Tina Charron, Ward 3 Alderwoman | City of Waterloo
Tina Charron, Ward 3 Alderwoman | City of Waterloo
City of Waterloo Beautification Committee met Sept. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
In Attendance: Chairman-Tina Charron Committee Members-Jim Hopkins, Joel Vogt, Gary Most, Kyle Buettner, others in attendance Russ Row, Matt Buettner, Nathan Krebel, Mayor Stan Darter, Robbie Sensel (Waterloo Auto Body), Jose Mata and Mrs. Mata (Tequilas Mexican Restaurant)
Agenda Item #1: Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items: None
Agenda Item #2a: Application for Beautification grant for 946 Park St. Waterloo-Waterloo Auto Body Repair. Nathan Krebel shared pictures with the committee. A new entrance door will be added, windows and an awning. Kyle Buettner made a motion to accept the application as is. Gary Most seconded. All in favor to accept the application. 5-0.
Agenda Item #2b: Application for Beautification grant for 835 N. Market St. Waterloo-Tequilas Mexican Restaurant) Kyle Buettner shared how he feels this application is similar to Dietrich banks application and it is the building owner that is applying, not the chain. In that discussion it was noted that Mr. Mata has a cooperation for his business. Nathan Krebel then shared pictures with the committee. It was noted that some of the material is not code and would have to be reconsidered. Mr. Mata agreed to look at the accepted material per code. Also, it was mentioned that Mr. Mata apply from his business cooperation for Tequilas and reapply for the grant. In the new grant application, the approved materials would be added as well. Mr. Mata will be reapplying for the Beautification Grant under his cooperation and also make sure all materials to be used will be code approved.
Agenda Item #3: Comments – None
Motion made by Gary Most to adjourn the Waterloo Beautification Committee Meeting. Kyle Buettner seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm