Tamaroa 1st and 2nd grade’s classroom Christmas party 2023 | Tamaroa Grade School | Facebook
Tamaroa 1st and 2nd grade’s classroom Christmas party 2023 | Tamaroa Grade School | Facebook
Tamaroa Grade School District 5 Board of Education met February 18.
Here are the agenda provided by the board:
1. Roll Call / Call to Order
2. Acknowledgement of Visitors
3. Approve Minutes of January Board Meeting (Open and Closed)
4. Approve Payment of Bills
5. Approve Treasurer’s Report
6. Closed Session
○ For the purpose of appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees
7. Return to Open Session
○ Possible Action on Closed Session Topics
8. Unfinished Business
○ SI Wave Contract
9. New Business
○ Accept Retirement Letter
○ Accept Tri-County Resolution
10. Superintendent Report
○ New Grants
○ Vacation Request (June 23-June 27)
○ Family Night February 27th
11. Maintenance and Transportation
○ Asbestos Update
○ After-School Janitor
○ Summer Help
12. Other
13. Adjournment