
South West Illinois News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waterloo City Council met April 17

City of Waterloo City Council met April 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Smith at 7:30 p.m.

2. The following Aldermen were present: Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Heller.

3. Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Tom Smith.

4. Correction or Withdrawal of Agenda Items by Sponsor. None.

5. Approval of Minutes as Written or Amended.

A. Approval of the April 03, 2023, 7:15 p.m., Public Hearing Minutes.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to approve the Public Hearing Minutes from April 03, 2023, 7:15 p.m. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

B. Approval of the April 03, 2023, 7:20 p.m., Public Hearing Minutes.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to approve the Public Hearing Minutes from April 03, 2023, 7:20 p.m. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

C. Approval of the April 03, 2023 City Council Meeting Minutes.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to approve the April 03, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

6. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. None.

7. Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other City Officers.

A. Report of Collector. The report is in the packet.

Motion to accept the Collection Report was made by Alderman Darter and seconded by Alderman Heller. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Darter, Kyle Buettner, Row, Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, and Trantham voting ‘yea’.

B. Report of Treasurer. The report is in the packet.

Motion to accept the Collection Report was made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

C. Report of Subdivision and Zoning Administrator. The report is in the packet.

D. Report of Building Inspector / Code Administrator. The report is in the packet.

E. Report of Director of Public Works.

∙ There was a power outage in the East Ridge Area this morning due to a bad transformer.

∙ Four employees were sent to Hecker to assist with clean-up efforts after the Saturday night storm.

∙ Sensors still need to be installed for the pedestrian crossing at the intersection of HH Road, Country Club Lane and Illinois State Route 3.

F. Report of Chief of Police. No report.

G. Report of City Attorney. No report.

H. Report and Communication by Mayor.

1. Presentation of Plaque to Clyde Heller in Recognition of his 21 Years of Service to the City of Waterloo, IL as Alderman, Ward IV.

8. Report of Standing Committees. None.

9. Report of Special Committees. None.

10. Presentation of Communications, Petitions, Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances by Aldermen.

A. Consideration and Action on Ordinance No. 1872 Adopting an Amended Budget for the City of Waterloo, Illinois for the Fiscal Year of May 01, 2022 through April 30, 2023.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to accept Ordinance No. 1872 Adopting an Amended Budget for the City of Waterloo, Illinois for the Fiscal Year of May 01, 2022 through April 30, 2023. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

B. Consideration and Action on Ordinance No. 1873 Adopting the Annual Budget for the City of Waterloo, Illinois for the Fiscal Year of May 01, 2023 through April 30, 2024.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to accept Ordinance No. 1873 Adopting the Annual Budget for the City of Waterloo, Illinois for the Fiscal Year of May 01, 2023 through April 30, 2024. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

C. Consideration and Action on Ordinance No. 1874 Amending the City of Waterloo, Illinois Revised Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24 Motor Vehicle Code, Article VIII: Traffic Schedules, Schedule A: Stop & Through Intersections, for Natalie Estates Phase II.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner to accept Ordinance No. 1874 Amending the City of Waterloo, Illinois Revised Code of Ordinances, Chapter 24 Motor Vehicle Code, Article VIII: Traffic Schedules, Schedule A: Stop & Through Intersections, for Natalie Estates Phase II. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

D. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 23-12 Appointing an Authorized Agent of the City of Waterloo, Illinois to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to accept Resolution No. 23-12 Appointing an Authorized Agent of the City of Waterloo, Illinois to the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund.

Comments: The authorized agent will be Ms. Saundra Eckstadt.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

E. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 23-13 Approving a Letter of Understanding between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and the Illinois Department of Transportation Regarding Market Street / IL State Route 156 Improvements.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to accept Resolution No. 23-13 Approving a Letter of Understanding between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and the Illinois Department of Transportation Regarding Market Street / IL State Route 156 Improvements.

Comments: The Director of Public Works stated this for the milling and overlay of Market Street, along with upgrading the sidewalks along Market Street to ADA compliance. The State of Illinois will oversee the project.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

F. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 23-14 Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and HMG Engineers, Inc. for the Water Supply, Treatment & Transmission Facilities Project – Construction Phase Services.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner to accept Resolution No. 23-14 Approving a Professional Services Agreement Between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and HMG Engineers, Inc. for the Water Supply, Treatment & Transmission Facilities Project – Construction Phase Services. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

11. Unfinished Business. None.

12. Miscellaneous Business.

A. Consideration and Action on Approval of the Reappointment of Mr. Dan Kennedy as Secretary / Treasurer to the Waterloo Cemetery Board for a Three-Year Term to Expire 04-01-26.

