Vicki Koerber, Commissioner | Monroe County, IL Website
Vicki Koerber, Commissioner | Monroe County, IL Website
Monroe County Board of Commissioners met Feb. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The meeting of the County Commissioners of Monroe County, Illinois was called to order at 8:15 a.m. by Chairman George E. Green.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman George E. Green, Commissioner Vicki Koerber and Commissioner Doug Garmer were present.
Others present included State's Attorney Ryan Webb, County Clerk Jonathan McLean, Deputy Clerk Kara Etherton, Sidney Horn, Ambulance Director Carla Heise, Zoning Administrator Chris Voelker, Supervisor of Assessments Dawn Goff, Treasurer Kevin Koenigstein, County Engineer Aaron Metzger, Scott Woodsmall with the Republic-Times, and Sheila Wetzler.
Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular Board meeting on February 3, 2025. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Chairman Green asked for public comments. There were none.
Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the consent agenda. The following items were on the consent agenda:
1. Approval of the 2025 Monroe County Arts Alliance Courtyard Bandstand Application Request.
Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
2. Approval of the 2025 Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by Danny Schwartz-Farmers Insurance.
Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
3. Reappointment of Clyde Heller to Discover Downstate Illinois for a term of two years to commence on January 1, 2025, and expire on December 31, 2026. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Resolution #25-10
Motion to approve the consent agenda was seconded by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Alicia Emmerich presented the monthly non-financial nursing home report. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the non-financial report. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Alicia Emmerich presented the nursing home monthly financial report and the nursing home monthly claims report for January 2025. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the financial reports. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the invoices of $10,000.00 or greater. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve the County monthly claims report. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Under unfinished business from the previous meeting, County Clerk Jonathan McLean presented amendments to the expense reimbursement policy. There was a question concerning the 75% reimbursement on the first and last days of travel. The Clerk clarified that this is an IRS requirement and that the first and last days of travel are not considered full travel days. Commissioner Garmer made a motion to approve. Second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Ordinance #25-3
There was discussion on the Miscellaneous Expense Policy and Credit Card Policy Resolutions. All Commissioners agreed that they were not ready to vote on this and that more discussion was needed. Commissioner Garmer made a motion to table the issue. Second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
The ordinance to Remedy Existing Flag Lot Parcel Access was brought up again. Zoning Administrator Chris Voelker stated that he had reached out to the Planning Commission to set up a meeting to discuss this with them. A meeting had not been set up yet and it was decided that no further discussion on this matter would be necessary until that meeting occurred. No action was taken by the Board.
Treasurer Kevin Koenigstein and Supervisor of Assessments Dawn Goff appeared before the Board to give an update on the 2023 and 2024 tax cycle. The Treasurer stated that the 2023 tax cycle is almost complete and there are fewer than two hundred parcels that have not been paid. The tax sale is set for February 26, 2025. Treasurer Koenigstein also stated that the 2024 tax cycle was already underway and assessments have been mailed out to taxpayers and published in the Republic-Times. Supervisor of Assessments Dawn Goff was asked by the Board how she is settling into her new job. She stated that things were going well and that her office is currently handling the assessment complaints and that the deadline for filing a complaint concerning those assessments is March 14, 2025.
Zoning Administrator, Chris Voelker appeared before the Board to discuss an approval of a floodplain variance for Daniel Rahe, Parcel ID# 06-23-100-002. He stated that the Board of Appeals unanimously voted to approve the variance. Commissioner Garmer made a motion to approve the variance. Second by Commissioner Koerber. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
Ambulance Director Carla Heise presented a billing services agreement between EMS Management & Consultants and Monroe County Ambulance Service. After looking at the document, State's Attorney Ryan Webb stated that there were some changes needed in the wording of the agreement before it could be approved. No action was taken by the Board. Director Heise also provided the Board with a patient transport report.
State's Attorney Ryan Webb requested approval for Chairman Green to execute a quitclaim deed for conveyance of property from the Monroe County Health Department. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
County Engineer Aaron Metzger brought three resolutions before the Board. The first resolution was 2025 County Aggregate Maintenance Program. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Resolution #25-11
The next resolution was 2025 Road District Aggregate Maintenance Program. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Resolution #25-12
The last resolution was for Access Control Authorization for the Proposed Rogers Street North and Country Club Lane Realignment and Rose Lane Extension Improvement. Commissioner Koerber made a motion to approve. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried. Resolution #25-13
As there was no need for a closed session, Commissioner Koerber made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Second by Commissioner Garmer. All voting Aye. None Nay. None Absent. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:59 a.m. The next Board meeting will be on Monday, March 3, 2025.