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Addison School District 4 Board of Education met Sept. 27

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Addison School District 4 Board Members | Addison School District 4 Website

Addison School District 4 Board Members | Addison School District 4 Website

Addison School District 4 Board of Education met Sept. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of September 27, 2023, held at the Indian Trail Jr. High School Board Room.

President Williams called the regular meeting to order at 6:00p.m.

Roll call showed the following individuals:

PRESENT: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


A quorum was declared present.

Dr. Lohse led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion #1: Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Ms. Bollig to approve the closed and regular session meetings of August 30, 2023.


AYE: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #1 Carried.

Public Hearing on the FY2024 Budget

The Board held a Public Hearing on the FY2024 Budget and Mrs. Morgese, Assistant Superintendent for Business, offered a PowerPoint presentation. The Budget projects operating with a planned deficit. This year our revenue will be less, as ESSER funds received during COVID are no longer available. Budget highlights include the adoption of new elementary Social Studies curriculum, continued support of Instructional Technology, additional positions to support leadership vision, and long-range capital improvement continues. Mrs. Morgese disclosed the district’s cash balance reserves to ensure compliance with PA 102-0895.

Motion #2: Approval of Accounts Payable for the Month of September 2023

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Accounts Payable for September 2023.

Educational Fund $ 892,543.54

Operations & Maintenance Fund $ 438,997.00

Debt Fund $ 0.00

Transportation Fund $ 268,927.45

Capital Projects Fund $ 567,473.03

Working Cash Fund $ 0.00

Student Activity $ 6,338.27

Total $ 2,174,280.28


AYE: Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig


NAY: None…Motion #2 Carried.

Motion #3: Approval of Payroll for the Month of August 2023

Motion by Ms. Bollig, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Payroll for August 2023, as follows:

Education Fund $2,111,857.94

Building Fund $ 61,077.11

Transportation Fund $ 3,488.96

IMRF/Social Security Fund $ 57,587.28

Total $2,234,011.29


AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo


NAY: None…Motion #3 Carried.

Communications/Public Participation on Agenda Items: An Indian Trail Jr. High School student shared his perspective on the impact of the clubs and activities offered at IT. Mr. Williams clarified that the Board will not be cutting funding to our clubs and activities, they will be taking action tonight to support clubs at the same financial level as last year.

Committee Reports:

• Technology Audit Committee Meeting on September 5, 2023 – Mr. Frangidakis reported on this meeting:

o The committee reviewed the results from the Technology Audit that took place during the 2022-2023 school year.

o They discussed how the trail at Stone and Indian Trail, with allowing students to keep their Chromebooks over the summer, was successful, and helped to eliminate the time needed for collecting and redistributing them.

o The committee also discussed the various communication systems used and would like to strive for the district to just use one communication platform for families.

o The committee is working on reviewing the processes and invoices in this department, in order to see where items can be combined or streamlined to help reduce costs and make things more efficient.

o They discussed potential job descriptions.

Ms. Bollig emphasized that the student to FTE ratio is too high, but it is still important to look at how we can be smarter with spending. Mr. Williams wants to ensure that we address issues before just adding additional staff. Dr. Sutton shared that this committee is fortunate to be comprised of board members with a high level of expertise in the technology field. Ms. Bollig would like to see a break down of savings, salaries, and what amount of time are the staff focused on fires. Mr. Ruffolo and Mr. Castillo expressed other creative ways to help this department.

• Nature Center Committee Meeting on September 14, 2023 – Mr. Ruffolo reported on this meeting:

o ASD4, District 88 and the Park District met to continue discussions on a potential new Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to replace the IGA from 2008.

o We discussed and reached consensus that if any individual entity sees a maintenance issue they want resolved, they can do so independently if necessary. This allows us, or any of the other entities, to move forward on an item that our Buildings & Grounds subcommittee sees as a potential liability issue needing immediate attention like we would for any of our other properties.

o The group has empowered us as a District to be able to take a proactive and lead role on periodic checks on reasonable levels of maintenance at the Nature Center. We welcomed this opportunity as it remains our goal to improve a property we partially own for the community’s benefit.

o We discussed that the recent tree removal project has been virtually completed and the overall appearance and usability of the Nature Center has improved as a result.

