
South West Illinois News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Columbia Community Unit School District #4 Board of Education met April 20

Columbia Community Unit School District #4 Board of Education met April 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Absent: Mr. Christopher S. Grode, Superintendent

Present: Adam Hemken Tammy Hines Andrea Khoury Greg Meyer Scott Middelkamp Lisa Schumacher Tyson Search

Mrs. Alyssa M. Smith, Assistant Superintendent

Call to Order/ Roll Call 7:00 p.m.

President Greg Meyer called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the District Board Room. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this meeting was held in accordance with social distancing guidelines and live-streamed on the District YouTube channel.

Visitor(s) present: April Becherer, Amy Froess, Elizabeth Schreckenberg, Elyse Rench, Alaina Metz, Jake Elliott, Amber Haven, Carleigh Ottwell, Nate Leingang, Erica Venne, Ford Barnfield, Madison Lammert, Brian Reeves, Carolyn Kish

II. Pledge of Allegiance

The Board and visitors present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Welcome! Recognition Of Visitors

President Meyer welcomed the visitors present and those watching on the YouTube channel. He also recognized those in attendance who were on the agenda to be hired as new teachers for the upcoming school year.

Public Comments/ Correspondence

Michelle Mueller provided public comments via phone regarding the non renewal of David Ackerman.

Taylor Nickerson announced in public comments the exchange students from Gesamtschule Gedern in Germany arrived on Monday and will be here through May 9th. He also noted this is the 29th year of the program and the 15th visit to Columbia by Andreas Heuser, who has been part of it since the beginning in 1993.

Correspondence was passes around to the board.


Minutes and Finance

Motion to approve the following consent agenda items (Item

V. Minutes and Finance and Item VI. Personnel Items), as presented by Assistant Superintendent Alyssa Smith,

A. Approve Board Minutes

1. Open Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - March 17, 2022 2. Executive Session(s)

a. Regular Meeting - March 17, 2022

B. Bookkeeper's Financial Position/Treasurer's Reports

C. Budget Report - March 31, 2022

D. Approve Expenditures - April 2022

E. Accept Activity Fund Accounts - March 31, 2022

Personnel Items

A. Accept Resignation(s)

a. Kalli Zavorka, CMS Math (effective end of school year)

b. Krista Schoellhorn, HS Student Council (effective end of school year)

c. Krista Schoellhorn, HS National Honor Society (effective end of school year)

d. Jeanne Goacher, Special Education Director (Retirement June 30, 2027)

e. Catherine Schreder, HS Cook (Retirement effective May 25, 2022)

f, Belinda Christy, Bus Driver (effective March 30, 2022)

g. Kristen Hrdlicka, Paraprofessional (effective April 22, 2022)

h. Kyle Stumpf, Freshman Girl Basketball Coach (effective end of school year)

i. Brent Mueller, JV Boys Basketball Coach (effective end of school year)

j. Aaron Bosch, Freshman Basketball Co-Coach (effective end of school year)

k. TJ Menard, Freshman Basketball Co-Coach (effective end of school year)

B. Employ Educational Support Personnel

a. Cailee Cox, Paraprofessional C. Employ Certificated Personnel

a. W. Ford Barnfield, Science Teacher for 2022-23 school year

b. Nate Leingang, P.E.Teacher for 2022-23 school year

C. Julie Pyatt, Business Teacher for 2022-23 school year

d. Elyse Rench, High School Guidance Counselor 2022-2023 school year

e, Jake Elliott, CMS Assistant Principal

f. Erica Venne, Eagleview Principal

g. Alaina Metz, Special Education Teacher for 2022-23 school year

D. Approve Leave of Absence

a. Jaci Limestall, Mid-August to Mid-November (approx. 12 weeks)

E. Approve Extra-Curricular Assignments

a Sarah Cline, Freshmen Girls Basketball Coach for 2022-2023

b. Kyle Stumpf, Girls Basketball Assistant Coach for 2022-2023

c. Alexis Royer, Varsity Softball Assistant Coach for 2022-2023

d. Nate Leingang, 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach for 2022-2023

e. Brent Mueller, 8th Grade Boys Basketball Coach for 2022-2023

f. Aaron Bosch, JV Boys Basketball Co-Coach for 2022-2023

g. TJ Menard, JV Boys Basketball Co-Coach for 2022-2023

f. Approve Non-Certified Class Advancements

G, Approve Extended School Year (ESY) Staffing

a. Teachers: Alaina Metz, Claire Long, Amy Volimer, Jordin Messenger

b. Paraprofessional: Sara Dahl, Kalli Hentis, Sarah Brandenberger, Addyson Wierschem, Jack Goacher, Danielle Sellers, Jama Rodenberg, Jenna Stuart

c. Speech: Kristin Miesner

d. Nurse: Jan Turley H. Declare Vacancy(s)

a. Math Teacher

b. Kitchen Position

c. High School Student Council Advisor

d. High School National Honor Society

e. Bus Driver

f. Additional Social Worker and/or Counselor for Elementary Level

g. Summer Workers

1. Custodians (2)

2. Painters (2)

3. Student Groundskeeper

4. Student Tech (2)

5. Student Custodian (2)

President Meyer requested removing the hiring administrative positions of CMS Assistant Principal and Eagleview Principal from the consent agenda and make action on the items following executive session,

Motion to Approve Consent Agenda

Motion was made by Scott Middelkamp, seconded by Tammy Hines to approve consent agenda (Item V. Minutes and Finance and item VI, Personnel Items) as amended.

