
South West Illinois News

Thursday, January 2, 2025

City of Waterloo Utility Committee met July 11

City of Waterloo Utility Committee met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Mayor Pro Tem – Clyde Heller

Alderman Ward I Steve Notheisen & Matt Buettner

Aldermen Ward II Jim Trantham & Jim Hopkins

Aldermen Ward III Stan Darter & Kyle Buettner

Aldermen Ward IV Clyde Heller

Shawn Kennedy – Collector / Finance, Tim Birk – Director of Public Works, Nathan Krebel – Subdivision / Zoning Administrator, Brad Yearian – Building Inspector / Code Administrator, Jeffrey Prosise – Chief of Police, Sarah Deutch – Community Relations Coordinator, Jessica Rucks – HR Coordinator, Natalie Steppig – City Attorney.

Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items.

Ms. Amy Grandcolas, President of Waterloo Citizens for a Pool (WCP), was following up on her request for two or three aldermen to be part of the WCP Advisory Committee and assist in the exploration of financial channels for the annual operating costs for a pool.

City Clerk – Mechelle Childers

Motion to approve Utility Minutes dated 05-09-22 made by Alderman Hopkins and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner. Motion passed unanimously to approve the Utility Minutes dated 05-09-22 with Alderman Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, Heller, Notheisen and Matt Buettner voting ‘yea’.

Director of Public Works – Tim Birk

a. HMG, John Wieter (Water Project Update) – The EPA project loan needs to go out by January 2023. The project was originally for 22 million. It is estimated that the project is approximately 40% higher than initially proposed or closer to 30 million. Piping alone has gone up 100%. Unfortunately, the current loan ordinance is for 25 million. Mr. Wieter recommended that the city pass a new loan ordinance for at least 30 million as soon as possible. To do this the City will need to hold a Public Hearing and an ordinance will also need to be passed to approve the borrowing of “x” million dollars for the project. The City will then need to wait 10 (ten) days after the public hearing for any community comments. Mr. Wieter stated he could complete the EPA project loan application with the caveat that a new loan ordinance will follow shortly. Discussion ensured of what the new project cost should be so another ordinance would not have to be issued later. Concern about the fluctuation of the inflation rate was also discussed. It was requested that a spreadsheet with prices and projections be supplied so the aldermen could make an informed decision. Mr. Wieter stated he should have the spreadsheet prepared by Monday, July 18, 2022. He would calculate the project based on a 20 and a 30-year loan. The spreadsheet will be presented at a JOINT Ordinance & Water-Sewer Committee Meeting on July 18, 2022.

b. Morrison Avenue Update:

∙ The paving has been completed. Work still needs to be done on downspouts and on a sewer lateral.

∙ The estimated project completion date is September 1, 2022.

c. North Moore/Columbia Intersection Update – Pile driving should start tomorrow in front of the thrift store.

d. Handicap Ramps – Handicap ramps are being installed at Third and Library. The projected completed date is August 15, 2022.

e. Veterans Drive Update:

∙ The project was started today and all homeowners were notified.

∙ Culverts will be replaced, and the street will be milled and resurfaced.

∙ Expected to be completed before August 26, 2022 (Homecoming).

f. Asphalt Sealing – The following streets were sealed: Chester Avenue, Waterloo Drive and Red Bud Avenue.

g. Lead Service Lines Update:

∙ Survey letters were sent out to customers whose homes were built before 1985 and which could have lead service lines. 1,100 of those surveys have been returned and so far roughly 192 water lines will need to be replaced.

∙ Survey results will be compiled and sent to the IEPA by April of 2023.

h. Net Metering Policy – The Illinois Municipal Electric Agency recommended that the City be named as an additional insured on the homeowner’s policy for those homeowners who have solar panels. This recommendation was included in the Net Metering Policy. However, it appears that the majority of homeowners cannot list a City as an additional insured. Therefore, it is questioned if the net metering policy should be modified to exclude this requirement. There was discussion if a homeowner could be held liable if damage occurred to the City’s electrical system due to a defect in the homeowner’s solar power system. It was also asked how Monroe County Co-op is handling this situation. The aldermen decided this topic needs to go to an Electric Committee meeting for further discussion and recommendation.

i. Power Plant – The Power Plant reached an all-time electrical peak of 25,157 kW on July 07, 2022.

j. Personnel:

∙ Jeff Davis has passed his Class 3 Wastewater Operator Certification and has finished his CDL classes. He still needs to take the CDL test.

∙ Chuck Steppig’s last day is July 29, 2022.

k. Annual Gas Meeting – The Annual Gas Meeting will be Monday, August 01, 2022. l. Phones – The City has five (5) flip phones for the on-call employees, and the provider for these phones is T-Mobile. A couple of weeks ago there was a concern with the water tower and the new flip phones did not work. The issue appears to be when the employees try to forward the flip phone numbers and an error message occurs. Another problem is that the flip phones are cameraless which makes it inconvenient when needing to share a photo. All aldermen agreed to the purchase of ten (10) iPhone SE with AT&T as a provider. Five (5) of the phones will be for the on-call employees and five (5) phones will go to the lead people.

