City of Waterloo Beautification and Finance Committees met Jan. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the committees:
Meeting called to order by Beautification Committee Chairman James Hopkins, Finance Chairman Clyde Heller (recorder) at 6:03 pm. Committee members attending are Aldermen Russ Row, Matt Buettner, Jim Trantham, and Stan Darter. Mayor Tom Smith, Alderman Kyle Buettner, City Attorney Natalie Steppig, Budget Officer Shawn Kennedy and Nathan Krebel also in attendance. J.P. Fitzgibbons, George Obernagel, Brian Dill, Shelby Mathis, Jeff Ahne, Amy Grandcolas, Gina Pfund in attendance.
Agenda Item 1: Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. None
Agenda Item 2: J.P. Fitzgibbons and George Obernagel Commercial Building located at 203 West Mill Street. Nathan Krebel provided committee with information reflecting a façade expense of over $30,000. Motion by Stan Darter and second by Matt Buettner to approve max façade grant of $10,000. Vote 5-0.
Agenda Item 3. Ahnes Bakery located at 201 West Mill Street. Nathan Krebel presented request based on KB Contracting proposal with cost over $35,000, thus qualifying for $10,000 façade grant. Motion made by Stan Darter, second Jim Trantham to approve request, vote 5-0.
Agenda Item 4. Splash pad funding. Discussion focused on a trim down splash pad. Due to this being an agenda item for Planning and Street Committee meeting at 6:30 pm, this item was tabled until a decision from this committee.
Agenda Item 5. Postage Machine Lease. Shawn Kennedy presented information on bid received for a 63 month lease of machine. Coast to Coast presented lowest bid of $139/month. Russ Row motion to accept low bid, Matt Buettner second. Approved unanimously.
Agenda Item 6. Folder/Inserter Purchase. Shawn Kennedy explained that the 2015 Model we are using has reached the no longer reparable stage. Coast to Coast offered replacement at $11,261, with the most reasonable maintenance contract. Motion to approve purchase made by Russ Row, second by Matt Buettner, approved unanimous. Will be on Council agenda.
Agenda Item 7. Comments. Shawn Kennedy explained that Council Agenda Item reflecting a pay increase for Brad Yearian was no longer needed as her research indicated his raise occurred in September 2022.
Motion to recess until the planning/street meeting made by Stan Darter and second by Russ Row, vote 5-0. Recess at 6:20.
Meeting called to order at 8:00 out of recess. Splash Pad Funding was only remaining agenda item needing decision. Based on much discussion from planning/street meeting, the minutes of the Finance Committee dated October 12, 2022 were reviewed. Funding was recommended by Russ Row, second by Matt Buettner to regift the $200,000 from the Gaming Fund contingent on Park Board approval with dispersal date to be determined. Vote 5-0. Shawn asked which fiscal year this would come from, current year or May, 2023 year. Deadline for the park district to use is June 2023. Park District will need to inform City of when we must fund this.
Motion to adjourn made by Russ Row, second Matt Buettner, meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.