Chester Community Unit School District 139 Board of Education met May 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Chester Community Unit School District No. 139 held a Reorganizational Meeting on May 3, 2023, in High School FACS Classroom B217. President Trent Vasquez called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
No public comment was presented to the board.
Mott motioned, Belton seconded to approve the consent agenda. Roll call vote. Ayes: Caraway, Fricke, Belton, Davitz, Malley, Mott, Vasquez. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Malley motioned, Fricke seconded to approve to employ Natalie Castaneda as Grade School Special Education Teacher effective August 14, 2023. Roll call vote. Ayes: Caraway, Fricke, Belton, Davitz, Malley, Mott, Vasquez. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Caraway motioned, Belton seconded to approve to employ Cara Childs as Early Childhood Education Teacher effective August 14, 2023. Roll call vote. Ayes: Caraway, Fricke, Belton, Davitz, Malley, Mott, Vasquez. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Mott motioned, Malley seconded to accept the bid analysis for Chester High School Secure Vestibule Renovation with Nevois Construction Base Bid of $96,855.00 plus Alternate Bid #1 for $9,822.00 equaling a total of $106,677.00. Roll call vote. Ayes: Caraway, Fricke, Belton, Davitz, Malley, Mott, Vasquez. Nays: none. Motion carried.
Davitz motioned, Fricke seconded to accept and approve the April 4, 2023 election results as submitted by the County Clerk. Upon roll call, all members voted aye. Motion carried.
Newly elected members of the board of education were installed by taking The Oath of Office. Debi Caraway, Barb Coffey, Charles Fricke, James Krieg.
Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent, recognized retiring board members Lorin Mott and Trent Vasquez and thanked them for their time and commitment to the district.
Davitz motioned, Belton seconded to adjourn sine die. Upon roll call, all members voted aye. Motion carried.
Fricke motioned, Malley seconded to appoint Superintendent Briggs as president pro tem. Upon roll call, all members voted aye. Motion carried.
As President pro tem, Superintendent Briggs, called the new school board to order. Members present: Debi Caraway, Charles Fricke, Randi Belton, Matt Davitz, Nikki Malley, James Krieg, Barb Coffey.
Superintendent Briggs opened the floor for nominations for the office of president. Fricke nominated Debi Caraway, Davitz seconded. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations for the office of president closed. Debi Caraway being the only candidate nominated for the office of president, the chair hereby declared her elected by acclamation and directed the recording secretary to so record in the minutes.
Superintendent Briggs opened the floor for nominations for the office of vice-president. Caraway nominated Matt Davitz, Fricke seconded. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations for the office of vice-president closed. Matt Davitz being the only candidate nominated for the office of vice-president, the chair hereby declared him elected by acclamation and directed the recording secretary to so record in the minutes.
Superintendent Briggs opened the floor for nominations for the office of secretary. Davitz nominated Charles Fricke, Belton seconded. Hearing no further nominations, the nominations for the office of secretary closed. Charles Fricke, being the only candidate nominated for the office of secretary, the chair hereby declared him elected by acclamation and directed the recording secretary to so record in the minutes.
Member of the Board of Education Term Expires
Debi Caraway, President 2027
Matt Davitz, Vice-President 2025
Charles Fricke, Secretary 2027
Randi Belton 2025
Barb Coffey 2027
James Krieg 2027
Nikki Malley 2025
Fricke motioned, Malley seconded to approve the appointment of board committees as listed. Upon roll call, all members voted aye. Motion carried.
Building & Grounds
Nikki Malley
Randi Belton
Debi Caraway (alternate)
Finance / Negotiations
Matt Davitz
Charles Fricke
Barb Coffey (alternate)
James Krieg
Debi Caraway
Nikki Malley (alternate)
Motion by Caraway and seconded by Davitz to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. Upon roll call, all members voted aye. Motion carried.