Tonya Hedges earned $93,900 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a public service administrator, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Richard Wessel was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Mary Johnson was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Aj Schmid was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
John Heidinger earned $75,700 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources as a public service administrator, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Shawn McGady was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
There have been 409 confirmed coronavirus cases in Perry County as of October 20, with 16 deaths linked to the virus, according to data from the state Department of Public Health (IDPH).
Kurt Heidel earned $109,600 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional sergeant, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Five Star Industries, Inc. received a Paycheck Protection Program loan for between $350,000 and $1 million on April 28, according to the US Treasury Department.
Christopher Hedgpeth earned $107,800 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a corrections senior parole agent, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Angsutorn Hefley earned $82,700 during 2019 working for the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency as an environ protection specialist, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Ambur Emrich was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Karl Heinecke earned $176,500 during 2019 working for the Illinois State Police as a senior master trooper, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Thomas Hopkin was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Sherry McVey was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Norman Heffelfinger earned $158,200 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional sergeant, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Miguel Luna was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Katina Cowan was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
James Davis was ranked in the 89th percentile among public employees in Illinois in terms of pay in 2019, according to data gathered by the Illinois Comptroller Office.
Willie Hedden earned $81,000 during 2019 working for the Illinois Department of Corrections as a correctional sergeant, according to data provided by the Illinois Comptroller Office.