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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board of Education met October 17

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Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board of Education met Oct. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 met in the Chester Community Grade School Conference Room on October 17, 2019. President Hammel called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Dan Colvis, Debi Caraway, Tom Welge, Chuck Fricke, Mitch Hammel, Trent Vasquez (arrived 7:05 p.m.) Members absent: Lorin Mott

A motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve the agenda and items listed as presented. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

No public comment was presented.

The Board received a thank you note from the family of Megan Marcinkowska.

Grade School Maintenance Report:

 Fixed lights on the backboards in the gym.

 Waiting on a price from HSG for an impeller bearing and motor replacement.

 All AC units are clean and filters have been changed on the rooftop units.

 Hall Electric came to look at moving a photocell that controls the parking lot lights. They took off the shroud on the cell and it appears that they may be going off at a more reasonable time now.

 The traffic lights turn on and off fine, but one seems to be coming back on again at a later time. The installer believes it may need an external antenna.

 We are still short a night custodian.

High School Maintenance Report:

 The ceiling in Mr. Blechle’s office, and in rooms 104, 105 and 112 have all been fixed and rooms put back together.

 There is another small leak in the Colbert gym roof and will be addressed this week.

 Winterizing of the outer buildings will begin in the next few weeks, including the track restrooms and football irrigation system.

 Almost all of the exterior dusk to dawn LED lighting has been completed. Mrs. Meyer commented that Mr. McMath has done a great job lighting up the back of the school parking lot.

 The grass on the football field has slowed considerably but is still mostly green.

Grade School Athletic Report:

 The cross country team hosted the Chester Invitational this past Tuesday. A total of 12 teams participated.

 Boys and girls basketball started up the first week of October. There are 20 boys and 16 girls participating. The boys are currently playing in a tournament this week and the girls will begin games towards the end of October.

 Cheerleading has started as well. There are 12 girls on the squad.

 5/6th grade girls basketball has started.

 5/6th grade boys basketball will begin around the first of November.

 The board received a schedule of upcoming athletic events.

High School Athletic Report:

 The boys golf team finished second at Regionals and moved on to play in the Sectionals. Although the team did not qualify for state, Jarret James did advance.

 Samantha Eggemeyer advanced to Sectionals but the girls golf team did not qualify.

 CHS will once again host 14 teams from across southern Illinois in the Class 1A Cross Country Regionals at the Randolph County Conservation Area on October 26.

 The varsity volleyball team placed 3rd in the Trico Tournament. Grace Stec was selected to the All Tourney Team.

 The dance team and cheerleaders continue to work on sideline and floor routines. Both teams helped decorate for homecoming and senior nights.

 Varsity football is riding a 3-game winning streak.

 Homecoming week was September 30-October 5. It was a huge success.

 Basketball open gyms are getting ready to start. All basketball schedules are complete and referees are hired.

Basketball links and schedules are now live on the school website.

 Senior night for volleyball is October 24 and October 18 for all other sports.

 October 7 was our Annual Pink-Out game.

 Many of our coaches have been added to the pass gate for SIU sporting events.

 The board received a season summary of fall sports.

Curriculum Report:

 Department curriculum meetings are being held.

 Think Central for Go Math has been set up for kindergarten through 5th grade teachers.

 After completion of EL screenings, we have 37 students in our Transitional Bilingual Education Program.

 Assessment update.

Grade School Principal’s Report:

 The Book Fair was held the week of October 3-9. It was a huge success. Mrs. Lochhead did an excellent job this year.

Each teacher was given $60 to choose books from the book fair.

 Family Reading Night was October 8. We had a very nice turn out and it was a very enjoyable evening. Thank you to Mrs. Cowan and to all of the teachers who helped.

 7th and 8th grade students attended a field trip to Fort De Chartres on October 10.

 Prekindergarten students went to the pumpkin patch on October 10 and kindergarten students on October 16.

 The Great American Shake-Out (earthquake drill) was held on October 17.

 Nevco sign update.

 Students in kindergarten through 4th grade recently traveled to the Firehouse.

 First quarter ended on October 18.

 A Code Red Drill will be held on October 22.

 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on October 24 and 25.

 Student Council will be hosting a Halloween Dance on October 24.

High School Principal’s Report:

 Homecoming week was held September 30-October 5. A special thank you to the Student Council, along with sponsors

Mrs. Hammel and Mr. Guebert. Congratulations to Queen Cierra Creason and King Chris Schwier.

 Volleyball hosted the annual “Sports for the Cure”. This year it was decided to donate money raised to Jennifer King.

 Lifetouch retakes and fall sports pictures will be taken on October 23.

 Parent teacher conferences are being scheduled and will be held on October 24 and 25.

Superintendent’s Report:

 As of the August closeout, we are at 8% of revenues and 14% expenditures.

