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Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board met July 18

Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board met July 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 met in the Chester Community Grade School Library on July 18, 2019. President Hammel called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present: Dan Colvis, Trent Vasquez, Debi Caraway, Lorin Mott, Chuck Fricke, Mitch Hammel. Members absent: Tom Welge

A motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the agenda and items as presented. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Grade School Maintenance Report:

 We are a bit behind due to construction work, but will get it all done. The first grade area teachers will be the last to get

into their rooms. Hopefully, the areas will be vacated by construction workers the week of the 15th.

 A&W started on repairs of various items on 7-15-2019.

 We have had issues with animal tanks and cages left in rooms throughout the summer spilling food and bedding into the ventilators and clogging the drain pans thus spilling onto ceiling tile below. It is my recommendation that we don’t keep animals and/or cages on a permanent basis as these issues are created during the summer and Environmental Consultants note them on their annual reports.

 Keeping up with the grass mowing. Mr. Grafton’s office has been painted, as well as two classrooms. The office closet is currently being painted.

 Worked on the fire marshal list of items. Still waiting on the smoke detector for the workroom and one in the library. Should be done before school.

 We will be finishing the gym floor in a couple of weeks. All the entry doors will be locked once it is done to keep non- grade school personnel off of the floor before school.

High School Maintenance Report:

 The 2005 addition is in need of a roof repair and Geissler Roofing is coming this week to fix it.

 Received word from the architect on the A/C issues in rooms 216, 217, and 117 and a meeting will be scheduled with Baysinger and Mr. Pasero in the next few days to see how to proceed.

 The Colbert gym floor has been refinished and looks great.

 The summer crew is moving along well this year.

 “No Dumping” signs have been put up behind the student parking lot.

 There has been an email sent out about the football field being closed and signs have been posted as well as extra locks to help keep people off.

Grade School Athletic Report:

 Preparing for the upcoming school year.

 Baseball/softball will have tryouts towards the end of July/first of August.

 Cross country will begin as soon as school starts.

High School Athletic Report:

 Free sports physicals are scheduled for July 20. We are planning for a very large turnout this year.

 Volleyball is holding summer workouts through July. They have competed in various summer scrimmages with other schools.

 Boys’ basketball has completed most of their summer workouts which included a kids camp.

 Girls’ basketball has completed most of their summer workouts. They just finished holding a team camp.

 The football team is conducting summer workouts as well. They have had a couple of CHS alum come in and talk about being successful with academics and athletics.

 The contact list of all current coaches has been updated for the purpose to be distributed to secretaries, staff and media outlets.

Grade School Principal’s Report:

 Cleanup of construction and installation of drop ceiling on July 12 & 13.

 Projected initial start-up of the new ventilation system is scheduled for July 16.

 Free sports physicals will be held at the Chester Clinic on Saturday, July 20.

 Registration will be held July 29-31. CGS Will have online registration this year.

 The theme for the 2019-2020 school year; CGS: Passport to your future!

 All seems to be going well with the transition. Mr. Kaiser and Mrs. Howie have been excellent to work with.

 PTS Open House is scheduled for August 14. There will be a “Spirit Wear” table.

 The board commented that the back side of the Nevco sign had not been updated for some time. The administration will place someone in charge of taking care of the sign.

 President Hammel welcomed Mr. Grafton aboard.

High School Principal’s Report:

 Summer custodians have done a great job with the building. We are rearranging the main office and giving it a new paint color.

 Interviews for the paraprofessional position are being held with Ms. Justinen and Mrs. Meyer.

 Skyward rollover is completed.

 Mr. Guebert is completing schedules.

 Registration will be July 29 from 9am to 3pm and July 30 and July 31 from 1-7pm. Online registration is ready and will be live for parents to complete on July 17.

 Freshman Academy is scheduled for August 1 from 9am – 12pm.

 A few teachers have taken advantage of summer PD hours offered by Mrs. Stegmann.

 QNS should have everything completed at the high school by the end of this week.

 Mr. Fricke inquired about the protocol for the Yondr phone pouches, such as when students have to leave early. Mr. Pasero commented that there will be unlock stations for the pouches in each classroom. Mr. Pasero also stated that parents who do not purchase during the beginning of the school year will still have the opportunity to do so later on at full cost.

Superintendent’s Report:

 FOIA request from the IEA, for information regarding our non-certified employees, dates and hours employed and affiliation with contracts and associations.

 Still waiting from ISBE to hear what our funding level will be at for FY20. The budget hearing will be in September, we will be placing the FY20 Budget on file in August.

 Recommending an amendment to the ‘19-’20 school calendar with the following changes. Start Date will remain the same. April 8 - Early Dismissal, April 9 & 10 - Non-Attendance, Return to school on April 13 (Monday). SAT/PSAT will be administered on Tuesday, April 14. May 14 - Early Dismissal, May 15 - Teacher Institute, May 18 - 1st Emergency Day.

 HVAC project - Approval for the 2nd payment to A&W Plumbing and Heating is on this month’s agenda for the amount of $103,543.11. The remainder to be approved after the completion of the project and Baysinger has signed off that all work has been completed. Planning on doing start-up of the RTU at the grade school this coming Monday and cleanup of the upper corridor should start Monday / Tuesday at the latest. They will then schedule a later date with Mr. Paulus to go over the operation and maintenance for the RTU.

