Chester Community Unit School District No.139 Board of Education Met May 17.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 held their Regular Meeting in High School Room B217. President Vasquez called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Charles Fricke, Debi Caraway, Randi Belton, Matt Davitz, Nikki Malley, Lorin Mott, Trent Vasquez.
A motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to approve the agenda and items as listed. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
No public comment was presented to the board.
Grade School Athletic Report:
∙ CGS track finished up on May 10 with their conference meet.
∙ Getting CGS coaches lined up for the 2021-22 school year.
∙ Baseball/softball sign-up sheets are already out for the upcoming school year.
High School Athletic Report:
∙ Volleyball All-Conference Team - Kendal Williams, Reese Chandler and Josie Kattenbraker.
∙ Football All-Conference – Tyler Holm, Cooper Eggemeyer, Jordan Merideth, Isaac Jany, Daigen Hunter, Nate Hefferan, Jared Landeros, Ethan Stumpe, Justin Clendenin, Jacob Cowell and Shane Bickett.
∙ At the time of this writing, varsity baseball is 1-6; 0-2 conference; JV 2-1. Regionals will be held the first week of June.
∙ Softball is 0-4. Regionals are set for the first week of June.
∙ Girls track won the BDC track meet. They have won this meet the last 9 out of 10 years.
∙ The bass fishing team competed in the sectional meet on May 6.
∙ Dance will be holding their awards banquet on May 23.
∙ Thank you to all the hard working and dedicated coaches that have worked for CHS over the years. Especially this years group that weathered the COVID nightmare with full understanding and cooperation. Thank you for everything CHS coaches and supporting staff.
Curriculum Director Report:
∙ ACCESS testing for the district in nearly completed.
∙ All grade levels have now completed IAR testing.
∙ As of May 10, there are a few students at each building who still need to make up ISA assessments.
∙ Two students need to take the SAT makeup on May 18.
∙ Making plans to complete the STAR reading makeup testing for 9th/10th grades before the end of the school year.
Grade School Principal Report:
∙ 8th grade graduation is set for Thursday, May 20 at 7:00 p.m. in Colbert Gymnasium.
∙ The grade school spring concert was held on May 3. The students did a wonderful job and a very nice audience was in attendance for the performance.
∙ Teacher Appreciation Week was May 3-7. Lots of food and goodies were provided. Thank you to Mrs. Caraway for her contribution.
∙ Friday, May 7 was School Lunch Hero Day. Our cafeteria staff were honored with a potted tulip.
∙ CGS recognized Mrs. Gross and Mrs. Phillips on April 21 for Administrative Assistants’ Day.
∙ On May 12, Mrs. Reese was recognized for School Nurses’ Day.
∙ The school year is winding down fast and has gone about as well as it could go considering all the conditions that existed throughout the school year.
∙ Beginning to focus on the beginning of next year.
High School Principal Report:
∙ Thank you to the students and staff for all the work they have done over the past month to finish out the school year. Everyone handled the changes with positive attitudes and are excited to finish strong.
∙ Celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week with food, food and more food. Thank you to Mrs. Caraway as well.
∙ The cafeteria staff, along with Dallas Redeker and Brian McMath, made sure the seniors got their cookout this year.
∙ The teachers’ schedule is set and student schedules are being looked at for any errors.
∙ The musical, Shrek, was presented with nothing but praise, as usual.
∙ The spring concert was held on May 11.
∙ Scholarship recipients were pictured for the paper.
Superintendent’s Report:
∙ The CEA and CSP associations have notified Mr. Pasero of their intent to bargain. Hoping to get initial dates set for early June.
∙ ESSER (CARES II) grant application has been approved, most of which will be a part of the 2021-2022 budget. Mr. Pasero would like board approval of the plan to move forward with the grant.
∙ PSIC proposed increase. This will be on the agenda in June for approval.
∙ A&W and Baysinger did a walkthrough of the grade school to check on the performance of units put in over the past two summers. No major issues were reported.
∙ We have a quote from Asphalt Maintenance to repair and resurface the grade school parking lot for $47,665. This includes repairs to a failing spot in the front and the outgoing lane to the highway.
∙ Red Dot has given us a quote for the water mitigation at the high school in the amount of $13,904 to repair the drain in that area and further investigate for additional issues that would be causing water to return to the building.
∙ Niermann is still waiting to fix a draining issue on the football field, right side of the visiting stands.
∙ Repair work on the home football field grandstand began the week of May 3.
∙ The unit office roof is in need of repair and new shingles. We have estimated the material cost to be $3,170.77. This can be put out for formal bid, or Mr. Pasero can get quotes. Overall estimate would be roughly $7,000-$9,000.
∙ Summer school details. The ROE will reimburse some of the stipend cost for the June session. Science and English will be available for our junior high students. We will also be providing breakfast to students during that time, by statute, this is available to the community members as well with advanced notice. Mr. Pasero is putting together a July session that will use some of the ESSER II grant to pay for, based on need and availability. We will also be staffing extended school year for those students with IEPs that require it.
