City of Waterloo Electric Committee met Aug. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Meeting called to order at 6:20 pm with the following committee members in attendance, Aldermen Russ Row, Jim Trantham, Kyle Buettner, Jim Hopkins, and Clyde Heller. Aldermen Stan Darter, Matt Buettner, Steve Notheisen. Tim Birk, Nathan Krebel and Shawn Kennedy were also present.
Agenda Item 1: Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. None
Agenda Item 2: Approval of 04-11-22 Electric Cmte Mtg Minutes. Motion by Jim Hopkins and a second by Clyde Heller to approve, motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item 3: Net Metering Policy Discussion: Tim discussed the fact that most cities do not require residences to have their city listed as Additionally Insured on the homeowner’s insurance. A motion by Jim Trantham and a second by Kyle Buettner to amend the Net Metering Policy stating the City of Waterloo will not have to be listed as Additionally Insured and the homeowner will have to have a million-dollar policy. Motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item 4: Comments: None
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kyle Buettner and second by Jim Hopkins. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.