 Baysinger is putting together an estimate of what it would cost to replace three failing AC units at the high school with rooftop units

 The front steps work of our main entrance to the high school is planned to take place next week.

 Finance: We recently received notice of approval from ISBE last week. With this approval, we have the option of issuing additional bonds to help cover the remaining cost of the HVAC project without having to spend down the entire capital fund, up to about $393,264. We are working with our architect and ISBE to appeal for a larger amount. The board would have the option to refinance with the additional bond in August.

 Bid recommendations are as follows (reminder that boards reserve the right to reject all bids)

o Bread: Moore is the low bid on regular bread and bun options but doesn’t offer the specialized buns. o Milk: The Board received a bid summary sheet. (option to reject all bids)

o Copy Paper: Midland Paper was the low bid on standard paper.

 There was no extra cost for re-routing of bussing during the time Route 3 was closed

 Bookkeeping solutions: Once we transition to Powerschool (Jan 1) we will assume payroll

 KIDS: Kindergarten readiness scores came back: This assessment looks at three areas (Social/Emotional, Language/Literacy, and Math) of development for readiness of our kindergarten students. 51% of our students were ready in none of these areas and 14% were ready in all three. Across the state, 39% of students were ready in none of the areas and 26% were ready in all three. This highlights the need for focus at the youngest level as long as we can provide it. Additional breakdowns are available on the state website.

 Mr. Pasero plans to put the drafting tables out for bid that the district will no longer be using.

 Computers are still being installed by QNS; servers have been installed and systems migrated over.

 Real estate taxes will be coming in one month later.

 The Board received policy recommendations of PRESS Plus 101 policies up for review.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Colvis to enter into executive session at 7:25 p.m. for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to return to open session at 7:43 p.m. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve the consent agenda and items as listed. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

 Minutes of June 20, 2019, amended budget hearing, regular meeting and executive session;

 Bills in the amount of $247,815.94 and payroll in the amount of $405,888.87;

 Financial reports.

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to amend the 2019-2020 District School Calendar as recommended by Mr. Pasero reflecting an early dismissal on Wednesday, April 8, no student attendance on Thursday, April 9 & Friday, April 10, and student’s returning to school on Monday, April 13. The amendment is due to SAT/PSAT testing scheduled on Tuesday, April 14. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to conduct the second reading and to approve the 2019-2020 Grade School Student/Parent Handbook as amended. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to conduct the second reading and approve the 2019-2020 High School Student/Parent Handbook as presented. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve old servers as surplus and available for public or private sale as recommended by Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

After review, motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the first reading of the 2019-2020 Extra-Curricular Code of Conduct. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Superintendent Pasero presented district policies for review and/or updating. Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve the first reading of PRESS Plus 101 Policies. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

After review, motion was made by Mr. Mott and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to accept the semi-annual review of closed meeting minutes and determined that all minutes shall remain closed to the public. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Colvis to adopt the Prevailing Rate of Wages Resolution for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to accept the bread bid from Moore Foods as submitted for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mr. Fricke to reject all bids received for Milk products, per the recommendation of Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to accept the bid from Midland Paper as submitted for 450 cases of copy paper at $28.0863 per 10 ream case. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to authorize the district bookkeeper to pay utility and miscellaneous bills between board meetings to take advantage of discounts. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the Agreement with Bookkeeping Solutions in the amount of $1,632 per month. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the second payment to A&W Plumbing and Heating for HVAC project work completed in the amount of $103,543.11. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to accept the resignation of Miki Friess as 5th-grade elementary teacher. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve Mike Liefer as grade school volunteer cross- country coach for the 2019-2020 school year, pending certification requirements and background check. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve Abigail Myers as high school volunteer girls’ track coach for the 2019-2020 school year, pending certification requirements and background check. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve Clay Herrell as high school volunteer boys’ basketball coach for the 2019-2020 school year, pending certification requirements and background check. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Colvis to employ Cody Mileur as freshman boys’ basketball coach for the 2019-2020 school year, pending certification requirements and background check. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the reassignment of Tammy Brockhouse from high school secretary to 4-hour grade school cook at her current rate of pay for the 2019-2020 school year as recommended by administration. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve the reassignment of Jamie Clasen from grade school cafeteria aide to high school 4-hour cafeteria aide at her current rate of pay for the 2019-2020 school year as recommended by administration. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve the reassignment of Crystal Tindall from high school cafeteria aide to an 11 month/7-hour high school secretary at $9.08 per hour for the 2019-2020 school year as recommended by administration. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to employ Rosie Tindall as grade school Title I paraprofessional problem solver coordinator for the 2019-2020 school year at $120 per day, up to 3 days per week. Upon roll call Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to employ Angela Werner as high school paraprofessional for the 2019-2020 school year at $9.34 per hour. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to employ Katie Kelley as junior high social studies teacher for the 2019-2020 school year, contingent upon ISBE short-term approval. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Mott voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Colvis to adjourn at 8:04 p.m. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent. Motion carried.



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