Subdivision & Zoning Administrator – Nathan Krebel

a. Monthly Report – The June monthly zoning report was distributed.

b. Monthly Building Permits – The June monthly permit report was provided.

c. Ordinance:

∙ Noise – A copy of the proposed noise ordinance was distributed for review and comment. Nate also played a video, with the assistant of Shorty’s Smokehouse playing loud music, measuring the sound levels (dBA) from the front of Shorty’s Smokehouse to the Monroe County Courthouse steps.

∙ Ice Cream Truck –The Ice Cream Truck ordinance will be presented at the July 18, 2022 City Council meeting for approval.

∙ Solicitors – A revision of the Solicitors ordinance will be presented at the July 18, 2022 City Council meeting for approval.

d. Subdivision/Development:

∙ Remlok Phase 4 – A video was played of the 10-lot extension of Benjamin Lane. Sanitary sewers look good and are almost completed.

∙ Silvercreek Improvements – There will be a plat review meeting on July 12, 2022. The sale is contingent on the improvement plans.

∙ Country Club Hills/Remington Ridge – Country Club Hills improvement plans for Phase 4 are almost complete, still waiting on Remington Ridge to finish and submit their improvement plans.

∙ Natalie Estates Phase 2 – Natalie Estates is ready to start improvements on Phase 2 of their development.

e. Planning Commission – There will be no July Planning Commission meeting due to a lack of agenda items.

f. Zoning Board of Appeals – There will be no Zoning Board of Appeals due to a lack of agenda items.

g. Beautification – Request to have a 6PM meeting on Monday, July 18, 2022 to review a Beautification Application from Petri Insurance.

h. “Crafted in the Loo” (111 North Main) – The city council approved a special event permit to close the front two parking spaces in front of “Crafted in the Loo” for August 26, 2022. The owner, Summer Jackson, actually wanted the whole street to be closed not just the front two parking spots. If Summer Jackson has the approval of the Gallagher’s she can then have her special event permit for the west side of Main from 111 North Main to 101 North Main. The aldermen commented that Ms. Jackson should be working with the Homecoming Committee since she is planning on having vendors present during Homecoming. All aldermen were against the closing of the entire street.

i. Rosedale House – The Tannous’ have purchased the former Rosedale House with the intent of using it as a 55+ independent living community under the 1999 Special Use Permit.

j. New Concrete Sidewalk – The City received a quote from Huebner Concrete for a restaurant that would like the City to assist in paying for a new sidewalk. The aldermen agreed that this request for assistance needs to go to the Street Committee for discussion.

k. Matt Schweizer – Matt Schweizer, who lives in Sunset Acres on Paula Drive, is interested in changing the ordinance for a greenhouse. He would like to build a greenhouse, but his lot size cannot accommodate the required 50 feet setback.

City Building Inspector –Brad Yearian

a. Monthly Report – The June monthly report was distributed.

b. Mr. BBQ at Mystic Oaks Golf Course –The new roof has been completed and work continues on building repairs.

c. Osterhage Residence – Received a call regarding a sagging floor in an apartment building. The crawl space is collapsing due to mold and termite infestation. A structural engineer is reviewing the building.

d. Scooters – Construction is moving along, and the inside has been insulated.

Human Resource Coordinator – Jessica Rucks

a. Underground Utilities Position – Applications for the Underground Utilities Position is now closed. The applications for those individuals who applied for the position have been sent to the hiring committee for review. Interviews will soon follow.

b. Voluntary Benefit Survey Results – The voluntary benefit survey results have been received. Critical illness and accidents were classified as the most important items for voluntary benefits. It was decided to have a representative from Chubb Insurance come and talk to the employees about the voluntary benefits the company offers.

c. AED Equipment – Several AED batteries are set to expire at the end of the month, and new batteries are on order. In addition, we received notification that there are some faulty AED CRP pads. We will need to check the serial number on the AED CPR pads to determine and replace any of the defective pads.

Community Relations Coordinator – Sarah Deutch

a. Tourism Times Ad – We typically place a quarter-page ad for the Pumpkin Fest in the magazine for their fall issue. The ad, after our 30% discount, is $455.00. All aldermen agreed by unanimous voice vote to advertise in the fall issue of Tourism Times.

b. Mural Contest – The mural on “Oh Sugar” has been started. Two other murals have received permission from the building owners, and we are still waiting for approval from Rural King.

c. Picnic Table Rental – Two tables were returned broken that were on loan to the Waterloo Chamber of Commerce for Porta Westfalica. A call has been placed to Lifetime Tables since they are less than a year old and have only been used four times. All aldermen agreed that Porta Westfalica would be responsible for replacing the broken tables.

d. 3D Lettering – Update quotes were received for the 3D Lettering. The prices are only good for seven (7) days. The cost for the “Love the Loo” lettering is $18,960 and the “Pumpkin Fest” lettering is $7,160. “Love the Loo” was included in the annual budget and the “Pumpkin Fest” lettering will be paid out of the festival funding. The location for the 3D lettering still needs to be determined. All aldermen agreed to the purchase of the 3D lettering.

e. Heroes Banner Program – A second order has been made for those that were on the waitlist. Once the banners are received we will discuss where they should be placed.

f. Yard of Distinction Contest Winners – The judging for the Yard of Distinction Contest occurred on June 26, 2022, and the presentation of the awards will take place at the July 18, 2022 City Council Meeting.

g. Imprinted Pens – We are almost out of the City imprinted pens. The last order was placed in April of 2021. All aldermen agreed to purchase more pens.

h. Ribbon Cutting – There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at the House of Neighborly Services on July 12, 2022 at 215 West Mill.

i. Re-wrap of the Battery Box – We will be re-wrapping the battery box and adding some additional wording to inform people the box is for batteries only and not for utility payments.

