Doug Garmer, Alderman - Ward I | City of Columbia Website
Doug Garmer, Alderman - Ward I | City of Columbia Website
City of Columbia City Council met Feb. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the council:
A. Call Meeting to order
Mayor Hill called the City Council of Columbia, Illinois to order at 6:30 PM.
8. Rollcall
Present: Aldermen Niemietz, Huch, Holtkamp, Riddle, Khoury, Lawlor, Nobbe, and Hitzemann.
Absent: None.
Quorum present.
Administrative Staff present:
City Attorney Terry Bruckert
City Administrator Douglas Brimm
Deputy chief of police Karla Heine
Chief of police Jason Donjon
Director of lT James Mitchell
Director of public works Mike Sander
Deputy clerk Kelly Mathews
EMS chief Kim Lamprecht
City Engineer Chris Smith
C, Pledge of Allegiance
Those-in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
D. Proclamations/Recognitions/Presentations
There were no proclamations, recognitions, or presentations.
E. Public Input
There was-no Public Input
F. Comments & Announcements -Mayor
Mayor Hill wished the Columbia High School Cheerleaders good luck as they head to compete in the State finals.
G. Comments & Announcements -Aldermen
There were no Aldermen Comments & Announcements.
H. Comments & Announcements - Department Directors
There were no Department Directors Comments and Announcements
I. Consent Agenda
City Administrator Brimm read the Consent Agenda.
1. Motion to Approve Minutes of the January 21, 2025 Regular city council Meeting
2. Motion to Approve Closed Session Minutes of the January 21, 2025 Regular City Council Meeting
3. Motion to Approve payment of vouchers for the period of January 16, 2025 through January 29, 2025 totaling $300,485.61
4. Motion to Approve special Event permit-NOFA Jeep Army Hike-A-Thon (May 3, 2025)
5. Motion to Approve special Event permit-FestiFall (October5, 2025)
6. Motion to Approve special Event permit -Halloween Hi-Jinks (October 25, 2025)
Mayor Hill inquired if the Council wished to remove any items prior to a motion. There were none.
It was moved by Alderman Nobbe, and seconded by Alderman Hitzemann, to approve the Consent Agenda as read.
Motion Passed.
Roll Call Vote results:
8 Aye: Niemietz, Huch, Holtkamp, Riddle, Khoury, Lawlor, Nobbe and Hitzemann
0 Nay:
0 Absent:
0 Abstain:
I. Unfinished Business
1. Discussion on the Columbia Municipal code update
Mr. Brimm announced the City received the legal review of the Municipal Code from Municode. Mr. Brimm asked the Council to review and provide feedback before the March 14th deadline.
K. New Business
1. Discussion of Approach to Building, Subdivision, and zoning code updates
Mr. Brimm announced the 10-day filling for the City of Columbia Comprehensive Plan has passed and the Comprehensive Plan is now official. Mr. Brimm asked the Council to review the building, subdivision and zoning code and consider creating a unified development code. The unified development code would put all three titles into one group and make them more accessible, and reduce the likelihood of conflicts arising in the future as codes are amended. After a brief discussion, Mr. Brimm stated he will work with John Brancaglione with PGAV Planners to prepare a task order for Mr. Brancaglione's assistance with this initiative.
L. Closed session
Mayor Hill informed the Council that he would entertain a motion to go into Closed Session to discuss: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the Use of the Public Body, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) Setting of a Price for Sale or Lease of Property Owned by the Public Body, and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Pending, Probable, or Imminent Litigation
It was moved by Alderman Lawlor, and seconded by Alderman Khoury, to direct the Mayor to go into Closed Session at 6:45 PM to discuss 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5), 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6) and 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)
Motion Passed.
Roll Call Vote results:
8 Aye: Niemietz, Huch, Holtkamp, Riddle, Khoury, Lawlor, Nobbe and Hitzemann
0 Nay:
0 Absent:
0 Abstain:
Mayor Hill called the Regular Session of the City Council back to order at 7:43 PM. Upon return to Regular Session, Aldermen Niemietz, Huch, Holtkamp, Riddle, Khoury, Lawlor, Nobbe, Hitzemann were present.
M. Announcements
There were no Announcements.
N. Adjournment
It was moved by Alderman Niemietz, and seconded by Alderman Khoury, to adjourn the Regular City Council meeting held Monday, February 03, 2025 at 7:44 PM.
Motion Passed.
Roll Call Vote results:
8 Aye: Niemietz, Huch, Holtkamp, Riddle, Khoury, Lawlor, Nobbe and Hitzemann
0 Nay:
0 Abstain: r 0 Absent: