City of Chester City Council Met July 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of Chester, Illinois, met in regular session in the Municipal Building, 1330 Swanwick Street. Mayor Tom Page called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Present: Alderman Bryce Hill Alderman Ray Allison
Alderman Bob Buckham Alderman Robert Platt
Alderman Randy Dudenbostel Alderman James Maes
Alderman Russ Rader
Absent: Alderman Larry Bert
Alderman Maes moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and to approve them as prepared by the city clerk. Alderman Allison proposed several amendments to the July 6, 2021 council meeting minutes. Alderman Allison questioned City Engineer on possible grant opportunities. Alderman Maes called for point of order. Attorney Kerkhover requested Alderman Allison state the proposed amendments to the council meeting minutes. Alderman Allison advised the Planning Commission requests the city consider adding a sidewalk along with curbs and gutters along the proposed new street connecting Brenda Street and Chester Shopping Center. Secondly, the Planning Commission requested the city search for a grant to replace the sidewalk from Allendale to Jefferson Street. Alderman Maes moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and approve the minutes and proposed additions from Alderman Allison. Alderman Hill seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Buckham, Maes, Rader, Allison, Platt, Dudenbostel, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
Alderman Platt moved to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Appropriation Hearing and to approve them as prepared by the city clerk. Alderman Dudenbostel seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Buckham, Maes, Rader, Allison, Platt, Dudenbostel, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
The following correspondence was acknowledged:
• Chester Chamber of Commerce “Thirsty Thursday” on July 29th
• Letter of resignation from Travis Lott from the Park & Recreation Board
Mayor Page announced the city employees have been working hard to plan a huge Fall Festival in October. Mayor Page expressed his sincere appreciation to Patti Carter for all of her hard work planning this event.
City Clerk:
The city clerk presented an application for the City of Chester. Alderman Maes moved to issue the raffle license and waive the fidelity bond required of the raffle managers. Alderman Dudenbostel seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Rader, Buckham, Hill, Maes. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
City Engineer:
City Engineer advised the Collector Well Feasibility Evaluation will begin the first week of August. Secondly, Phase 1 of the Water Plant Improvement projects will be going out to bid soon.
Cemetery & Finance Committee (Chairman Platt):
The Cemetery and Finance Committee met this evening at 5:30 p.m. to review city bills, and found them to be in order for payment. Alderman Platt moved to approve payment of bills, subject to audit. Alderman Rader seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Buckham, Hill, Maes, Rader. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
Water-Sewer Committee (Chairman Rader);
Chairman Rader advised the Water Department had a large water main break on Estate Drive. Chairman Rader advised the contractor installed 100 psi pipe instead of 300 psi pipe in the early 1970s and the water main needs to be replaced with better piping. Mayor Page asked City Engineer Harold Sheffer to provide a cost estimate for a water main replacement on Estate Drive.
Plaque Presentation – Sabo
Police Chief Bobby Helmers and Mayor Page presented a plaque of appreciation to K-9 Handler Steve Laramore. Officer Laramore retired Sabo after seven years of service for the Chester Police Department.
Patti Carter – Fall Festival
Recreation Director Patti Carter provided a tentative schedule for the Fall Festival to the council. The city has received $4,250.00 in donations for the festival. Mayor Page noted there will be carnival rides at the festival with armbands available daily.
Gary Stull – Harrison Street
Gary Stull addressed the city council regarding the conditions on Harrison Street. Mr. Stull asked the city council if he pays to have the core samples on Harrison Street done will the city repair the road. Mayor Page advised there is confusion with IDOT on whether or not that is actually a city street. City Engineer Harold Sheffer advised the hillside must be stabilized before the road could be repaired. The city is unable to use any Motor Fuel Tax Funds for repairs because the issue originated on private property. Mr. Stull voiced his frustration and noted the portion of Harrison Street has been nonfunctional for four years now. Mayor Page apologized for the inconvenience but noted this is an extremely difficult situation. Mr. Stull left the council meeting.
Park & Recreation Board:
Per the mayor’s recommendation, Alderman Dudenbostel moved to approve the appointment of Emily Belton to the Park and Recreation Board. Alderman Maes seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Buckham, Rader, Maes, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
Tenant Farmer – Richard Mueller:
Alderman Maes moved to approve the request of Richard Mueller to plant a Fall, 2021, crop on city property. Alderman Buckham seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Buckham, Rader, Maes, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
IDOT Resolution – Fall Festival Parade Road Closure:
Alderman Platt moved to pass a resolution to request approval from the Illinois Department of Transportation for temporary closure of Route 150 from its intersection with Stacey Street to the intersection of Taylor Street and Route 150 for the purpose of diverting traffic on October 17, 2021 from approximately 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the Fall Festival Parade. Alderman Maes seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Buckham, Rader, Maes, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
Gas Department – Air Conditioner & Heater:
The city council reviewed three estimates for a new air conditioner and heater for the utility department. Discussion ensued among the council on various experiences with each company. Mayor Page tabled this item until more information is gathered about each unit and the warranties.
Executive Session – Minutes:
Alderman Platt moved to determine that minutes of previous Executive Sessions are still confidential and should not be made available to the public. Alderman Maes seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Buckham, Rader, Maes, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
Executive Session – Verbatim Records:
Alderman Platt moved to destroy all verbatim records of Executive Sessions. Alderman Hill seconded the motion. UPON ROLL CALL: Ayes: Aldermen Allison, Dudenbostel, Platt, Buckham, Rader, Maes, Hill. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.
Mayor Page asked council members to review the quote from 5H Fabrication & Design, LLC for a new gazebo.
At 6:34 p.m., Alderman Dudenbostel moved to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Maes seconded the motion. VOTE: Ayes: Aldermen Maes, Rader, Dudenbostel, Hill, Allison, Platt, Buckham. Nays: None. Absent: Alderman Bert. Motion carried.