In September, 2022, Roger, Rick, and Diane Hottenrott of Basic Industries were recognized for their 51 years of service to the Village of Hecker. | Village of Hecker | Facebook
In September, 2022, Roger, Rick, and Diane Hottenrott of Basic Industries were recognized for their 51 years of service to the Village of Hecker. | Village of Hecker | Facebook
Village of Hecker Board of Trustees met Dec. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
(1) Call to order by presiding officer
a. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States
(2) Roll Call
(3) The reading of the journal of the proceedings of the last preceding meeting or meetings, and correction and approval of the same, unless dispensed with by the Board of Trustees and correction of the journal of the proceedings of previous meetings.
a. Reading of Minutes
i. November 12, 2024
(4) Treasurer’s Report
(5) Reports and Communications from the Mayor and other Village Officers.
a. Mayor
i. Santa Visit
b. Clerk
(6) Visitors
a. Citizens with petitions and concerns on non-agenda items
b. Other Visitors
(7) Reports of Standing Committees
a. Cemetery
b. Police/EMA
c. Public Works
i. JULIE Update
ii. Utility Billing GWorks Update
iii. Sewer
iv. Water
1. Water Tower Recoating
d. Parks and Recreation
e. Street
f. Zoning
(8) Reports of Special Committees
a. Business License Committee
(9) Presentation of communications, petitions, resolutions, orders, and ordinances by the Board of Trustees.
a. Ordinance Levying the Taxes for the Current Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2025
b. Ordinance Amending Section 1-4-1 of the Village Code Regarding Official Salaries
(10) Unfinished Business
(11) Miscellaneous Business
a. 2025 Liquor License Approval
i. Hecker Community Center, Inc.
ii. Back Street LLC