• Budget Committee Meeting on September 18, 2023 – Mr. Williams reported on this meeting:

o Most of the items were covered during the Public Hearing on the Budget.

o Due to the deficit, we will need to make adjustments to the future construction plans and timeframes.

o We will continue to keep an eye on the market, inflation, and CPI.

• Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting on September 21, 2023 – Mr. Ruffolo reported on this meeting:

o The summer 2023 punch list items are complete, and the committee discussed the need to adjust the 2024 and beyond projects and timeline.

o At the October Board meeting the committee anticipates releasing information on the plans for summer 2024 construction.

o The committee also discussed other potential project needs, such as the District Office entrance.

• Legislative Education Network of DuPage (LEND) Meeting on September 22, 2023 – Mr. Williams reported on this meeting:

o There is possible legislation on having School Boards vote to approve allowing their schools to be used as election polling places.

o They discussed the Dual Credit Subcommittee and EL/Dual Language Subcommittee’s work.

o They broke up into four breakout sessions with legislators to discuss current topics.

Administrative Reports:

Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Sutton reported on the following:

• I want to recognize commend all administrators and staff involved in some of our recent lock and stay procedures that have taken place in some of our school campuses due to incidents in the community. As a District, we are as prepared for any emergency situation as we can be, and I am proud of how responsive we are when these types of situations arise.

• I am proud to announce that we are partnering with District 88 to host a real estate agent event some time in the spring to showcase our District and all that we have to offer potential families moving into the community. More details to come, but this should be an outstanding event for all.

• Later in this meeting, we will be potentially approving this year’s Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) members. Our first meeting is slated for Tuesday, October 10 at 5pm.

• The second annual Indian Trail Great Shake event is approaching on Friday, September 29 at 2pm. This is a soft skills event where students are able to showcase their ability to make eye contact, shake hands and be charismatic when interacting with adults. Similar to last year, we will have a large volume of community volunteers as judges. If Board members or community members are interested, we would love to have you participate.

• We received three Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests, and Dr. Kim Lohse has responded.

Assistant Superintendent for Business Report – Mrs. Morgese reported on the following:

• Last week, the Business Office staff took part in the final activities for the financial audit with Wipfli. As always, the annual financial audit will result in the issuance of our Annual Financial Report, which we expect to present to the Board at the October or November meeting, pending completion of the documents by Wipfli.

• Robbins Schwartz represents the Addison Tax Consortium for all tax appeal matters. The group includes the Library Board, Park District Board, Fire Protection Board, Village of Addison and DuPage School District 88. We recently received the summary of the 2022 Board of Appeals matters that may impact the taxing bodies within the consortium. It is important to note that the vast majority of these appeals are commercial or industrial. The value of these appeals continues to increase annually and thus, the need to defend against them becomes more critical. In the current year, the consortium defended against a total of $24 million in value appeals ($544k in tax revenue for ASD4), with a final adjustment just above 53% at $15.1 million ($342k revenue). Over the past 6 years, the district has avoided over $1.5 million in lost revenue thanks to the work of the Addison Tax Consortium.

Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Report – Dr. Purse reported on the following:

• Our students are demonstrating higher grade level proficiency this fall as compared to last fall. We saw more academic gains in Literacy. Specifically, 67% of grade level clusters had higher achievement marks this year on the Reading MAP benchmark. Notably, we saw 50% of grade level clusters show a higher percentage in achievement on the Math MAP benchmark. Clusters are defined as grade level groups in each school. All three grade levels at the junior high came in higher in both Reading and Math as compared to last school year’s fall data.

• Achieve 3000 is a new assessment tool for 3rd through 8th grades that will provide staff with individualized information on student progress in Literacy. Different from our other assessment tools it will also act as a resource for teaching skills using leveled text. Students will read an article each week and sit for a quick assessment of their understanding. At the start of each month, teachers will have updated individual reading data on students. More importantly, students can access their own data. Many schools are using this information when creating and monitoring student growth goals that students set for themselves.