 The tax levy will be put on notice next month.

 Recommending the low bid from Bel-O Sales for replacement of AC units at the high school in the amount of $222,588.

 We have been having issues with the AC units for the media center at the high school and will likely need replaced within the next year.

 The grade school AC unit above the locker room was fixed.

 The AC unit at the grade school for one of the classrooms in the 4-5th grade wing is needing replaced. Mr. Pasero is recommending a proposal received from Korando Heating & Cooling in the amount of $10,033, as they have notified him that the Freon used in the old units will no longer be available after this year.

 High school ceiling demo is complete and classes have returned to that area.

 The indoor air quality report came back with no major issues cited. However, there is still high humidity in the north section of the grade school that needs to be completed. There were a few rooms in this area noted for spots of mold on surfaces of items. Maintenance does clean these areas when noted and I have asked that additional dehumidifiers be moved to these rooms from the areas that are now doing better.

 Baysinger presented a Planning Program. The Building and Grounds Committee met with them.

 The Regional Office of Education is rescheduling their annual inspection.

 During a bleacher inspection it was found our home side football bleachers will need immediate attention due to corrosion occurring on the bottom levels where the metal supports are making contact with the aluminum seats. Baysinger is looking at options as well as contacting the manufacturer/installers to see if they have had to address this issue with other installations. RK Sports Seating did the original installation in the fall of 2008.

 Upon a recent inspection of the cracks at the grade school that appeared after the old gym was removed, they have increased in size. Baysinger believes this may be due to the expansion of the roof that takes place as it warms. He is not seeing these cracks on the exterior. Checks will be conducted more frequently (monthly) to monitor.

 The original HLS amendment has been submitted to ISBE. We are still waiting any word.

 District external audit from Scheffle-Boyle will be presented at November’s meeting.

 Transitioning to PowerSchool will begin this month. The plan is to be switched over completely by January 1.

 An additional set of Chromebooks has been installed at the grade school through the Title grant. These are replacing an outdated set in a cart that were redistributed mostly into our 6th grade classrooms.

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mr. Welge to enter into executive session at 7:24 p.m. for the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and for collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Fricke to return to open session at 8:17 p.m. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve the consent agenda and items as listed. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

 Minutes of September 11, 2019 building and grounds committee meeting;

 Minutes of September 19, 2019 budget hearing, regular meeting, and executive session;

 Bills in the amount of $1,285,511.76 and payroll in the amount of $433,052.12;

 Financial reports.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the early graduation request of Breanna Knobloch as recommended by administration. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Welge to accept the public bid offer as submitted for the purchase of 4 drafting tables at $15.00 each from Linda Carter. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis abstained, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 5 yea, 0 nay, 1 abstain, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Colvis and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Lindenwood University to host student teachers as recommended by administration. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Welge to accept the bid from Bel-O Sales and Service Inc. as submitted in the amount of $222,588 for the high school HVAC replacement as recommended by Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to accept the proposal from Korando Heating & Cooling in the amount of $10,033 for the replacement of an AC unit at the grade school as recommended by Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Fricke to accept the resignation of David James as a high school baseball volunteer. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to accept the resignation of Lacey Wolff as high school cafeteria aide effective September 27, 2019. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mrs. Colvis to accept the resignation of Tracy Woods as grade school paraprofessional effective October 9, 2019. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Welge to accept the resignation of Jamie Ennis as grade school paraprofessional effective October 15, 2019. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve Addie Miller as high school flag sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Welge to approve Dale Wahl as high school volunteer football coach for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Vasquez and seconded by Mr. Welge to approve Carolyn Kish as high school table top gaming sponsor for the 2019-2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Vasquez to approve Carolyn Kish as Green Team sponsor for the 2019- 2020 school year. Upon roll call all members voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mr. Fricke to employ Jamie Davis as a 7 1⁄2 hour grade school paraprofessional at $9.34 per hour beginning October 11, 2019. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Welge and seconded by Mrs. Caraway to employ Myka Gutersloh as a 4-hour high school cafeteria aide at $8.56 per hour beginning October 18, 2019. Upon roll call Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Fricke to approve the FMLA request of Lucy Phillips beginning October 1, 2019. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mrs. Caraway and seconded by Mr. Colvis to approve a 3-year extension of the superintendent’s contract for Brian Pasero effective through the 2022-2023 school year. Upon roll call Mr. Fricke voted yea, Mr. Welge voted yea, Mr. Colvis voted yea, Mr. Vasquez voted yea, Mrs. Caraway voted yea, Mr. Hammel voted yea. 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

Motion was made by Mr. Fricke and seconded by Mr. Welge to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Upon roll call all members voted yea, 6 yea, 0 nay, 1 absent; motion carried.

The next REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Education will be held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chester Community Grade School Library, 650 Opdyke Street, Chester, IL 62233.



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