On a roll call vote; Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

VII. Communications - Presentations Reports

Enrollment Report -no questions from the Board. Administrative Reports 1. Building Report - Eagleview Elementary School

April Becherer, Eagleview Elementary Principal, and Amy Froess, Early Childhood teacher presented recent activities at Eagleview Elementary. They shared examples of how the school is getting back to pre-covid activities such as Kindergarten and First Grade musicals, field day, and ACE Olympics. They thanked Mrs. Christel Hughes for her work with the students to create the wonderful musical performances. Other activities that were highlighted included having 8th grade students visit Eagleview and reading with students, having the dramatic play room open again, the kindergarten celebration and kindergarten screenings. Amy Froess ended her report by thanking April Becherer for her service to Eagleview and wished her the best in future endevors.

Mrs. April Becherer thanked the staff at Eagleview and the Board of Education for her experience at the district over the last several years. She also expressed gratitude to the Transportation department that she has overseen for the past two school years.

2. Assistant Superintendent's Report/Superintendent's Report - Alyssa Smith, Assistant Superintendent,

Mrs. Smith started her report by thanking April Becherer for her service to the district and wished her the best in the future. She continued by thanking all staff and teachers for their flexibility during spring testing including the SAT, PSAT, IAR, and other benchmarking assessments.

Mrs. Smith also wanted to recognize our District Bookkeeper, Julie Nappier, building administrators and secretaries for their work in processing the reimbursement of sick days due to COVID-19.

Mrs. Smith finished her report by updating the board that there was an error in evidence based funding and the district was under paid by $409 in fiscal year 2019.

VIII. Items for Action

A. Approval of IHSA Annual Membership

Motion to Approve the Motion was made by Andrea Khoury and seconded by Tyson Search to IHSA Annual Membership approve the 2022-2023 IHSA Annual Membership as presented.

Upon a voice vote the motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

B. Approval of Consolidated District Plan

Motion to Approve the Consolidated District Plan

Motion was made by Lisa Schumacher and seconded by Adam Hemken to approve the Consolidated District Plan as presented.

On a roll call vote: Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye, Hemken-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

C. Approval of Amended 2021-2022 School Calendar

Motion to Approve Amended 2021-22 School Calendar

Motion was made by Scott Middelkamp and seconded by Tammy Hines to amend the 2021-2022 school calendar to end on May 27, 2022.

Upon a voice vote the motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, O-Nay

D. Approval of Meeting Dates, Times, and Location for 2022-2023

Motion to Approve the Meeting Dates, Times, And Location for 2022-23

Motion was made by Scott Middelkamp and seconded by Andrea Khoury to approve Board of Education meeting dates, times, and location for 2022-23, as presented.

Upon a voice vote the motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

E. Approve an administrator's voluntary resignation as submitted

Motion to Approve an Motion was made by Greg Meyer and seconded by Tammy Hines to Administrator's Voluntary approve David Ackerman's voluntary resignation, as submitted, effective the Resignation as Submitted end of his 2021-2022 contract year.

On a roll call vote: Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye, Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

F. Substitute Pay Considerations

Motion to Approve Substitute Pay Considerations

Motion was made by Adam Hemken and seconded by Lisa Schumacher to approve daily substitute pay to $120/day and long-term substitute (20 consecutive days in the same position) pay to $170/day for the 2022-2023 school year.

On a roll call vote: Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye, Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye. The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

G. Permission to sell bus #15 a 2009 Bluebird 77 passenger bus with roughly 47,000 miles.

Motion to Approve The Sale of Bus #15

Motion was made by Scott Middelkamp and seconded by Lisa Schumacher to to approve the sale of bus #15, a 2009 Bluebird 77 passenger bus with roughly 47,000 miles, as presented.

On a roll call vote: Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye, Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye. The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

H. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Dupo Community School District No. 196 regarding Joint Transportation Services

Motion to Approve IGA with Dupo regarding Joint Transportation

Motion was made by Tyson Search and seconded by Andrea Khoury to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Dupo Community School District No. 196 regarding Joint Transportation Services, as presented.

On a roll call vote: Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye, Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

IX. Discussion Items

A. Facility Study The city of Columbia is producing an accident report for Rt. 3 to be included in the proposal to IDOT requesting an extra turning lane into the High School.

B. Individual Member Comments Adam Hemken thanked the music and drama department for producing great musicals, plays, and concerts this spring.

Lisa Schumacher thanked April Becherer for her service and wished her the best in the future.

X. Board President's Prerogative

President Meyer thanked April Becherer for her service to the district. He also reminded the public that the members of the Board can't address public comments or personnel issues. He assured the public the Board is acting in the best interest of the community.

XI. Executive Session 7:39 p.m.

Motion made by Scott Middelkamp and seconded by Tammy Hines to enter into Executive Session for purposes of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).

On a roll call vote: Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

XII. Motion to Employ Jake Elliott as CMS Asst. Principal

Action as a Result of Closed Session Motion made by Scott Middelkamp and seconded by Tyson Search to employ

Assistant Principal at Columbia Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year.

On a roll call vote: Hemken-Aye, Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Aye, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Aye. The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

Motion to Employ Erica Venne as Eagleview Principal

Motion made by Adam Hemken and seconded by Andrea Khoury to employ Erica Venne as Principal of Eagleview Elementary School for the 2022-2023 school year.

On a roll call vote: Hines-Aye, Khoury-Aye, Meyer-Aye, Middelkamp-Absent, Schumacher-Aye, Search-Absent, Hemken-Aye.

The motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

XIII. Adjournment 8:20 p.m.

With no further business to come before the Board, it was moved by Adam Hemken, seconded by Scott Middelkamp to adjourn the meeting,

Upon a voice vote the motion carried, 7-Aye, 0-Absent, 0-Nay

President Meyer adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.



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