The reappointment was approved unanimously with Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Heller voting ‘yea’.

B. Consideration and Action on Approval of the Reappointment of Ms. Jean Jung as Trustee to the Waterloo Cemetery Board for a Three-Year Term to Expire 04-01-26. 

The reappointment was approved unanimously with Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Heller voting ‘yea’.

C. Consideration and Action on Approval of a Special Event Permit Application from the Monroe County Arts Alliance for a “Chalk-A-Lot” Street Art Event to be held on Sat., Sept. 09, 2023, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., including the closure of Mill Street between Main and Market beginning on Fri., Sept. 08, 2023 at 5 p.m. for set-up until Sun., Sept. 10, 2023 at 5 p.m. for viewing.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner to approve the Special Event Permit Application from the Monroe County Arts Alliance for a “Chalk-A-Lot” Street Art Event to be held on Sat., Sept. 09, 2023, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., including the closure of Mill Street between Main and Market beginning on Fri., Sept. 08, 2023 at 5 p.m. for set-up until Sun., Sept. 10, 2023 at 5 p.m. for viewing. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

D. Consideration and Action on Approval of a Special Event Permit Application from the Stubborn German Brewing Company for “StubbornFest” to be held Fri., Sept. 29, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. through Sat., Sept. 30, 2023 at 11:00 p.m., including the Closure of Main Street – south of Shorty’s to north of TWM beginning on Fri., Sept. 29, 2023 at 12 p.m. for set-up until Sun., Oct. 01, 2023 at 12 a.m. for clean-up.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to approve the Special Event Permit Application from the Stubborn German Brewing Company for “StubbornFest” to be held Fri., Sept. 29, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. through Sat., Sept. 30, 2023 at 11:00 p.m., including the Closure of Main Street – south of Shorty’s to north of TWM beginning on Fri., Sept. 29, 2023 at 12 p.m. for set-up until Sun., Oct. 01, 2023 at 12 a.m. for clean-up. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

E. Consideration and Action on Approval of the Natalie Estates, Phase II Final Plat. 

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner for approval of the Natalie Estates, Phase II Final Plat.

Comments: Alderman Kyle Buettner, Planning and Annexation Committee Chairman, stated the Planning and Annexation Committee recommended approval of the final plat.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

F. Consideration and Action on Approval of the Purchase of the Babel X Program from Babel Street in the amount of $15,960.00 for the Waterloo Police Department. 

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Darter to approve the Purchase of the Babel X Program from Babel Street in the amount of $15,960.00 for the Waterloo Police Department.

Comments: Chief of Police Prosise stated that Babel X is an online social media-monitoring program, which searches public networking platforms for threats, disruptions and targets to our schools and community.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

G. Consideration and Action on Approval of a Purchase from Axon Enterprise, Inc. for Equipment as Listed in the Attached Quote for the Amount of $4,117.00 for the Waterloo Police Department.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to approve a Purchase from Axon Enterprise, Inc. for Equipment as Listed in the Attached Quote for the Amount of $4,117.00 for the Waterloo Police Department.

Comments: Chief of Police Prosise commented that this was for two new Tasers for the Police Department.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

H. Consideration and Action on Approval of a Purchase from Axon Enterprise, Inc. for Body Camera Equipment as Listed in the Attached Quote for the Amount of $5,630.52 for the Waterloo Police Department.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to approve a Purchase from Axon Enterprise, Inc. for Body Camera Equipment as Listed in the Attached Quote for the Amount of $5,630.52 for the Waterloo Police Department. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

I. Consideration and Action on Approval of a Purchase from Axon Enterprise, Inc. for In-Car Video Equipment as Listed in the Attached Quote for the Amount of $14,906.88 for the Waterloo Police Department.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Darter to approve a Purchase from Axon Enterprise, Inc. for In-Car Video Equipment as Listed in the Attached Quote for the Amount of $14,906.88 for the Waterloo Police Department. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

J. Consideration and Action on Approval of Huebner Concrete as Low Bidder in the Amount of $238,726.60 for the 2023 Street, Curb & Sidewalk Improvement Program as Bid on 04-12-23 at 9:00 a.m.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row on Approval of Huebner Concrete as Low Bidder in the Amount of $238,726.60 for the 2023 Street, Curb & Sidewalk Improvement Program as Bid on 04-12-23 at 9:00 a.m. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

K. Consideration and Action on Approval of the Kilian Corporation as Low Bidder in the Amount of $418,559.65 for the Waterloo Downtown Resurfacing Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 1:00 p.m.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner on Approval of the Kilian Corporation as Low Bidder in the Amount of $418,559.65 for the Waterloo Downtown Resurfacing Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 1:00 p.m.