Collector/Finance Officer – Shawn Kennedy

a. IMLRMA Insurance Renewal – The City’s liability and workmen’s comp insurance renewal is due. The packet of information has been completed and returned.

b. Edie Koch (Executive Director of the Monroe County Economic Development Corporation) – Met with Edie Koch who provided the following information:

∙ A listing of the Monroe County Covid-19 related financial assistance for small businesses, in which Waterloo businesses received 18 million.

∙ An update on the Enterprise Zone indicating 14 projects within Monroe County have taken advantage of the program. Seven (7) of the fourteen (14) projects are in Waterloo. Also due to a projected solar farm in Tilden, the Enterprise Zone will be amended, so if Waterloo needs to make any changes, now is the time to do so.

∙ Potentially resurrecting a tax abatement program while the Enterprise Zone is being amended.

∙ Monroe County has applied to be included in Southwestern Illinois Development Authority (SWIDA). This organization issues tax-exempt state and federal bonds for manufacturing and education.

∙ A flier has been created to promote the Enterprise Zone program.

∙ The next meeting will in at Waterloo City Hall on July 21, 2022.

c. InvoiceCloud – InvoiceCloud is a software payment platform that would provide a portal which will allow customers to pay their utility bill online using multiple payment methods. The customer would be responsible for any fees charged by the use of a credit card. The program is compatible with our LOCIS system, and the monthly fee for InvoiceCloud is $100.00 a month. This program would also allow for paperless billing, autopay, text message payment options, invoice reminders, roundup donation options, etc. The software will save time, money and be more progressive. Invoice Cloud also offers a “Cloud Store” service. Cloud Store will accept online payments for non-invoiced fees such as utility deposits, building fees, permit fees, etc… All aldermen expressed interest in the software program and requested a review of the contract by the City Attorney.

Chief of Police – Jeff Prosise

a. Monroe County Fair – The Monroe County Fair is from July 24 to July 31, 2022. The Waterloo Police Department and the Waterloo Explorers will have a presence at the fair. The Explorers are scheduled to assist with parking.

b. Senior Academy – A Senior Academy is being planned for September. It will be a 6-week program.

c. Dispatch Contract – Negotiations with Monroe County should be starting soon regarding our dispatch contract.

d. Advertisement in Republic-Times – The Gallagher’s placed an advertisement in the Republic Times. There were inconsistencies with what was published, and the Chief stated he wanted the Council to be aware of this. There was a discussion if a rebuttal was needed.

City Attorney – Natalie Steppig

When the City shares or comments on the City’s webpage, Facebook or social media, negative responses or comments, by the general public, cannot be deleted, blocked or removed. As aldermen, any comment regarding the City on your personal social media sites, by the general public, also cannot be deleted, blocked or removed. This is a First Amendment right and unfortunately, there are companies hiring people to make negative comments/responses in order to bring a lawsuit against a municipality for removal of a the comment.

Mayor’s Report

No Report.

Committee Reports and Minutes Approval

a. 03-17-22 Police Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Minutes were not available.

b. 04-11-22 Electric Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Minutes were not available.

c. 05-10-22 Finance Cmte Mtg. Minutes.

Alderman Matt Buettner noted that the minutes reflected the wrong location. The meeting was held downstairs and not on the 2nd Floor.

Alderman Matt Buettner motioned to accept the minutes as amended and Alderman Darter seconded. Passed.

d. 06-06-22 Planning Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Notheisen -1st, Kyle Buettner -2nd. Passed.

e. 06-16-22 Liquor Advisory Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Trantham -1st, Heller -2nd. Passed.

f. 06-20-22 Water/Sewer Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Hopkins -1st, Matt Buettner -2nd. Passed.

g. 06-20-22 Waterloo Beautification Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Notheisen -1st, Matt Buettner -2nd. Passed.

h. 07-05-22 Ordinance Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Notheisen -1st, Hopkins -2nd. Passed.

i. 07-05-22 Safety/Health Cmte Mtg. Minutes. Notheisen -1st, Hopkins -2nd. Passed.


Alderman Notheisen commented that he encourages Mayor Smith to take his time coming back to the job. We understand he is anxious to return to work, but his health is more important.

Mayor Pro Tem Heller thanked everyone for their support

Adjournment – Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Hopkins and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Mayor Pro Tem Heller adjourned the meeting at 9:11 p.m.



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