• We have a robust catalog of Professional Development courses for staff to choose from that include learning about our support services, understanding how to use new ed tech tools, and getting certified to conduct IPI walkthroughs. Different from year’s past, a significant portion of our professional learning opportunities are being facilitated by our own staff.

• Last week our consultants from the Center for Teaching for Biliteracy were on site. Part of their partnership with us includes conducting classroom visits with a member of the T&L Department and the school principal. We walked through more than 48 classrooms. As an administrative team we are reviewing visit data to determine areas of focus for future professional development.

Motion #4: Approval of Personnel Report

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the personnel report.


AYE: Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis


NAY: None…Motion #4 Carried.

Motion #5: Approval of Club/Activity Sponsor Applications

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Lange to approve the Club/Activity Sponsor Applications, as presented.


AYE: Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange


NAY: None…Motion #5 Carried.

This year, we received 61 Club and Activity proposals. Last year, the Board approved $43,000 in Club and Activity stipends. The proposals total over $74,000 which greatly exceeds the $6,000 amount outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Board approved an equal amount of $43,000 be allocated to Club and Activity stipends for this school year. Administration will review all proposals and approve within the stipend amount.

Mr. Ruffolo asked if we could rework the number of hours or number of sponsors that were initially included on applications, and yes this is something that is being looked into. Several board members highlighted the importance of clubs and activities.

Motion #6: Approval of the 2023-2024 Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Members

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Ruffolo to approve the 2023-2024 Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) Members, as presented.


AYE: Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo


NAY: None…Motion #6 Carried.

Mr. Triantafillos asked why there was only 1 parent from Lincoln and Ardmore. Dr. Sutton expressed that we made several pushes, and we did not turn anyone away. However, many organizations are struggling to get volunteers. Ms. Bollig suggested that maybe there are other ways for people to be involved without being at meetings.

Motion #7: Authorization to apply for the 2024 School Maintenance Project Grant

Motion by Mr. Ruffolo, second by Mr. Triantafillos to authorize the administration to apply for the 2024 School Maintenance Project Grant, as presented.


AYE: Williams, Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos


NAY: None…Motion #7 Carried.

Mr. Ruffolo asked if this was a matching grant, and it is not.

Motion #8: Approval of Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Agent

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Agent, as presented.


AYE: Bollig, Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams


NAY: None…Motion #8 Carried.

Even though Dr. Sutton has his CSBO endorsement, now that Mrs. Morgese is in place, this was just to update the agent to the correct person.

Motion #9: Approval of FY2024 District 4 Budget

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to approve the FY2024 District 4 Budget, as presented.


AYE: Castillo, Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig


NAY: None…Motion #9 Carried.

Discussion Items:

• The next Regular Board of Education Meeting is Wednesday, October 25, 2023, in Indian Trail Junior High School’s Board Room at 6:00pm.

• The Joint Annual Board Meeting is Thursday, October 26, 2023, at Antonio’s in Itasca at 5:30pm.

• Mrs. Morgese reminded the Board that the required Compensation Reports will be posted on the district website by October 1, 2023, in compliance with the required statute.

• Dr. Sutton and Dr. Polson discussed Technology Department staffing.

• Dr. Sutton shared an update on the rental agreement with the DuPage Regional Office of Education (ROE) for Old Mill School Campus.

• Dr. Sutton shared that per board policy 2:140, there were no communications with the Board this month.

Communications/Public Participation on Non-Agenda Items: None

Miscellaneous/Unfinished Business: Mr. Williams shared an update with the Board on the proposed IASB resolutions that will be voted on during the Triple I Conference in November.

Motion #10: Motion to Adjourn

Motion by Mr. Lange, second by Mr. Frangidakis to adjourn the Wednesday, September 27, 2023, Board of Education meeting.


AYE: Frangidakis, Lange, Ruffolo, Triantafillos, Williams, Bollig, Castillo


NAY: None…Motion #10 Carried.

The regular Board of Education meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.




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