∙ Due to the bridge phase, we are able to allow 60% capacity for graduation.
∙ Since Illinois has transitioned to the bridge phase, Chester school would be eligible to receive weekly testing for all our unvaccinated high school and grade school students and staff (Illinois Shield). This program would be free but conditional upon at least 50% participation. This would catch positive (non-symptomatic) cases early and be instrumental in avoiding periods of remote learning.
∙ Mr. Pasero will be asking for approval for written agreements with operators of online services using the Standard Student Data Privacy Agreement IL-NDPA to ensure the district is in compliance with state SOPPA (Student Oline Personal Protection Act) requirements.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to enter into executive session at 7:32 p.m. for (A.) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; (B.) collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; (C.) the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Davitz to return to open session at 9:46 p.m. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2021 regular meeting and executive session as presented. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Davitz and seconded by Mott to approve the minutes of the April 28, 2021 reorganizational meeting as presented. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Fricke to approve the minutes of the May 1, 2021 special meeting as presented. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to approve the bills in the amount of $477,208.74 and payroll in the amount of $449,668.36. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Mott to approve the financial reports as presented. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Malley to adopt a resolution to place the 2020-2021 amended budget of Chester School District on file and schedule a hearing to present said budget for June 17, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. to be directly followed by the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Davitz to authorize the superintendent to enter into written agreements with operators of online services using the Standard Student Data Privacy Agreement IL-NDPA, to ensure the district is in compliance with State SOPPA requirements (Student Online Personal Protection Act). Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Malley to approve an extended school year to serve students with IEP’s for the summer of 2021. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Mott to approve the plan to proceed with summer school, including a $1,500 stipend, plus benefits, for summer school teachers. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to approve the CARES II Plan as presented by Superintendent Pasero. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Malley to approve the quote from Asphalt Maintenance for $47,665.00 to seal and repair the grade school parking lot and playground area. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to approve the quote from Red Dot in the amount of $ 13,903.50 to repair drains around the high school science room area. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Davitz and seconded by Fricke to approve membership and adopt the constitution by-laws of the IHSA for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Mott to approve the Gary Schwent Memorial Scholarship as a local scholarship beginning with the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
After review, motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Mott to approve the first reading of the 2021-2022 High School Student Handbook. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
After review, motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Belton to approve the first reading of the 2021-2022 Grade School Student Handbook. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
The board tabled the resolution to issue a notice of remedial warning.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Malley to accept the resignation of Malorie Cashmer as high school paraprofessional, reflecting her last day as April 21, 2021. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Caraway to accept the resignation of Amanda Middendorf as high school assistant cheerleading coach at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Davitz and seconded by Mott to accept the resignation of Jennifer Singletary as grade school cafeteria aide at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Caraway to accept the resignation of Brad Norman as high school driver’s education teacher and head boys’ basketball coach at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Malley to accept the resignation of Sarah Norman as high school English teacher at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Malley to accept the resignation of Meghan Blechle as kindergarten teacher at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Malley to accept the resignation of Kristin Petrowske as high school family & consumer sciences teacher, senior class sponsor, prom sponsor, student counsel sponsor, and art club sponsor at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Caraway to accept the resignation of Jeremy Blechle as high school assistant principal and athletic director at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Davitz and seconded by Mott to approve Tommie Creason as volunteer high school bass fishing coach for the 2020-2021 school year. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Mott to approve Boyd Miles as grade school head baseball coach for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Malley and seconded by Fricke to approve Justin Davis as grade school head softball coach for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Caraway to approve Jenny Cartwright as grade school head cross country coach for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Davitz and seconded by Mott to approve Chris Toledo as high school head boys’ basketball coach for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Davitz to approve the administrative contract of David Kaiser as a grade school assistant principal / athletic director for the 2021-22 school year. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Mott and seconded by Malley to reassign Mike Schwarting from high school math teacher to driver’s education for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Davitz voted aye, Mott voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Malley voted aye, Belton voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Caraway to employ Cheri Boyd as high school business teacher for the 2021- 2022 school year. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Caraway and seconded by Mott to employ Bryce Bainter as high school athletic director / drivers education teacher for the 2021-2022 school year. Upon roll call Belton voted aye, Malley voted aye, Fricke voted aye, Caraway voted aye, Mott voted aye, Davitz voted aye, Vasquez voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
Motion was made by Fricke and seconded by Mott to adjourn the meeting at 10:03 p.m. Upon roll call all members voted aye. 7 aye, 0 nay; motion carried.
The next REGULAR MEETING of the Board of Education will be held Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the Chester High School Room B217, 1901 Swanwick Street, Chester, IL 62233.,%202021%20Regular%20Mtg%20Brief.pdf