School Year as follows. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.


Monday. July 29, 2019. 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday. July 30, 2019. 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday. July 31, 2019. 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to set registration fees, class fees, and meal prices for the 2019-2020 school year as follows. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.


Early Childhood $32.00

Grades K-8. $50.00

Grades 9-12. $80.00

.Additional High School Fee Charges:

• Drivers Education. $75.00

• Rhetoric/Composition I & II $45.00

• Parking Pass. $15.00

• Yondr Phone Pouch. $15.00

• CCSI (per semester). $ 5.00


CGS & CHS. $40.00 per student, per sport


Breakfast (CGS). $1.00

Lunch K-6. $2.00

Lunch 7-8. $2.20

Lunch 9-12. $2.35

Milk. $.40

Adult Breakfast. $1.50

Adult Lunch. $2.85

Motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve the Chester CUSD 139 District Consolidation Plan as presented by Mr. Pasero. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the agreement with Scheffel-Boyle,

CPA to perform the district’s annual external audit services for the year ended June 30, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $9,000. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Welge to accept the resignation of Jackie Coffey as grade school cheer coach. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to accept the resignation of Ben Hunter as boys’ freshmen basketball coach. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to accept the resignation of Adam Guebert as high school national honor society co-advisor. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to accept the resignation of Vicki Hoskin as grade school paraprofessional. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve Paul Zemlyn as high school volunteer boys’ golf coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve Erin Conley as grade school volunteer softball coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Welge to employ LaVerne Misselhorn as high school assistant golf coach for the 2019-2020 school year as recommended. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to employ Adam Guebert as high school student council co-advisor for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

Mr. Hammel commented that there are trees in need of trimming at the grade school. Mr. Pasero responded that he is in the process of receiving a quote.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Welge to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:10 p.m. Upon roll call all members voted yes. 7 yea, 0 nay; motion carried.

The next REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Education will be held on July 18, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chester

Community Grade School Conference Room, 650 Opdyke Street, Chester, IL 62233.



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