Susan Harbaugh - Red Bud City Mayor | City of Red Bud
Susan Harbaugh - Red Bud City Mayor | City of Red Bud
City of Red Bud City Council met Nov. 4.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The City Council of Red Bud, Randolph County, Illinois met on Monday, November 4, 2024, at 6:00 P.M. at the Red Bud City Hall, Council Chambers.
Members Present: Mayor Susan Harbaugh, Ben Schwartzkopf, Curt Guebert, Mike Rheinecker, Bill Hanebutt, Jeremy DeMond, Rodney Nevois, Kyle Donjon, Alan Piel
Members Absent: None
Others Present: City Attorney Rebecca Cooper, City Superintendent Josh Eckart, Code Admin./City Engineer Jeff Mueller, Police Chief John Brittingham, Administrative Officer Jill Landgraf
Others Absent: City Clerk Joanne Cowell
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to Order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Harbaugh
III. Roll Call by Deputy Clerk Jill Langraf
IV. Approval of Financial Statements
Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Nevois to approve the Financial Statements as presented and file for audit. The vote was as follows: Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye. Motion carried,
V. Approval of Estimated and Listed Bills
Motion made by Council Member Rheinecker, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt to approve the estimated and listed bills. The vote was as follows: Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye. Motion carried.
VI. Consideration of any Additional Bills
There were none.
VII. Correspondence, Public and Guest Comments
There were none.
VIII. Consent Agenda—Items Originated at Committee Level
Please note: Items with ** were removed from the consent agenda.
Consent Agenda – Items Originated at Committee Level as Indicated in ( )
A. Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes from October 7 and 21, 2024
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
B. Approval of Grocery Sales Tax – Ordinance No. 1551 (Finance)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
C. Approval of RMA Insurance Renewal as Presented (Finance)
Authorization of approval to accept the Risk Management Association invoice for the Work Comp, Auto Liability & Comprehensive General Liability, Portable Equipment, Auto Physical Damage and Property Insurance for January 1, 2025- 2026, for $240,074, taking advantage of the discount by paying before December 13, 2024
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
D. Approval of 12-Month Elevator Service Contract Agreement from Kohn Care (Finance)
Authorization of approval to accept service contract agreement with Kone Care for a 12-month elevator maintenance agreement for $3,768
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
E. Approval to End Jill Landgraf’s 6-Month Probationary Period, Effective October 19, 2024 (Personnel)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
F. Approval to Appoint Jill Landgraf as FOIA Officer (Personnel)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
G. Approval to Purchase Dodge Durango Pursuit Vehicle from Ed Morse (Public Health & Safety)
Authorization of approval to purchase a 2025 Dodge Durango Pursuit Vehicle from Ed Morse Chrysler for $43,081
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
H. Approval to Accept Grant & Authorization to Purchase Seven Tasers from Axon Enterprise for $36,002.40 and Follow the Payment Structure as Presented (Public Health & Safety)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
I. Approval of Request from St. John’s Lutheran to Allow Vendors at Craft Fair on November 16, 2024, from 10AM-3PM (Cultural)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
J. Approval for Red Bud Musketeer Booster Association to Collect at the Four-Way Stop on November 22, 2024, from 2PM-5PM, Pending Certificate of Liability on File (Cultural)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
K. Approval for Santa’s Village to Collect at the Four-Way Stop on November 29, 2024, from 2:30 PM-4:30PM, Pending Certificate of Liability on File (Cultural)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
L. Approval of Red Bud VFW Post 6632 to Collect at the Four-Way Stop on May 23, 2025, from 3PM-7PM (Cultural)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
M. Approval for Bryon Schlueter’s Step-Pay Increase to $22.38/Hour, Effective with Pay Period Starting November 27, 2024 (Public Works)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
N. Approval to Accept Succession Plan to Allow for Advertising, as needed (Public Works)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
O. Approval of Proposal from Vandevanter Engineering for Blower Maintenance & Replacement of Check Valves, NTE $5,500 (Public Works)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
P. Approval of Proposal from Vandevanter Engineering for Vertical Turbine Pump Replacement, NTE $43,000 (Public Works)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
Q. Approval of Request from Red Bud History Museum and Parks Committee to Place Wm. Melly Memorial Stone at Ratz Park, as presented (Recreational Facilities)
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Piel, to approve under the omnibus designation, the consent agenda items A through Q. The vote was as follows: Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye. Motion carried.