Comments: The Director of Public Works stated the work is scheduled to begin shortly after the Porta Westfalica Festival and be completed by the end of July.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

L. Consideration and Action on Approval of Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc. as Low Bidder in the Amount $15,988,500.00 for the Water Treatment Facilities Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 2:00 p.m.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Darter on Approval of Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc. as Low Bidder in the Amount $15,988,500.00 for the Water Treatment Facilities Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 2:00 p.m. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

M. Consideration and Action on Approval of Haier Plumbing & Heating, Inc. as Low Bidder in the Amount of $11,310,660.26 for the Water Transmission Facilities Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 2:30 p.m.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner on Approval of Haier Plumbing & Heating, Inc. as Low Bidder in the Amount of $11,310,660.26 for the Water Transmission Facilities Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 2:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

N. Consideration and Action on Approval of Caldwell Tanks as Low Bidder in the Amount of $3,859,000.00 for the 500,000 Gallon Elevated Tank Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 3:00 p.m.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Darter on Approval of Caldwell Tanks as Low Bidder in the Amount of $3,859,000.00 for the 500,000 Gallon Elevated Tank Project as Bid on 04-12-23 at 3:00 p.m. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

O. Consideration and Action on Approval of the Remlok Phase V Re-Submission of the Preliminary Plat.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner for Approval of the Remlok Phase V Re-Submission of the Preliminary Plat.

Comments: Alderman Kyle Buettner, Planning and Annexation Committee Chairman, stated the change in the Remlok Phase V plat was the division of the property from three lots into two lots. Members of the Planning and Annexation Committee and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the re-submission of the preliminary plat.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

P. Consideration and Action on a Special Event Permit Application from Crafted In The Loo for their “Cinco de Mayo” Vendor Event at 111 N. Main Street, on May 05, 2023, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., with set-up beginning at 3 p.m., including the closure of three front parking spots at that location.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to accept a Special Event Permit Application from Crafted In The Loo for their “Cinco de Mayo” Vendor Event at 111 N. Main Street, on May 05, 2023, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., with set-up beginning at 3 p.m., including the closure of three front parking spots at that location. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

Q. Consideration and Action on Executive Session for the Discussion of Personnel and Minute Review as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) and (21) Respectively.

Motion to move into Executive Session made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

Entered Executive Session at 7:56 p.m.

Adjourned Executive Session at 8:30 p.m.

Motion to Resume Regular Session made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

Returned to regular session at 8:31 p.m.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner to classify the following Executive Session Meeting Minutes as ‘Schedule A’, and they are approved to be released:

Executive Session Meeting Minutes


Schedule A

November 16, 2020

December 7, 2020

May 3, 2021

June 14, 2021

July 12, 2021

August 9, 2021

September 7, 2021

May 2, 2022

May 9, 2022

The remaining Executive Session Meeting Minutes are classified as ‘Schedule B’ where it has been determined the need still exists for these minutes to remain closed and confidential.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

R. Consideration and Action on Resolution No. 23-11 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and the Illinois FOP Labor Council regarding a School Resource Officer.

Motion made by Alderman Heller and seconded by Alderman Row to accept Resolution No. 23-11 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Waterloo, Illinois and the Illinois FOP Labor Council regarding a School Resource Officer. Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Heller, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Darter, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘yea’.

13. Discussion of Matters by Council Members Arising After Agenda Deadline. Alderman Matt Buettner stated that he enjoyed working with Alderman Heller and wished him all the best.

Alderman Hopkins congratulated Alderman Heller and commented that he appreciated his input. He also mentioned that Alderman Heller will be missed in several outreach committees he participated in on behalf of the City.

Alderman Trantham thanked Alderman Heller for all he has done for the City. Alderman Trantham expressed his gratitude for Alderman Heller handling issues in a fair manner. Alderman Darter expressed his thanks to Alderman Heller for everything he has done for the City of Waterloo, and he looks forward to Alderman Heller being Commander of the American Legion Post for a long time.

Alderman Kyle Buettner commented that it has been great working with Alderman Heller for the past six years. He appreciates the input and different perspective Alderman Heller offered.

Alderman Row thanked Alderman Heller for being a friend, adding that he was good for the council and good for the city.

14. Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Heller Buettner and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner. Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. Mayor Smith adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m.



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