
South West Illinois News

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

City of Waterloo City Council met Sept. 16

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Mayor Stanley T. Darter | redits City of Waterloo

Mayor Stanley T. Darter | redits City of Waterloo

City of Waterloo City Council met Sept. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Darter at 7:30 p.m.

2. The following Aldermen were present: Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Most.

3. Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Stan Darter.

4. Correction or Withdrawal of Agenda Items by Sponsor. None.

5. Approval of Minutes as Written or Amended.

Approval of the August 19, 2024, City Council Meeting Minutes.

Motion made by Alderman Vogt and seconded by Alderman Most to approve the August 19, 2024 City Council Meeting Minutes as presented.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Most voting ‘aye’.

6. Petitions by Citizens on Non-Agenda Items. None.

7. Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other City Officers.

A. Report of Collector - Shawn Kennedy

The Collection Report is in the packet.

Motion to accept the Collection Report was made by Alderman Row and seconded by Alderman Hopkins.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, and Kyle Buettner voting ‘aye’.

B. Report of Treasurer – Brad Papenberg

The Treasurer Report is in the packet.

Motion to accept the Treasurer Report was made by Alderman Matt Buettner and seconded by Alderman Hopkins.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, and Vogt voting ‘aye’.

C. Report of Subdivision Administrator – Nathan Krebel. No report.

D. Report of Building Official – Roberta Rohwedder. The report is in the packet.

E. Report of Building Inspector / Code Administrator – Brad Yearian. No report.

F. Report of Director of Public Works – Tim Birk.

The IEPA Construction Permit Notice has been received, and the new water main installed on Third Street can now be tested.

G. Report of Chief of Police. No report.

H. Report of City Attorney. No report.

I. Report and Communication by Mayor.

1. Certificate of Commendation Presented to Joe Dugan in Recognition of Dugan Woodworking’s 50th Anniversary. Certificate of Commendation Presented.

2. Certificate of Commendation Presented to the Waterloo Piranhas Swim Team for their First Place Finish at the 2024 Kaskaskia Swim League Conference Meet and Finishing the 2024 Regular Season as Undefeated Champions.

Certificate of Commendation Presented.

3. Approval of Estimated Travel Expenses for Alderman Trantham to Attend the IML Conference in the Amount of $2,730.70.

Motion made by Alderman Hopkins and seconded by Alderman Charron to approve the Estimated Travel Expenses for Alderman Trantham to Attend the IML Conference in the Amount of $2,730.70.

The Aldermen voted as follows:

AYE – Hopkins, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, Vogt, and Matt Buettner.

NAY – None.

ABSTAIN – Trantham.

ABSENT – None.

Motion Passed by a vote of 7/0/1/0

4. Approval of Estimated Travel Expenses for Alderman Most to Attend the IML Conference in the Amount of $2,077.04.

Motion made by Alderman Row and seconded by Alderman Kyle Buettner to approve the Estimated Travel Expenses for Alderman Most to Attend the IML Conference in the Amount of $2,077.04

The Aldermen voted as follows:

AYE – Row, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, and Kyle Buettner.

NAY – None.


ABSENT – None.

Motion Passed by a vote of 7/0/1/0

8. Report of Standing Committees. None.

9. Report of Special Committees. None.

10. Presentation of Communications, Petitions, Resolutions, Orders and Ordinances by Aldermen. None.

11. Unfinished Business. None.

12. Miscellaneous Business.

A. Consideration and Action on Full-Page Ad to be placed in the 2025 Visitor’s Guide in the Amount of $2,200.00 (discounted 60% with Membership and Advertising Bundle) to be paid out of the Hotel / Motel Tax Fund.

Motion made by Alderman Charron and seconded by Alderman Trantham to approve a Full-Page Ad to be placed in the 2025 Visitor’s Guide in the Amount of $2,200.00 (discounted 60% with Membership and Advertising Bundle) to be paid out of the Hotel / Motel Tax Fund.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, and Trantham voting ‘aye’.

B. Consideration and Action on a One (1) Year Commitment at the Builder Level of $10,000.00 to Monroe County, Illinois Economic Development Corporation.

Motion made by Alderman Most and seconded by Alderman Matt Buettner to approve a One (1) Year Commitment at the Builder Level of $10,000.00 to Monroe County, Illinois Economic Development Corporation.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, and Row voting ‘aye’.

C. Consideration and Action on Waterloo Beautification Application from the RWS Group for Waterloo Auto Body, located at 946 Park Street, in the Amount of $11,840.00. Motion made by Alderman Vogt and seconded by Alderman Charron to approve the Waterloo Beautification Application from the RWS Group for Waterloo Auto Body, located at 946 Park Street, in the Amount of $11,840.00.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, Kyle Buettner, Row, and Most voting ‘aye’.

D. Consideration and Action on a Special Event Permit Application for Trunk or Treat to be held on Thursday, October 31, 2024, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., to include the Street Closure of Main Street between Third Street and Mill Street.

Motion made by Alderman Row and seconded by Alderman Most to approve a Special Event Permit Application for Trunk or Treat to be held on Thursday, October 31, 2024, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., to include the Street Closure of Main Street between Third Street and Mill Street.

Motion passed unanimously with Aldermen Row, Most, Vogt, Matt Buettner, Hopkins, Trantham, Charron, and Kyle Buettner voting ‘aye’.

13. Discussion of Matters by Council Members Arising After Agenda Deadline. Alderman Hopkins complimented the Chalk-A-Lot Art Festival and urged individuals to consider attending the event next year.

Alderman Trantham mentioned that the Waterloo Park District has completed their Efficiency Report. The report will be emailed to all aldermen. Also, a dedication ceremony for the military statues commemorating the Korean War and Afghanistan War will be held at Lakeview Park on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at 10 AM.

Lastly, he thanked the Zoning, Building, and WPD divisions for addressing specific issues in Ward 2.

Alderman Most likewise acknowledged the efforts of the Zoning, Building, and WPD departments in addressing the concerns voiced by constituents. He also reminded everyone about the Optimist Club Blue Army Bull Bash on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at the Monroe County Fairgrounds.

14. Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Matt Buettner and seconded by Alderman Vogt. Motion passed with a unanimous voice vote.

Mayor Darter adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m.