IX. Reports of Standing Committees, Departments and Other Committees, Boards & Commissions
A. Finance Committee - Meeting October 21, 2024
1. Maturing CDs
The two maturing CDs were approved for renewal at the October 21st
Special Council Meeting.
B. Personnel Committee - Meeting October 21, 2024
Nothing to report
C. Public Health & Safety Committee - Meeting October 21, 2024
Nothing to report
D. Public Works Committee - Meeting October 21, 2024
1. Ordinance No. 1552 – Gas Department Flame-Resistant Clothing & Equipment Policy
Motion made by Council Member Guebert, seconded by Council Member Nevois, to authorize approval of Ordinance No. 1552: “AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A FLAME RESISTANT CLOTHING & EQUIPMENT POLICY.” The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye. Motion carried.
E. Zoning Committee - Meeting October 21, 2024
Nothing to report
F. Cultural Committee - Meeting October 21, 2024
1. Request from St. John the Baptist Catholic School to Collect at the Four Way Stop on November 22, 2024, from 8–11 AM
Motion made by Council Member Schwartzkopf, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to authorize approval of the request from St John the Baptist Catholic School to collect at the four-way stop on November 22, 2024, from 8-11AM. The vote was as follows DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.
G. Recreational Facilities – Meeting October 21, 2024
Nothing to report
H. Planning Commission – No Meeting
Nothing to report
I. Economic Development Commission – Meeting October 23, 2024 1. Eric Huggins, LLC Façade Grant Application
Motion made by Council Member Reinecker, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to authorize approval of the Eric Huggins, LLC Façade Grant Application for $8,000. The vote was as follows: Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye. Motion carried.
2. Friess Façade Grant Application
Code Admin. Mueller said loan amounts could be a little higher or lower, depending on actual construction costs. Council Member Schwartzkopf questioned whether drawings and pictures were included in the façade grant applications, per city requirements. Mueller said he had sent out the pictures and drawings were a gray area depending on project.
Motion made by Council Member Reinecker, seconded by Council Member Donjon, to authorize approval of the David Friess Law Firm Façade Grant Application for $900. The vote was as follows: Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye. Motion carried.
3. Loan Program Revision
Included in the packet were the revisions to the City of Red Bud Economic Development Revolving Micro-Loan Program Policies and Procedures Last Revision: August 5, 2013, and the Revolving Loan Application, for review. No action necessary.
J. Parks and Recreation Committee – Meeting October 2, 2024
1. Ordinance No. 1553 – Park reservation Fee Waiver for Not-For-Profit Organizations, Schools, and Churches
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Nevois, to authorize approval of ORDINANCE NO. 1553: “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE IX CHAPTER 93 OF THE CITY OF RED BUD CODE OF ORDINANCES 2021 PERTAINING TO PARKS” to waive reservation fees for not-for-profit organizations, schools, and churches. The vote was as follows: Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye. Motion carried.
2. Red Bud Athletic Association Lease Amendment
The wi-fi had been disconnected at the sports complex. The lease is being amended to reimburse the RBAA for the six months (January-March and October-December) cost of wi-fi.
Motion made by Council Member Donjon, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to authorize approval of the Red Bud Athletic Association Lease Amendment, as presented. The vote was as follows: Schwartzkopf, aye; Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye. Motion carried.
X. Old Business
XI. New Business
A. Accept Resignation of Rebecca Koopman from the Library Board
Motion made by Council Member Rheinecker, seconded by Council Member Guebert, to authorize approval of the resignation of Rebeca Koopman from the Library Board. The vote was as follows: Guebert, aye; Rheinecker, aye; Hanebutt, aye; DeMond, aye; Nevois, aye; Donjon, aye; Piel, aye; Schwartzkopf, aye. Motion carried.
B. Review of November Calendar
No changes
C. Other Comments
D. Adjournment
Motion made at 6:11 P.M. by Council Member Guebert, seconded by Council Member Hanebutt, to adjourn the meeting. The vote was as follows: all ayes. Motion carried.